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Old 06-02-2017, 05:59 PM   #21
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I will be honest too then!

Horus (i really HATE name Haven for many many reasons) is truly unique and it was even more unique when it started. Back then there was more teamwork, brotherhood and fun.

Why it is missing now?

With so many changes game become more selfish and reward oriented. Before main reason to play was FUN and now it is WMC, drops, RPS. I remember when i grinded that mob spawn was nice and it was beneficial to grind in parties. It bringed so much fun and it made progression so less painful. As i plus i made friends and comrades. When i grinded at PB1 with like 15-20 syrtis there was XP for everyone and the chat was all jokes and laughts. Ignis and Alsius come there to fight us and it was so fun.

What is the situation now...

Grind in party is impossible and there are hardly any mobs for one player to grind. If there is second third player on the spot they got to argue, move and so on. Where is teamwork on this? Mobs regenerate when they come back lol why was this implemented...

Do you remember Piz's comic in pages when he journied to war zone and went Algaros? Do you? I know you want to sell premium boosters, but believe me you will sell them anyway and you will create more healthy and close community as it was back then.

Pre-invasion game was more fun and spells was more dis balanced, but there was counters of nearly every spell and things was fun. Then you nerfed protection dome and terror chain spam rose up. Then you nerfed terror and barb areas become op. Then you removed tremor, then you nerfed steel skin and heals and so and so on. Then you disabled cast on move and made things so much dull for mages. Then more spells was changed and setup choices was even less and less.

I can say some things are more polished now, but back then game was more fast placed, there was more freedom and less rules and it made things more fun. You put so many rules and constrains...why why why...

Think about the things you changed with the years and reconsider what choices was good and what was bad. Rollback fix and make regnum really great again.

Now lets talk about bugs!

There are bugs that date 3-4-5-6 years back and was never fixed. We made threads put them together, reproduced them and so on. Nothing... One of the most notorious bug is when FPS drop down to zero when someone is stuck on obstacle. This ruins the game for everyone around. Was it fixed well nope.

Now lets talk about spells and setups.

There are so many useless spells and there are so many spells that was made useless. We never use those, because they are so bad. What happened to Time Master, what happened to Tremor, what happened to Splinter, Crystal Blast, Blaze. Well noyone uses them in war and rarely in grind. Back then they was on nearly every mage setup.

Fix and balance spells and make setup combinations more. I can say for example on conju there are 1-2 options for support setups. I bet every class is like that. Before there was 2-3 types of support conju, 1-2 types of enchanters, several types of warjurers.

Movement and mechanics...

Dizzy on horse dismount, stop to cast, stop to shoot, stop to hit, and so and so and so on. Do you think we enjoy this choppy gameplay? I do not think anyone enjoys it.

Make if fast fluent and fun for every class.

Now about rewards....

Before there was RPS which was meant for ranking. They was pretty useless and only several people was abusing them to boast how good they was in rankings. Then you implemented WMC. It was a good move and this new reward is useful coz it is connected to progression. But RPS stayed - why why why it was more smart to convert RPS to WMC and move along. This way ranking will be dynamic and more fun, because you can spend your points....

Then you decided to boost fort wars and made WMC gained only at forts... This practically killed all open wars on Horus, because everyone wants WMC. And if someone caps a fort everyone is like - stay at fort so we get WMC. Oh my god such a disaster! Even more when we get farmed we stay away from forts so we do not give WMC to farmers. Then you decided to lock WMC until we invade or take a gem. Oh lol who tough of this rule damn it!

Sigh so much rules, make so big mess...

Simplify, remove complexity, obey K.I.S.S and you will be golden.

Now invasions...

If i can i will eradicate this code burn them, berry them, throw them in a volcano and feed the infected chicken with this idea.

This mechanic made people crazy and pushed them to the limits i want to forget. It still makes people fight empty realms and kill NPC's every single day to get rewards which they do not deserve...

I feel sad i feel angry and engrossed...


Adrian we are thankful for all of you for this game. But seing that it is empty, and sad and how things what we love are gone makes us sound angry and nasty.

We still love you, but you need to sit down analyze and do the right thing to save this server!


You need to look at Piz's comic more, because this is what Regnum is!


Peace and i really hope this time we reach to you.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 06-02-2017 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 06-02-2017, 06:04 PM   #22
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I agree with Kimihari Ronso.

But the thing is, that i see almost EVERY update you do, is 90% built for ra to become even better, and not even SEEN how it would affect the other server that is HAVEN.

That last invasion update, lets see here,

First off there is no realm chat in Ra, and many are non 60 or non wm, so they dont have any chats other than clan and general or party.
So, it was extremely hard to make or tell people to go for gem clicking, because you had not much communication, even if you use wm it would not be able to tell the non wm's which hold a majority.
So the problem was that there was lack of communication and team work to send people to get to clicking gems, which required 10, and a party would not hold 10 people.
So what did you do? You made another way of being able to take gems out which was EASILY done by not many but 3-4 barbs and 1-2 conjus or a knight. THIS was WELL WITHIN a party, so basically a party alone can now take a gem. So that thing was successful on Ra.

BUT did you see what happened to haven because of it? NOW when sometimes there is an invasion of less than 10 people, before the update THEY COULD NOT TAKE ANY GEM, REGARDLESS OF the resistance from the defending realm, BUT NOW, the 7-8 people that invaded an empty realm without resistance, CAN TAKE BOTH GEMS EASILY AND EARN 1K WMC.
And this encouraged invading even more, now people dont even need to see if they have 10 or no, they just invade, and even with the 5 mins timer thing, it helped quick invasions in Haven even more.
That invasion update was disastrous for Haven's balance.
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Old 06-02-2017, 06:24 PM   #23
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Adrian do you know that back in the days there was people like PrettyKitty (which got banned for a thing she was not guilty) and all this people do was grind and help people grind.

They liked to grind, they liked to help and they liked to talk to people. They was the real helpers of the realms. Where are they now? Gone... Why? I will leave this to you.

I spend so much hours grinding with Pretty Kitty and all she want was to talk to her and give an item she can use.

It is sad this guys and gals are gone. They was epic despite they never went to war or bosses.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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Old 06-02-2017, 06:28 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
There should be rewards for logging in each day, there should be daily solo quests with rewards, there should be things that you can do ALONE, when no one else or not many on. Then it'd be worth to log in for me every day.
The reward options are endless, magna, WMC, Champions coin, Boss gear fragments or dragon gear fragments that can be assembled to obtain the original drop, even dragon weapon materials, really, you only need to use your imagination....
Could be a good use for the realm task boards for lvl 60 players, eh? (also erase the outdated mobs from those)
Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
new mounts with different speed
PLEASE NO don't need hunters with a mount twice as fast as mine so they can run even futher
Originally Posted by ieti
Now invasions...

If i can i will eradicate this code burn them, berry them, throw them in a volcano and feed the infected chicken with this idea.

This mechanic made people crazy and pushed them to the limits i want to forget. It still makes realms fight empty realms every single day to get rewards which they do not deserve...

I feel sad i feel angry and engrossed...
Invasions should be the next step to this war! Why bother taking the forts over and over again when in the end you can't even scratch the great realm walls? If you are worried that low level players could get ganked by invading morons I propose a mechanic that all <Lvl 40 players cannot be attacked by and cannot attack enemys n their realms.
Dragon wishes now don't give that great rewards... (i really like the activatable scavenger gem though ) nearly everone has their sets of dragon armour now... It's all about the WMC wish now wich can only be wished once a week anyways.
Originally Posted by Adrian
As I said, we are facing a month of bugfixing and later on we will have a Roadmap for the rest of the year. In order to bring new users to the game we need to make the first levels enjoyable. How? With the best thing this game has: RvR. Squid Island needs objectives like the real Warzone but not as complete, of course: you will have to want to get to the higher tiers of the gameplay.

At the same time, Clans will be reworked as they are key in retention as well. After we achieve this, we will make the first marketing campaign in a long time. We will have something big to show (Soul Monger) as a hook and also the low level gameplay done, which can't be used as a hook. It is there because it should be!
NGD is on a good path right now, frequent updates, new game mechanics like crafting etc. They have really stepped up their game (literally) and I am glad to hear that you will finally start a marketing campaign again! Will this include Germany? Or do you have to reanimate gamigo for this task ? The Soul Monger is a good addition to the game, rounding up the whole Runestones storyline. In my opinion this Questline should now be the primary questline in every realm and as such get an overhaul too

My two cents.
Good old times.
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Old 06-02-2017, 07:07 PM   #25
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Wow this thread blew up whilst i was asleep,

Ok first Thank you Adrian for replying to the thread.

Also this isn't a thread for fixing haven or offering up fixes its to talk about the problems that the server is facing. I agree with adrian that the attitude to RO on ra and Haven is dramatically different. The spanish server has maintained a healthy population (excluding ex-haven players) throughout its life span (now 10 years 12 including beta). Also i feel for adrian that any time he talks about this we just bombard him with demands. Ra IS fine their model works on Ra why do they need to tailor a system that COULD break Ra (thus forcing the game to close since Ra is the main earner) and potentially wont do anything to fix haven?

Here are the things we know:

People on haven at some points in the day can invade with less than a full party.

Haven attitude to RO and Ra attitude to RO is dramatically different.

pre-60 is awful unless you're experienced enough to make it work for you (i quite happily war on a level 33 conj)

Gear drops from bosses and boss events draw crowds because items and good gear such as those from bosses is near impossible to obtain unless from a lucky boss.

NGD is a small operation that can't just implement demands on a daily basis.

NGD are currently working on:-

Originally Posted by Leily View Post
A player asked about whats next

This month we will be fixing all possible bugs and annoying things so the game reaches a much better and polished state. At the end of the month we will make the Roadmap for the rest of the year, where the first item will be a combination of Clans and War in ZI-ZM with Squid Island.

We plan on making small updates several times during the month. We are going to fix very few balance issues because we always need deep analysis and we prefer to use time for frustrating things like mistakes that have been there for years.

Everything in its time, the important thing is to move forward.
which i think we can all agree needs doing so they can't just put a 5 man team onto our demands for haven.

Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
At the same time, Clans will be reworked as they are key in retention as well. After we achieve this, we will make the first marketing campaign in a long time. We will have something big to show (Soul Monger) as a hook and also the low level gameplay done, which can't be used as a hook. It is there because it should be!
I think we as a community can add to this, how many of you know RO players that don't play any more outside of the game? I know at least a few dozen people. Remember why we even played this game was the community. I propose we as a community create a reunion event get everyone on even if just for a day and play the shit out of some Regnum. Even if it's only for a day we can at least say we tried something other than blasting demands at ngd every opportunity.
Matrim Cauthon

Last edited by Matrim; 06-02-2017 at 07:21 PM.
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:01 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
You're just saying obvious things. We're not here to discuss what to do or not, but to understand why. For the things to be done, there are threads to do so and discussed to the top.

It's easy to point out what's wrong. It's even easier to give ideas that have been said millions of times and everyone including us agrees on.

But do you know what's not easy? Find self-criticism. Lately we've been doing that as much as we could. But not on a fatalist way, just facing it and continuing doing what we can.

Who cares about a long TO-DO list and the magical words about features that obviously would solve every problem in this old game? Sadly a lot of people. Well, let me tell you: it's not about the ideas. We have them, we love them, we know them all. It's about the manpower, the timing, the variables of the big picture, the support you have and how the tides of the unpredictable masses move.

Haven's problem is not about the updates being built for Ra and all those fallacies. Haven's problem is having only one solution: that the community hangs on until we can reach there: to that point in which we can actually move forward. But for now we're picking up the pieces of a game that has gone through a lot of transformations, trial and error, that for sure it is our responsibility, but dwelling in the past is not what I want. If I mention it is for all of us to understand what happened and what is going to happen.

So, sorry to be blunt and maybe harsh: please cut that crap about you-have-no-ideas and that depressing you-only-care-about-Ra tone. And most of all, polluting a debate about reasons with obvious actions.

PS: I think this post can go for almost everyone that posted before this post of mine. If you got offended by it, please leave the thread. If you're ready to discuss it like it is with real commitment to self-criticism, then let's continue. And I'm not angry: being truthful is sadly misunderstood with anger, hence the status of our society :P
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Old 06-02-2017, 09:07 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
You're just saying obvious things. We're not here to discuss what to do or not, but to understand why. For the things to be done, there are threads to do so and discussed to the top.

It's easy to point out what's wrong. It's even easier to give ideas that have been said millions of times and everyone including us agrees on.

But do you know what's not easy? Find self-criticism. Lately we've been doing that as much as we could. But not on a fatalist way, just facing it and continuing doing what we can.

Who cares about a long TO-DO list and the magical words about features that obviously would solve every problem in this old game? Sadly a lot of people. Well, let me tell you: it's not about the ideas. We have them, we love them, we know them all. It's about the manpower, the timing, the variables of the big picture, the support you have and how the tides of the unpredictable masses move.

Haven's problem is not about the updates being built for Ra and all those fallacies. Haven's problem is having only one solution: that the community hangs on until we can reach there: to that point in which we can actually move forward. But for now we're picking up the pieces of a game that has gone through a lot of transformations, trial and error, that for sure it is our responsibility, but dwelling in the past is not what I want. If I mention it is for all of us to understand what happened and what is going to happen.

So, sorry to be blunt and maybe harsh: please cut that crap about you-have-no-ideas and that depressing you-only-care-about-Ra tone. And most of all, polluting a debate about reasons with obvious actions.

PS: I think this post can go for almost everyone that posted before this post of mine. If you got offended by it, please leave the thread. If you're ready to discuss it like it is with real commitment to self-criticism, then let's continue. And I'm not angry: being truthful is sadly misunderstood with anger, hence the status of our society :P
Haven pure cancer anyway bby
Haven ~ Daggers/Miles Long *Retired*
Ra ~ Cloaks/Elongated
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Old 06-02-2017, 10:29 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
Well said,

Like i said we're just here to discuss why haven is considered to be so bad when Raven and Piranha were really REALLY enjoyable. I do think community is a top reason in this. I can't give myself a holier than thou pedestal i'm just as guilty for bashing NGD for not doing this or that in chat or frankly just raging on someone. But ultimately i do have a soft spot for this game. I think the clans update is a MAJOR step in the right direction, it shows that NGD know our community is actually the focal point of the game for most of us and key in retaining new players (when i set up my clan for the steam new comers i actually bought all those that got to 30 a mount.)

On the bright side i made a new account for my girlfriend who's never played the game before and she seems to be enjoying it so far. in her words "Honestly, I actually really like it. I only started playing it at first cause it's really important to you, but now I genuinely do enjoy playing it."


So we've identified fault on both sides NGD and a lot of trial and error in the past and we the community who really didn't want to give the time for issues to be fixed or things to be implemented. I quit about 2 maybe more years ago before the real decline of Haven, mainly because i found another game i can play that me and monday enjoyed and we decided to invest our time in that instead of Regnum.

However i haven't retained any friends from that game like i have with Regnum.
Matrim Cauthon
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Old 06-03-2017, 01:15 AM   #29
Elva Hunter
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
Originally Posted by Matrim View Post

I will try be short and tell the reason why before we had low population and the server was fun and now with still same or more active population the server haven is not that fun.

the answer which i have well settled in my mind since a long time, and i thank to matrin for raising a thread which gives opportunity to explain this, can be found in the war master quests.

Before my friends, you remember that the wm quest was kill 30-20 enemies in anywhere in wz.

Due this, if there had a disbalance in the population, there was not problem, because evenw with the enemy Realms taking our gems, the group or even the single player online in the defending Realm, still had something to do while online, which was, search across the map for enemies alone and kill them. this was used to keep the server fun, because everyone who wanted to finish the quest, was not restricted to a fort war, and so, fall in the problem of populational disbalance, or then be a mage and cant take a fort alone, etc, because even if the player was a mage/ranged class, his progress in the game were not limited.

Plus we could enjoy the wonderful landscapes from RO, and know more about the map...in short....Enjoy....indeed....the map and the game.

With the changes in the war master quests, the decline of the fun, and consequently of the servers, has begun. Because now, the only way for you evolve in the game decently, buying war master jewelry, becoming a war master, and even crafting weapons, is participating in fort wars to gain war master coins, because the hunt in it self, was killed, When the war master quests were changed, to compel the players to be in forts, forcing everyone to do something that

First, it's not much fun.

Second, it is tiring.

Third, is subject to many more variables, especially those related to the number of players in each kingdom.

In the deep, in the really deep, this is the answer for your question Matrin, and the root of the problem which we have atm.

It can be solved? ofcourse...easyly. Make 20 of 20 quest can be completed in anywhere in war zone and dont create advatages between playing in a fort or playing in hunt.

This last 2 days ive tried invade alsius 2 times, in both times the invasions started due a small hunt...me and a friend hunting, the group growing more and more and naturaly we ended up in a fort war. Just like as before in Raven times.

But the way the war master Quests are at this moment, we are compelled to go to a fort/castle fight, even if we do not want to, or if we do not have conditions, and this....ofcourse....Is not fun.

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"

Last edited by Elva Hunter; 06-03-2017 at 01:25 AM.
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Old 06-03-2017, 02:32 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Elva Hunter View Post
Elva makes a good point, but.

I think the issue now is that fixing the problem isn't as easy as just turning on the wmc quest to be credited anywhere. (i also believe you shouldn't get credit to the quest but maybe just a bit of wmc because RP is just a hollow number and actually going to fort war is part of the game).

Because that doesn't fix the problem of there is no one there to kill. However it's a good step in my opinion but opinions are like assholes everyone has one.

So from here i would ask Adrian, Is global credit for quests to reward hunting something that NGD CAN do or is willing for Haven to have.

Then i'd have to ask the community if that's something they'd agree would help. I think that Realistic requests like this aren't unreasonable. However I think we need to see how this clan update and marketing hits and brings in new (and old) people to RO.
Matrim Cauthon
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