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Old 02-09-2014, 08:33 PM   #1
7ate9's Avatar
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Exclamation Refusal to change country because I will not give you my private information???

Apparently, unless you don't show your government issued ID you can't request a change of country???

And because I refused to give my personal information, I cannot get my country changed so that I can buy their currency.

I would like to know why, when in 2012 they changed my country without any further request for information.

Edit: In that case, I want to see the IDs of every dev/support worker in the company. :P
Not only is the game dead, but now you can't buy Xim because they don't LET YOU.
No solo el juego está muerto, sino que ahora no podés comprar Xim porque NO TE DEJAN.
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Old 02-09-2014, 09:05 PM   #2
Aries202's Avatar
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Yeah, NGD's system is kinda extreme even when you try to change your email.

Their issue is making sure you own the account, if you ever made a purchase, offer them the last four digits of the card number so they can feel less paranoid if they do attempt to change it.
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Old 02-09-2014, 09:13 PM   #3
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I didn't make a purchase with a credit card*. I'm from Argentina, I moved to the US for a while, I came back.

They changed my country without any issues in 2012, as I said. From Argentina to USA.

Now I'm requesting to put it back to "Argentina", and they ask me for a passport shot.

Are they working for ICE? LOL!

* But I have bought Xim in the past, so I refuse to give up this account because they suddenly want to play Border Patrol.
Not only is the game dead, but now you can't buy Xim because they don't LET YOU.
No solo el juego está muerto, sino que ahora no podés comprar Xim porque NO TE DEJAN.
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Old 02-10-2014, 12:03 PM   #4
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You can continue using your account this way. If you need a change in critical information of your account, we must verify your identity and be sure about it. We won't compromise account security because you don't want to show your ID to us. As many other game publishers do.

Closing this. Re-read the forum regulations, please.
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