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Old 04-21-2014, 03:29 PM   #1
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Default Jewellery and how it affects the game

Hi Everyone,

We replied to a topic in the Spanish forum about in-game jewellery and wanted you guys to participate too. I've read in the past some threads about this but didn't find one recent (and not tainted with personal discussions ) so please, post here your thoughts about jewellery in general. Specially about the imbalance it generates, how player attitude towards gear is affected and the cases when its use is abused.

Thank you!

Last edited by Adrian; 04-21-2014 at 03:30 PM. Reason: details
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Old 04-21-2014, 03:49 PM   #2
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Add jewelry to dragon drops or nerf the items already in game. You really have to do something about it.

Add random bonus rings and amulet drops to regular mobs that have the potential to be just as good as items already in game. You could even make lucky boxes as a cash incentive for you if you went that route. They would sell like hot cakes initially.

Perhaps make the bonuses from jewelry not affected by fulminating or cold blood?
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Old 04-21-2014, 04:07 PM   #3
Rising_Cold's Avatar
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There is not enough jewelry in generall so the difference between boss jewelry players
and ordinary jewelry players is huge

players with jewelry dont even have to be good at their class,
they just have to make sure they wont get knocked
so they can win every fight
(Id love to give great examples, but I have no ammy's/rings to show the difference)

Id like to see the current jewelry nerfed damage wise, preferably by a better armor calculation system
more jewelry to obtain for more possibility / fill up the gap between boss jewelry players and non-boss
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Old 04-21-2014, 04:29 PM   #4
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the problem, generally, is that most damage/armor-calculations are being done absolutely.

For example, let's take some random lvl 60 barbarian and some random lvl 60 marksman in consideration.
Fighting a buffed enemy, the barb will maybe deal ~700 damage, while the marks only does ~150, which is, of course, normal.
Once you equip those two characters with a dragon amulet (+50 absolute damage, increased by dmg buffs like berserk afterwards), the barb will probably deal ~782 dmg now, while the archer gains an immense dmg boost and suddenly deals ~220.
By just equipping one, very rare, item (amu), the archer's damage is increased by ~46%. Especially in duels, this is extremely unfair, giving the enemy without boss jewlery no chance to win, if both players are equally talented.
In the given example, the barbarian's damage is only increased by ~12%.

Many say, just like in the post below this one, it would be best to just take jewlery dmg out of calculation and add it in the very end, so that the dmg by a dragon ammy will always only be 50.
I though think this does not solve anything - 50 damage plus is still way too much in situations where you'd usually only deal < 200.

The problem I am adressing also applies for armor calculation.
(carefully) Changing armor calculation. Absolute armor calculation leads to inbalance since low-dmg players like lvl 45ers or poorly equipped lvl 60 hunters will do very little damage while highly equipped marksmen and barbarians are able to deal immense amounts of damage. I personally think, this will change quite a lot, and balancing might be easier then.
(short example: attacker 1 does 1000 damage, attacker 2 does 180 damage (on an enemy without armor).
  • Let the defender be a mage with 250 armor points which absorbes 150 damage. attacker 1 will deal 850 damage, attacker 2 will deal 30 damage (!).
    + 1 armor point corresponds ~ 0.5 - 0.6 dmg reduction
  • Now let's say 250 armor points would decrease the incoming damage by 15% instead: attacker 1 will still deal 850 damage while attacker 2 deals 144 damage. Wouldn't this be better?!
    + 1 armor point corresponds ~ 0.05 - 0.06 % dmg reduction
If you don't want to work too much, I think re-adjusting dragon amulets would be enough. I do not see such a big problem about boss rings, the difference between them and quest jewlerey is not big.

Are you (if ever) also going to change the already existing amulets/jewlery stuff? I hope so.

Finally, could you please change the lvl of Daen Rha, Evendim and Thorkul to 60? Characters at lvl 60 still do not drop anything of these.

Happy easter

ps. having some items with very high value, like in the current situation, is a good thing for every mmorpg

Last edited by schachteana; 04-21-2014 at 10:57 PM.
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Old 04-21-2014, 04:55 PM   #5
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Just fix the dps calculation to add jewellery damage after any other modifiers.
This will of course be a small nerf to all dps classes or builds, but its essential to keep shit balanced now and in the future.

Create more mid range stuff, that appeals to both dps and other classes.

Balance each significant type of jewellery if you have a 250 hp +50 dmg amulet then there should be a small and medium version as well which is easier to obtain. etc etc

Now you can add droppables, premium and boss jewellery as you please.

OP gear works as incentive to get better equipment for sure, but if its unobtainable for players in one way or an other it can be one more reason to look into better balanced games instead.
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:37 PM   #6
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change the way the armor system works now,back in the day boss gear was not so op as it is now....screenshot lvl 60 knight with warmaster armor thats Very bad to fire 2 daen rings and tenax amulet nerf something
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Old 04-21-2014, 05:58 PM   #7
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Boss jewelry should not be influenced by percent based buffs (berserk, recharged, cold blood, bless weapon etc).

Amulets need to become droppable again, as it is only a select few players have an unfair advantage as the item is way too overpowered and currently unobtainable.

There has been a suggestion for War Master jewelry, where you buy an amulet with either hp or mana for a set amount of WMC. It also comes with an empty socket for gems you also buy from the WM shop which include damage, attack speed, cast speed, armor bonus and such. These can be sold at the new lamai WM npc.

Make all quest jewelry obtainable in every realm.

These 4 suggestions seem to be the most popular, so I'm just gonna leave them here.

This game is too easy
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Old 04-21-2014, 08:17 PM   #8
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as ppl already said, boss jewelry`s (or only amulets) damage should not get multiplicated by buffs...

It could be changed for class atribute, like instead of 50 fire/ice/lighting damage it could be 50 str/int/dex. However this would demand some changes because the damage is different between subclasses.

About rings, personaly it would be nice if Thorkuls damage ring (Power smite ring) had elemental damage, instead of blunt. And this same ring should not have mana boost, it is disbalanced. The mana bonus could be switched with the hit chance or concentration bonus, from the other Thorkul ring (ring of the earth?).

In terms of dropping the jewelry, the current system definetly needs changes.

4 things are definetly necessary:

-All players involved should have the same drop chance. No, the update that was suposed to fix this did not work. We still see that only knights, conjurers and (in dragons) barbarians drop. the other classes dont have a chance.

-Warzone bosses (Evendim, Daen Rha and Thorkul) should be lvl 60. Or at least make the boss items dropable for any lvls (Remove the usual loot, but keep the items dropable). The problem was that people abused of the loots for Realm Tasks, right?

-Dragons should drop amulets again. They do not need to be a common drop. It can be a rare shit, but without them Dragon raids just isnt much of an attraction. And it would be good to drop good items, which some few players have and you wont have any chance of having it in future.

-Dragons should drop 3 items per raid again, as well as Daen Rha, Thorkul and Evendim should drop 2 items per kill again. The update which was supposed to fix the dropping class imbalance made the bosses drop only 1 item per kill. 1 drop per kill is unfair, and make bosses even more ignored, in small servers as Haven. Im sure that it wont be bad to bring back the old drop rate (2/3 drops per kill).
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Old 04-21-2014, 08:29 PM   #9
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No one mentioned that there ain't no boss jewlery for mages, only for physical dmg dealers?
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Old 04-21-2014, 09:09 PM   #10
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Jewellery. It does have a great potential, but it's not really developed in regnum. At the moment, there are tons of useless ones, few decent ones, and two OP ones.
I would love to see more jewellery added. Attack speed, cast speed, mana, hp, movement speed, perhaps even rings/amulets granting unique spells to the character.

At the moment, most jewellery can be obtained from quests. I feel we need dropable ones. However, the chances of dropping them should be similar to epic/legendary gear.

Add some basic jewellery to merchants (or specialized NPC's).

A great addition (suggested before by others) would be having blank slots in rings and amulets, where the current gems could be used.

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