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Old 07-26-2015, 11:50 AM   #101
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I welcome this update as long as the stats of the items are appropriately set. It will help to nullify the existing imbalance between dragon amulet users and the rest of us. For those saying that this update will make people quit, I would hazard a guess that the majority that would have a problem with this update would be existing dragon amulet users; especially the ones who paid $$$ for them.

I think it is a great idea to offer items with such high potential for free. No Ximerin involved (directly), simply playing the game can grant you these items. That is a great thing for a F2P MMORPG to offer.

Granted there is also the issue of realm balance, in particular Alsius in Haven and the amount of coins they are currently collecting on a weekly basis. Alsius have been the dominant realm for a while, including since the new fort reward system was released. I'm assuming that most of them would have enough for 2 or 3 pieces of jewellery instantly. I think the key to this is not to make the items too expensive so that realms with less coins can also buy some as soon as the content goes live.

I have all 6 classes WarMaster and play all of them regularly. So for anyone else like me who does play all 6 classes we are talking about 6*((125k*2)+250k)=3,000,000 coins. Even with WM coins x2 booster that is 1.5 million coins and the requirement to buy a booster on each character. It took me 2 months to collect 60k coins on one character under the new reward system with realm balance as it is (which was pretty quick considering). So an example for myself would be 1 month = 30k coins. This equates to over 8 months per character (with booster) for Syrtis/Ignis to collect enough coins to have 1 amulet and 2 rings. People are saying the items are too cheap?
[ShadowForce > WM Barb] -- [Asahi > WM Hunt] -- [Shadow Force > WM Lock] -- [Juicy Lucy > WM Conj] -- [Vulcan Raven > WM Marks] -- [One Knight Stand > WM Knight]
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Old 07-26-2015, 12:55 PM   #102
Join Date: Mar 2013
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@Shadowforce +1

One more thing - guys, update isnt even live and the server has come alive like nothing ive seen before. Been playing for around 4 years, the past few days have been amazing war after war after war.

Really nice NGD - you've found something to really promote war. Must keep the jewelry, just tweak it for balance reasons etc.

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Old 07-26-2015, 02:56 PM   #103
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Nerf dragon amulets to 40-30 dmg and make WMC amus 20-25 dmg , Lower the price of wmc jewels or this update gonna be a big fail.

And what about champions jewels , any plan for champion jewels?
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Old 07-26-2015, 03:15 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by Piroca View Post
Nerf dragon amulets to 40-30 dmg and make WMC amus 20-25 dmg , Lower the price of wmc jewels...
Indeed, I expected something like this, that would be good solution.
A better world.
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Old 07-26-2015, 03:18 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Piroca View Post
And what about champions jewels , any plan for champion jewels?
I dont think they'll become attainable, it was only for the event
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Old 07-26-2015, 04:30 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
I dont think they'll become attainable, it was only for the event
I don't think so either unless we get TDM again, but the stats on them aren't so great now...Should get a buff to be just a little better than the WM stuff.
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Old 07-26-2015, 04:36 PM   #107
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So looking at the jewelry and comments... taking into account the years I've been with Regnum, plain and simple. The game NEEDS diversity.

What do I mean by this? Glad you asked...

How many players have the SAME build and play the SAME playstyle and use the SAME item builds (more damage, more damage reduction, more etc. dependant on class)? Yup, just about everyone.

So. I like how you brought several amulets and rings. I love how they are accessible to every realm. And I crave the future direction. My concerns as well as others, the systems do need revision. Lower the WM coin cost of these so people can obtain and have some goals/pride (1 week should suffice, given players usually play 3-5 hours when playing, so 20 hours for an item should be rewarding and challenging).

To fix realm inbalances, let's tweak it up a bit. Going on a stretch but let's make the jewerly bought from Realm Points (let's use it actually, c'mon!) And grant the top 10 RP collectors of each realm a 1 week period with the WM jewelry (even better stats of the RP jewelry) and the RP gets reset weekly. The jewelry goes to the top 10 accounts so if you have 3 champions in it then it would be the first 13 skipping your other 2 and the jewelry is acount stashable, expires in 1 week.

Thus we diversify the game, promoting use of every system, and give weaker realms still good items to try and play more for them.

For the current RPs, we can make a special Ximerin promotion or grant the top 10 players of each realm a master gem, the top 11-25 a repair hammer, and 25-50 can get a duel banner. Or something.

Bottom line. 1. I like the direction with more diversity and new content. 2. It is about time we incorporate RP into a reward system.

Last edited by Mehran; 07-26-2015 at 05:12 PM. Reason: Going to Suggestions.
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Old 07-26-2015, 07:10 PM   #108
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This will absolutely be the nail in the coffin of Haven if theres not something done about the realm imbalance. At the moment 91/100 on rankinglist for wmc is alsius with 1-30 been able to make the full amount you need to become WM on a moday-sunday period if a booster is used otherwise it would take doubble the time, maximum of 16days i woild guess, The topranks making 260-300 000 wmc in the same timeperiod (with booster)

The last 67 wishes (yes wishes not invasions) IN A ROW have been alsius. so 33times they could have wished for wmc. And our dear golden dragon isnt cheap when it comes to handing out those wmc's to the people.

Ive been there during the Ignis nightcrew wrecking havoc, ive seen the #GoatsOnStrike and all the countless other things that our realms have done to eachother during our powerspikes but never was anything close to whats going on during 2015
This is also the first time where it actually matters how balanced the realms are cause of the rewards forts/invasions/wishes gives.

As a dragonamulet owner im ofcourse not allowed to take part in discussions about anything concerning any type of jewlz. But since i know how strong the dragonamu is ill try anyway.

All the complaints about today's jewllery when Haven have around 25-30 active amulets split between the realms. imagine when the new content is released and the realm that have been able to do whatever they please for months already, are the only ones that can buy these items at start.
They are not as strong as a dragonamu but they are 40 elemental instead of 50 and 200hp instead of 250. Which still makes them extremely powerful.

If they were to release WMcontent today. Just counting the WMC you have been able to earn since we got the rankinglists for coins.

Ignis would have three players who could buy the amulet if they had used boosters. no one would have obtained enough without.

Syrtis got two who could buy if boosters were used. no one would have obtained enough without.

Alsius would have four people who could buy amu straight up. If the same players had boosters during this time they can buy 2 rings aswell.

With boosters. Alsius would add 26 amulets and 10 rings if today was releasedate. damagewise that should equal around 17-18 jizzulets.....

And they just got release on amun, so there will be atleast another 1-2 months before we get to see them on Haven so im sure the numbers above wont be even close to correct if this keeps going in the same speed.

just my 5cents on the current situation

Mysha Long (Retired)
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Old 07-26-2015, 07:13 PM   #109
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People complaining with some very pathetic argument.
This is the best solution NGD can do about jewelry, give everyone the chance to get it. Nerfing old ones is impossible.
The only problems are :
1 * Realm unbalance : in haven alsius will get a lot of wm jewelry.
Solution : the price of jewelry should depend on realm population and activity ( ex 300k amulet for alsius, 200k syrtis , 150 ignis).
2 * more dmg but same protection...
Increase protection : improve all def spells for all classes including warlock. Adding hp will reak the game.
3 * marks with jewels is the stupidiest and retarded class.
Instance kill for mags
Nerf or remove dead eye, and make rechrgable arrow a buff with range reduction.
My marks with jewelry had more base dmg( with rech arrow 709-749) than my barb now.
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Old 07-26-2015, 07:20 PM   #110
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Realm balance is the biggest issue for Haven atm, yeah. And I agree that full jeweled marks = pain in ass for everyone. NGD can change that... just rework recharged arrow and dead eye and make it fixed dmg (+50 piercing for example)... not +% dmg :P we all know how dmg calculations works in CoR the other thing is that fulminating needs to be removed with this update.

Look at marksmans... dead eye +30% dmg, recharged arrows +40% dmg, dirty fighting +30% dmg, passive from lb +10%, wm hunt spell +10%, owth +15%, bless weapon +15% and tons of dexterity buffs... cmon :P 800/900 normals ^^

and btw... i remember ignis nightcrew invasions... ignis had like 20-30 wms while both syrtis and alsius 5 ^^
"There was a time above... a time before. There were perfect things... diamond absolutes. How things fall... and what falls... is fallen."
CoR Soundtrack | SUGGESTIONS: Outdated spells | 2h weapons | Other suggestions Siwy

Last edited by Sentan; 07-26-2015 at 07:37 PM.
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