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Old 11-24-2014, 12:59 PM   #1
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Default Anatomy of Resists

verb \ri-ˈzist\

: to fight against (something) : to try to stop or prevent (something)
: to remain strong against the force or effect of (something) : to not be affected or harmed by (something)
: to prevent yourself from doing something that you want to do

All has been said and done many times and all are aware of them including NGD. And yes hopefully you are going to think about them in your flight plan for Regnum.

But my question is this. Why do we need resists in the game at all? Hypothetically let's say, there are no such things as resists in the game except absolute ones like provided by SOTW, what happens then? Are there any major issues having such a system in place? Every spell works depending on the timing, the setup and the skill of the player. Sure, we all have loved or hated them depending on the situation and how it suits us, most of us are quilty of thanking a few resists here and there when they pertain to our selfish needs and loath them when we are on the receiving end.

Going by the reasoning they are in the game for a bit of luck to be in place to give players a chance or chances, but why do we need luck at all? We already deal with our luck issues with the spells having % chance on them, why is this additional layer of resists needed at all? And when this system massively affects group fights and such it's even more disappointing. Last night, when we were fighting a realm totally outnumbered and getting farmed near our cs, 90% of everything we threw at them were "resists". I don't need to say how disappointing this becomes. And over time, it builds into frustration and lack of interest in the game.

And today, this happened.

I have literally no words to describe. Something needs to be done about this NGD and it's not just about RNG, you will cross that bridge when you come to it in your plan, fine. But I would suggest to look at the resists' system on a global level and (re)think the whole system itself whether if it's even needed in the game. Regnum is a fun game with a lot of diminishing factors which when curbed can further enhance it's value and make it more enjoyable.

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Old 11-24-2014, 01:30 PM   #2
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standard situation.
it's always just like that.
being a conjurer, I stopped using will domain for it gets resisted about 50% of the time.

what I don't understand about this whoe thing: why does an issue, which is obviously so extremely radical, has to get its very own update? why doesn't ngd fix this first and return to it with another update later on? I don't get it. It's also not my business, however.

Anyway: in your video, we can see some ~lvl40 barbarian. Players below lvl 60 don't have anything to say in the warzone anyway. Complete damage absorbation by everyones armor and resists are to blame. If you were playing a hunter in that very video, your enemy would not only have resisted everything, you also would have dealt 5 dmg altogether.
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Old 11-24-2014, 02:26 PM   #3
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I honestly believe that NGD would have fixed the problem of excessive resists if they knew how.
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Old 11-24-2014, 03:10 PM   #4
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Change log 15/06/29.
Main stat of all classes will now effect spell focus with 0.01 percent more.

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Old 11-24-2014, 04:39 PM   #5
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Hate random resist
When u are full buffs and someone resist ur cross
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Old 11-24-2014, 09:14 PM   #6
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The reason for resists having resists/evades are valid. It stops ridiculous chains that no one can escape. If you do away with resists then you also need to consider drastically reducing the duration of most CCs, while keeping the CD the same.

Besides this, resists also allow for some adaptive game play, something unexpected which allows you to react accordingly (or fail to react accordingly).

I do agree though resist rate has increased so much, and the solution is only one the RNG. Resists/evades/blocks/drops are all tied into this crappy RNG and until NGD decide to do something about it, we are stuck with it. There is no adapting to 5/6 spells being resisted in a 1v1 fight, yes, that happened.
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Old 11-24-2014, 10:24 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Awrath View Post
The reason for resists having resists/evades are valid. It stops ridiculous chains that no one can escape. If you do away with resists then you also need to consider drastically reducing the duration of most CCs, while keeping the CD the same.

Besides this, resists also allow for some adaptive game play, something unexpected which allows you to react accordingly (or fail to react accordingly).

I do agree though resist rate has increased so much, and the solution is only one the RNG. Resists/evades/blocks/drops are all tied into this crappy RNG and until NGD decide to do something about it, we are stuck with it. There is no adapting to 5/6 spells being resisted in a 1v1 fight, yes, that happened.
100% agree. There should be resists/evades/blocks, just not at the rate that we're seeing them atm.

And the knight block rate....

Even mobs resist at a ridiculous rate, and grinding takes long enough even if there were no resists at all.

Alsius or nothing
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Old 11-24-2014, 11:45 PM   #8
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I do beleive in what said Awrath but still bullshit when more than one resist, this shouldnt be allowed, we've seen very much time with realm mates and heatnick that sometimes it is just non sense when the enemy resist 2 ambush and 2 ds from two or more different persons, all of this because of some dark side of resist formula... (some people resist a lot more than other ones..?)
Not to mention that is the same for the stupid evades on last hit. So many times enemy ran away with like 50-100 hp...
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Old 11-25-2014, 08:35 AM   #9
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I do agree with Awrath. There are two sides of the coin.
One is that knocks and stuns are resisted way more than other spells. I think it is worse since level cap was raised to 60, because everyone got more constitution, which has some impact on knock/stun resists.

The other thing is you guys do not know what you want.
Originally Posted by Tigerious View Post
I do beleive in what said Awrath but still bullshit when more than one resist...
Asking for things like "its bullshit when more than one resist" is opposite to asking for fix rng. RNG means "random number generator" and not "only one resist generator". Under this I mean that any rng should do sometimes things like 4 resists in a row. Because that's probability - imagine 100 coin flips, you can't demand there won't exist chain of four heads in a row - this is how probability works.

And the last thing funny on this thread is, I can see many barbarians crying here, but not many locks. Why? Aren't resists much bigger issue for warlocks and such classes who do not have such glorious dps like barbs even without direct spells?
A better world.
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Old 11-25-2014, 08:49 AM   #10
Ludwig Von Mises
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I believe they need to bring the resists down a notch. My faint and kick gets rested so many times in a row i've lost count.
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