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Old 08-19-2007, 03:23 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default My website


tell me what you think? I hope some of you will stick with it.
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Old 08-19-2007, 05:06 AM   #2
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I like your site! It's the only place I know of to download decent cursors without viruses ! There was one problem with the spinning flail though. The flail has to be under whatever you click on not on it.
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Old 08-19-2007, 02:00 PM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2006
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I am VERY DISAPPOINTED of your site !
first - the name of your site is penguination , indicating that it's a LINUX site, which is not
All your games are playable only on Windows.
This is very misleading.

The trailer to your fantasy game gives us no info at all about the game, no screenshots and above all it doesn't support Linux.

Please, at least change the name of your site to something more appropriate like "Windows gaming world" or "No Linux here".
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Old 08-20-2007, 05:41 PM   #4
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I didnt like it at all..why your site needs apple quicktime plugin for my browser?
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Old 08-20-2007, 09:02 PM   #5
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Leave him alone its a COOL site. If your gonna give him a suggestion why would you be mean to him? Did he scam you on the website? Did he give you viruses? Did he force you to see his website? All i'm trying to say is if you don't like the website remember that he still worked hard creating those things for you to enjoy. No one is forcing you to use them though!
Regnum HQ
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Santas Little Elf lvl 23 Conj Ignus
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Old 08-20-2007, 10:57 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by drumtillyoudrop7
Leave him alone its a COOL site. If your gonna give him a suggestion why would you be mean to him? Did he scam you on the website? Did he give you viruses? Did he force you to see his website? All i'm trying to say is if you don't like the website remember that he still worked hard creating those things for you to enjoy. No one is forcing you to use them though!
He said "tell me what you think?" I just said what i think. I dont really think site is all bad but its not good either.
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Old 08-21-2007, 10:37 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by drumtillyoudrop7
Leave him alone its a COOL site. If your gonna give him a suggestion why would you be mean to him? Did he scam you on the website? Did he give you viruses? Did he force you to see his website? All i'm trying to say is if you don't like the website remember that he still worked hard creating those things for you to enjoy. No one is forcing you to use them though!
a constructive critisism never hurt anyone.

The top part is hard to read soimetimes, contrast stuff

it needs some plugin which made my browser crash

your ratings on games are very misleading. I think you're not too critical. What you need to do is rate graphics, gameplay, teamplay, durability(how long you can play it averagely before it becomes boring) and so on.

It needs some polishing
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Old 08-28-2007, 05:25 AM   #8
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 206
einalex is on a distinguished road

Things that come to my mind:
(please don't feel offended. there are some not so obvious rules to a good website design you will learn with time.)

- you shouldn't have background music. (atleast i can turn it off
- I shouldn't need to scroll a lot.
- you shouldn't underline so much text (people on the internet think of links and try to click on underlined text)
- the thing in the middle of my browser window - read the most important thing on this site is your counter?
- your website should just work for me. i don't want to read an howto on what is in which section. chose expressive names. i'll click on things that are interesting to me.
- you should get directly to the subsection. not via 2 clicks like with most of them.
- how about putting all the newsletter stuff in one subsection?
- you have some errors in your text like
"so if your a gamer" <- you're (you are)
"The 'Penguin Side' is my side were I love" <- who, where | I was, you were - Now who of us two is from the US of A? Reminds me of my english class back in school. I used to mix up there and their.
- but you only have few typos!
- you have large text which is good because even people with bad eyes can read your website.
- I liked the penguins although they have a strange color for penguins *g*
- your website works with linux and not just crappy IE

hm guess I left out lot's of other stuff but I'm real tired by now. Have to catch some sleep.
All in all:
Keep up being creative. You're skills will evolve and you might someday do real amazing stuff (look at that guy with the regnum comics!
Enjoy your childhood (or whatever you guys call your age) as long as it lasts.
Guess my first websites weren't that different. Back in the 90's.
Hope I could be of some help.
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