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Old 07-14-2016, 02:25 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Default Battlezone Calendar - Poll!

Hey everyone!

Today we've launched a new version of the game, and with it, a calendar has been added to the Battlezones' in-game interface, which allows you to precisely learn when will the BZs are going to be available in terms of day and hour.
It even includes a clock that shows the server's local time (GMT 0).

Days, as well as BZ hour availability, can be edited at any given moment. Due to this, this is where you, our users, come into play, to help us define which times and days would be the most convenient for the majority of the players, in a way that it won't disrupt other activities or that you'd feel more comfortable playing at.

I'm leaving this thread open for you to suggest then! Which days and hours would you think work best for Battlezones? Write your opinion down here, and along with the rest, we'll analyze them in order to come up with a calendar that would benefit as many people as possible.
It's also worth mentioning that there are users from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, so you may mention two or more time frames for each day.

As a bonus question, what do you think about tickets? Would you prefer them to be easier, or harder, to obtain? Would you rather have them delivered daily in your in-game mail, or keep it on a weekly basis?

So that's it. Thank you very much for your feedback

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Old 07-14-2016, 02:31 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Herakles is on a distinguished road

With the tickets I think they are fine at the moment,

and it does seem that Regnum seem to be doing the right thing with battlezones, making them at specific times of day (although it could kill wz activity at this time that will remain to be seen)

With the times, my issue is that they are all the same time and starting midnight my time to 8am my time, which basically means unless I want to stay up all night, I can't access that part of the game.

I live in GMT +8

Of course the battlezones should be mostly at the times where most of the people are online, but maybe there could be some variation so other people at least have a chance of doing it. (Maybe some people work a night shift in Europe so can never make them times?)

I would like a GMT 1pm time personally, maybe at the weekend when it's easier for everyone and one in the week
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Old 07-15-2016, 05:10 AM   #3
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Well done with the auction item, it might finally make it used more/more accessible.
You could also consider to add an access npc to the castles though.
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Old 07-16-2016, 04:46 AM   #4
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Herakles is on a distinguished road

Well the first day of battlezones, I stayed up especially to play TDM

Ignis never got enough online to play... So that was a waste. Only need 3 players in the whole of the realm
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Old 07-18-2016, 05:14 AM   #5
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Today was better, managed to play 3 games (although still waiting for Ignis a lot even though they had quite a few online)

It would be nice for a message to come up though if you are waiting in the queue after the time for joining has finished so people don't waste time waiting for a match, after people can't join anymore.
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Old 07-18-2016, 08:09 PM   #6
Elva Hunter
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Im not that lucky with battlezones, please, add a oppition to 1v1 u.u"

one week of test in 1v1 system for we see how it goes would be awesome. (at least to have data of how it would be)

3v3 is good and is working well in haven, but we still rely in a team. 1v1, all you would need to play the game and enjoy your tickets would your will and be online in the days of battlezone.

Who likes to rely in a team would join in 3v3 and who want to try get there by him/her self, would join in 1v1 and try his lucky. Please consider this :/

Best regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.

"in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
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Old 07-19-2016, 04:53 PM   #7
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Today 2 hours of battlezones 90% of the time

3-0-0 no games played at all for anyone

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Old 07-19-2016, 07:27 PM   #8
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lol havens tdm is just going to stay the way it is until ngd can boosted the server pop till then tdm on haven is a dream and a bad 1 at that
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Old 07-20-2016, 04:04 AM   #9
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Personally I gave it up on playing TDM (Haven) for now, I have the will and the tickets, only missing the time to wait out the time it requires a match to happen.

Would be good to get some of the armours, but since the rewads have been lowered, it'd take way too much time to get 60k CC...
/me is wating for the new premium item, called Champion coin booster .
A voice from the past. Faded.
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Old 07-20-2016, 05:37 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Herakles is on a distinguished road

Another day another no TDM...

it was 3-0-0 again most of the time although at one stage we got to 3-1-2

I have a suggestion for battlezones.

At one stage we had 12 people waiting but no enemies to play (not because they don't have enough online just because they don't want to play)

My suggestion is, if there are enough players for a game in total but not enough from other realms maybe you can mix the teams, and fight against people from your own realm. So even if Syrtis doesn't want to play TDM or Ignis doesn't have enough online to do TDM Alsius can maybe fight against each other in TDM?

I have 30 tickets now and can never use them. Some people have over 70 :/. This suggestion might get some more games of TDM done, because it's sad to have a part of the game that the creators worked hard on to make unused.

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