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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

View Poll Results: Please select the option which best describes your location and system...
European player, Windows 2000 / XP, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 6 7.89%
European player, Windows Vista, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 0 0%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 1 1.32%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 0 0%
European player, Other Linux Distro, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 4 5.26%
European player, Windows 2000 / XP, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 6 7.89%
European player, Windows Vista, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 4 5.26%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 11 14.47%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 2 2.63%
European player, Other Linux Distro, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 4 5.26%
European player, Windows 2000 / XP, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
European player, Windows Vista, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 2 2.63%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
European player, Other Linux Distro, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
European player, Windows 2000 / XP, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 3 3.95%
European player, Windows Vista, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 0 0%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 1 1.32%
European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 0 0%
European player, Other Linux Distro, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 2 2.63%
non-European player, Windows 2000 / XP, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 3 3.95%
non-European player, Windows Vista, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 1 1.32%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 1 1.32%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 0 0%
non-European player, Other Linux Distro, Nvidia GeForce 5xxx or slower 0 0%
non-European player, Windows 2000 / XP, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 9 11.84%
non-European player, Windows Vista, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 4 5.26%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 2 2.63%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 0 0%
non-European player, Other Linux Distro, Nvidia GeForce 6xxx or faster 3 3.95%
non-European player, Windows 2000 / XP, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 3 3.95%
non-European player, Windows Vista, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 2 2.63%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
non-European player, Other Linux Distro, ATI Radeon R3xx or slower 0 0%
non-European player, Windows 2000 / XP, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 1 1.32%
non-European player, Windows Vista, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 0 0%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Gutsy/Hardy), ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 0 0%
non-European player, K/X/ubuntu (Dapper/Edgy/Feisty), ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 0 0%
non-European player, Other Linux Distro, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster 1 1.32%
Voters: 76. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-19-2008, 04:37 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by trash
Righteousness to a whole new level. I actually liked you when we first met.

I'm always up for a new World Record . From the moment you post a thread on a given subject, you cannot expect people not to reply. By the way, a thread with the similar content as my reply was made in the Spanish forum here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=25292 and commented by niclam who acknowledged the problem (also in other threads, like here: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=25302).

Originally Posted by trash
You're right, I'm wrong, Regnum's unplayable, we're all gonna quit tomorrow etc. Feel better?
I would like to, but we can't both be right, it's logically unsound, if I say: "Everyone has the same code, the code has performance issues" and "We all play on the same server, the server has some performance issues" and you say "I have no issue at all". Either you play at times there is no lag at all (circumstantial) and for client issues you have to play in small resolution and not go to Herbred often when you have 40 raging Syrtenses and tons of visual effects because I do not know *anyone* who doesn't suffer from a framerate drop when this happens (even after you go to save and the Syrtenses are gone), and I talked about that with about everyone. Znurre lives very close to the datacenter and *he* experiences lag.

Now about the possibility of you having the one computer setup with no memory leak (you would still suffer from server side lag), it's a matter of faith I guess. I've always been a non believer and a skeptic .

I never talked about crashes, I think there are far far fewer crashes than before and that the client as extremely progressed on that matter (but unveiling other problems).

Originally Posted by trash
Apologist? You really can't believe that I don't have a problem, I have to simply be being sympathetic. I pity you.
I'm not only referring to this thread, in general you are one of the few who cannot bear with critics whether they are constructive or destructive. At least I get that impression from reading you. Maybe I'm wrong but just as you have the impression from my posts that I'm a total jerk, maybe you're wrong too (and maybe we're both right).

Originally Posted by trash
I'll go and sign in anyway, maybe if I kick the f**k out of my case it'll crash and go slower to satisfactorily meet your infalible view on things. It's incredibly rude of me and the other people who have voted not to have a problem I know.
I've never talked about crashes, but slow-downs yeah. Obviously it depends on the in-game actions you have.

Originally Posted by trash
Well, really, out. I thought that someone might have said something supportive, intelligent or interesting, then I saw your user name, but foolishly I read your comment anyway...
I guess we all have our faults then
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:49 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by magnet
I'm saying "how long" regarding the playing sessions. Does he play at fort wars for 2 hours without the FPS value going down to a point where it's unplayable?
For the record I'm also playing Regnum under Ubuntu with a monster PC.
sorry, I'm not a native english speaker ... or reader
afaik he can play no matter how long (6 hours in a row) no matter if conquering forts or levelling alone - and of course he has a monster PC too
I've never heard from him about regnum being unplayable...(only from myself when enabled particle effects)
Blaine (barbarian), Lyra (hunter), Naku (warlock), Bivoj (knight), Yu Niu (conjurer), Radegast (marksman)
<:::(°_°) ::::::::::::||===) \(°l°)/ (===||::::::::::::(°_°):::>
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:56 PM   #23
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European player, Other Linux Distro, ATI Radeon R4xx or faster

(Madrid, slackware 12.1, ATI Radeon X700 SE)
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:00 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Blaine
sorry, I'm not a native english speaker ... or reader
afaik he can play no matter how long (6 hours in a row) no matter if conquering forts or levelling alone - and of course he has a monster PC too
I've never heard from him about regnum being unplayable...(only from myself when enabled particle effects)
The thing is that the FPS slow down happens only if you have a lot of encounters with players drown and visual effects, a good example is hours of warring at Herbred.

I play with a AM2 6000+ X2, 2GB of gamer (low-latency) ram, GeForce 8600 GT with 256 MB of Ram, SATA harddrive. When I think of my old PC, it was very slow to play Regnum, felt like a movie from the 20's. With this new PC in comparison it's very fast -- but it goes slower as I play.

Ask him to use Alt-I to get the FPS value when he starts the game, then at Herb, and if the value goes down.

NGD has acknowledged the game to the point that the next version (already there on Amun) has (with Alt-P) a "gameplay ping" value which measures a factor of server lag+FPS. With that we will be able to compare the actual performance of everyone.
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:26 PM   #25
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Well to actually be on topic:

European player, Vista, 6xxx and up (8600) Nvidia Geforce.

Most of the time I experience little or no lag.

If I am grinding, I can happily grind without any major lag until the cow's come home - The only time I will lag, and it will only be small lag, in this case will be if it is at peak time's when there are 750+ player's on.

When I'm at fort war's I will normally be fairly lag free, e.g. ~20 / 30 FPS. It's only after I've been at these war's for awhile that I will start to lose FPS / get spell lag and will need a relog.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 06-19-2008, 05:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by magnet
NGD has acknowledged the game to the point that the next version (already there on Amun) has (with Alt-P) a "gameplay ping" value which measures a factor of server lag+FPS. With that we will be able to compare the actual performance of everyone.
Tested on my poor IGP geforce 6100... quite accurate :
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:52 PM   #27
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European player, Kubuntu, 8.04 Hardy
Ati Radeon 9250 Gamer Edition

no lag, only in enormous group fights like forts where are tons of people (samal). just fps drop down, solved with relogging. fps usually green, sometimes even blue.
didnt vote because didnt find my option (r200)

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Old 06-19-2008, 07:44 PM   #28
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European player, Debian 4.0 (r2?)
Intel i945GM
512MB ram
Lag only when arriving to a fort and the client draws the picture into my screen.

Ubuntu 7.10
Radeon 9200SE
256 MB ram
The game runs smoothly untill the ram is full completly. Fort figths are completly unplayable.

Server side lag (spell lag, positioning lag etc.) happens when there are a lot of users online.

Summa: i dont have big problems with lag.
Panem et circenses!
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Old 06-19-2008, 08:08 PM   #29
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Like Elrik said, Location has very little, perhaps possible almost nothing to do with lag. Niclam said that lag breaks down into 2 categories, there is lag that comes from the client code and some of the memory hogging junk ingame, and then there is lag affected by your PC.

Im not going to vote seeing as I don't have a graphics card, *yet* nVidia 6600, really should come anyday now, then I will try the overall aspects again and vote.


Got my card today and everything is the same, no lag, only major lag where there are many resources like towns, if there are alot of resources, (it can even be a small rock) lots of those create this junk kind of lag.

nVidia 6600
Intel Pentium 4
512 MB RAM
I can at least play in fights now 10 on 10.

And fort wars seem shaky, but they work.

Last edited by Rated_R_Edge; 06-21-2008 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 06-23-2008, 08:35 AM   #30
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european player
gutsy 32bit, amd dualcore, geoforce 8600gts + 4 gig Ram - smooooth, lag on forts >40players

gutsy 32bit, amd singlecore, geoforce 8600gts + 1 gig Ram - laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag on hunts >8-10 players, fortwarts 10fps/min
Running Gag,Amenotil F., Gundar F., Jaspis U., Lance Lost, Tinman of Oz. (H,C,W,M,B,K)
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