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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 08-18-2016, 08:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4,089
Frosk will become famous soon enough
Default GM and Xim promo coming up this weekend!

Hey everyone!

For this weekend, a 30% Ximerin promo and a GM event that'll give you the chance to win awesome prizes will go live!

The event will consist on simple Find The GM activities BUT, they will include GMs hiding themselves around the warzone, playing one realm at a time.

All those who find the GMs will be rewarded with 2000 Ximerin, deposited in the account where the winning character is included.

Make sure you stay logged in and tuned for any notices, as the find the gm event will be starting on Saturday, from 13 GMT on.

As for the Ximerin promo, it'll be available from this very moment and for all payment methods, until Sunday 21st, at 23:59GMT

As for the rules:
If you found the GM in the first round, you won't be selected as a winner in the second one.
A player is exclusively considered as a winner during the "find the gm" rounds ONLY when he/she gives a valid kiss to the GM, which requires standing less than 10 meters away from him/her.
The GMs will be giving hints about their location through WM Chat in Ra, and Realm Chat in Haven.
Prizes cannot be transferred to other accounts. Please don't compromise the GMs by asking if this could be possible.
Prizes may not be given inmediately, as a revision must always be done as in any event before granting them. Please be patient about it!

Last edited by Frosk; 08-19-2016 at 03:00 PM.
Frosk no ha iniciado sesión  
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