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Old 05-10-2014, 03:21 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2014
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regret-everything is on a distinguished road
Default What I got out of this game

It all started when I introduced my girlfriend to this game. I thought she would hit level 3 and then quit as most do but she actually became quite involved, reaching level 60.

It was kinda nice, coming home after work, and sitting in the same room with her, being able to share my hobby. I thought it strengthened our relationship significantly. We talked a lot more, spent more time together, and generally got along better. I should have known that when Regnum became the topic of conversations 90% of the time that it might be getting too unhealthy.

After a while she overcame her shyness and got used to being on mumble. Now, I'm not the passive aggressive type so I made sure all of those little nerds knew that she was my woman, and that we lived together. She had a few puppy dogs follow her around, but nothing too serious. However, every time I came in the room she would switch to her combat log so I couldn't see what she was talking about in PMs. I didn't think too much about it, I used to have a nervous tick like that when I lived with my parents.

I began to notice that she had been talking quite a bit in private with some guy. Well, one day I came home and she was in the bathroom. I looked on her screen and saw some very... sexual and detailed conversations. My heart started pounding.

I storm to the bathroom door while she's taking a shit and start pounding on it, I screamed "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ" "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING DOING THIS TO ME?"

Silence. She realized what happened. She knew she should have logged off when she went to take a shit. I guess it was fate's way of clueing me in on what the fuck was going on.

She came out after about 20 minutes and told me that she had fallen in love with someone from the game. Let's call him Tom.

Tom lives about 4 hours from us and we had never met, but she later confessed that one of the weekends she spent with her "parents" was actually at Tom's house. She said they had sex, a lot.

I started crying uncontrollably. What was I going to do? We are in a lease contract for another 7 months, how the fuck can I handle this? I went right to bed and locked the door, she slept on the couch that night. Days went by and we didn't talk much, and she slept on the couch. I stopped playing Regnum all together.

I thought I could live out the lease until I heard that she is having Tom over. I fucking flipped. She claimed that she had a right to have people over, just like I did. I had to concede, in spite never putting her through distressing circumstances like this, and let her invite this fucktard over. When he got here I just kind of glared at him to let him know I was pissed and not having any of his shit. He doesn't say anything to me and then they go in the computer room and shut the door.

I got to my bed and start to cry.

Then it starts. I hear them fucking. I start going insane with jealousy, rage, and sadness all at once. I don't know what to do. I went to the kitchen and got two Unisom, took them, and passed out shortly after.

That was last night. This morning, I logged on to Regnum, deleted my characters and changed my password in a crying fit. I then kicked my computer so hard that the heatsink fell off of the CPU and smashed into my video card, breaking it.

I am at a loss in life thanks to a stupid online game. I forewarn you guys not to fall prey to the same cruelty I have to go through.

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Old 05-10-2014, 03:54 PM   #2
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FYI, I am tom.


Last edited by Hollow-Ichigo; 05-10-2014 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:01 PM   #3
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Good story tho. lel

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Old 05-10-2014, 04:17 PM   #4
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your girl still giving it up for regnum stuff?
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:21 PM   #5
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Normally I'd come up with some some snarky comment, but shit man, I feel for you bro.
In any case, it's not the games fault. Regnum doesn't turn people into cheating sluts; they do that on their own. But fear not, if she did that to you, then she will surely do it to the asshole known as "Tom". I knew a Tom once, and he was a bit of a dick. He had a head like a tomato. I don't mind tomatoes, but I can't eat them raw.. pretty weird, right? I can eat them in toasted sandwiches and shit, but not on their own like normal people. Usually it has to go with cheese too, because cheese just goes well with everything. I drink a lot of iced coffee, so I need to be careful to balance it out and not eat too much cheese or it plays with my stomach pretty bad: Too much dairy and all. I don't think I'm lactose intolerant otherwise it'd hit me worse than it normally does. But you know, we all have our problems. I had to take a urine sample at the doctors the other week. They gave me a clear cup and told me to fill it before sitting it in front of this little window in the bathroom. I had brought a permanent marker with me and wrote "Sorry :-(" on the side of the cup before sitting it next to the window and then tapping on it for them to take it. Generally I'd write "Thank you", because I'm nice like that. I take joy in letting people know I appreciate their efforts, no matter what they're doing for me. Even if it's taking a cup of my piss through a tiny window to later perform tests on it. They didn't have to do that, you know? I didn't tell you the story of why I had to take a urine test, and why I wrote "Sorry". I went to the Doctors for a standard check up. I was given a small two-page form to fill out which had a question, "Do you think you are pregnant?". As a laugh, which actually pissed the Nurse off, I wrote "I'm not sure". Being an immature male I found this quite funny, but not to the staff. By law, they must perform a pregnancy test on ANYONE who answers anything to that question that does not confirm their assurance. It also does not state "Only if they are female". Long story short, they made me take a urine test.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, and I used to like courgettes, but not so much any more. It's funny how our taste buds change over the years. I can't even eat cucumber any more, which I used to enjoy in salad sandwiches.

Take care.
Memoize [Knight]
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:30 PM   #6
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Were you by any chance dating S. Turner?
[Horus][Alsius][Pack of bastards] Gendor the Dwarf .lvl 50. [Barbarian]
[Horus][Alsius][Wisdom like Silence] Gendor the Conjurer .lvl 38. [Conjurer]
[Horus][Alsius] Sam da Sella .lvl41. [Hunter]
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:35 PM   #7
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that sucks i guess
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Old 05-10-2014, 04:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by regret-everything View Post
That was last night. This morning, I logged on to Regnum, deleted my characters and changed my password in a crying fit.
I hope you hadn't had any bossmob rings or amulets. That would be great loss.
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Old 05-10-2014, 05:05 PM   #9
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Why are you protecting "Tom" by censoring his real name? Who were they in game? Shame them publicly.
Memoize [Knight]
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Old 05-10-2014, 05:08 PM   #10
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Shame the bitch aswell

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