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Old 11-15-2007, 01:34 PM   #1
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Default The Company of Ghosts Is Recruiting

Apologies in advance if this is the wrong place to post this, it just seemed the best place. The ghosts core membership is loyal and experienced now, but we've been having trouble finding more members who fit what we are looking for, and It would be great to get some new faces involved in the company.

We're looking for intelligent, english speaking (as long as you can understand subjects such as strategy and respond quickly and confidently to chat whilst in combat), polite (this is really important to us) players. Level is not an issue, neither is having characters in other clans, that's fine with us, as long as your enthusiastic and willing to give us a reasonable portion of your time that's fine. We work together across all levels, and help each other train, higher level players quite happily take XP sacrifices training with lower levels players and share what they have learnt. We have a well developed forum, membership to this is mandatory, we use if for all planning, organisation and social discussion. We have various equipment caches, with full detailed lists on the forum, and gold available to help players out.

We do have a voting system to initially gauge whether new members are appreciated by the rest of the company, and whether they will add to it in terms of talent (not level, natural talent) and personality. This is to ensure no conflicting personalities end up making life in the company stressful. But as long as you're a reasonable and polite person who likes working with others there is no reason you shouldn't get to become a full member.

Oh, one last thing, no non RPG style names, no X_'s, no film or TV characters, no band names, no comedy names, no MiXeD cAsE. They don't have to be utterly original, but we do like normal, fantasy RPG user names in the company.

So, if anybody is interested in joining either leave a post here, or contact me in game as 'Trix'.

Thanks for your time.
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

Drunk harlot and master duelist...
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Old 11-15-2007, 01:50 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by trash
We work together across all levels, and help each other train, higher level players quite happily take XP sacrifices training with lower levels players and share what they have learnt. We have a well developed forum, membership to this is mandatory, we use if for all planning, organisation and social discussion. We have various equipment caches, with full detailed lists on the forum, and gold available to help players out.
Apart from these I think you forgot to outline what's the main thing in it for future recruits. Is it to further develop Roleplaying inside Regnum? Is it simply just a band of close friends with restricted clan size and entry? At the moment, all the benefits you've listed would sound quite appealing to many players that meet your recruiting requirements. But they're generic benefits that many other clans would have. The way I'm reading it you've clearly listed what sort of candidates you want but very little on why they should join your clan.

I reckon it's important that you clearly provide your clan's objective or mission statement. I think you've already done that when you first made the clan and announced it in a long distant thread, so it should be repeated here.

Just my tuppence
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 11-15-2007, 02:12 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by amade
Apart from these I think you forgot to outline what's the main thing in it for future recruits. Is it to further develop Roleplaying inside Regnum? Is it simply just a band of close friends with restricted clan size and entry? At the moment, all the benefits you've listed would sound quite appealing to many players that meet your recruiting requirements. But they're generic benefits that many other clans would have. The way I'm reading it you've clearly listed what sort of candidates you want but very little on why they should join your clan.

I reckon it's important that you clearly provide your clan's objective or mission statement. I think you've already done that when you first made the clan and announced it in a long distant thread, so it should be repeated here.

Just my tuppence
To tell the truth alot of the members who have ended up with us have done so because of disappointment in terms of, lack of organization, polite behavior and members, and judgmental unhelpful level hierarchy, in other clans, or in the game in general.

I've genuinely had players say, wow, you actually work together and treat each other with respect here, like we're an advanced alien race...

So I was selling the company from that angle this time.

Trix smiles

Sadly until the war zone develops a little in terms of design I think mission statements are a bit of a hollow promise. But that's back to my other thread I posted recently.
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

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Old 11-15-2007, 11:27 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by trash
no film or TV characters
ohhhh, i hope you dont hate me for that
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Old 11-15-2007, 11:48 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by NightTwix
ohhhh, i hope you dont hate me for that
Well, dunno who NightTwix is, I stopped watching TV like four years ago if it's something to do with that...

Trix smiles

As for *hating* you for it, nah. You'd just never be allowed in the company...

Trix laughs well meaningly

I came from things like quake, and RPG's like the Black Isle series. I like to keep Regnum feeling like an RPG, comedy or gamer names were for death match as far as I'm concerned. I just wouldn't have one myself, and I wouldn't recruit someone with one, it spoils the RPG atmosphere for me.

Granted some people play Regnum like a massive death match arena, in that sense gamer style handles work for some people I guess. I'm not really interested in that, or RP for that matter so...
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

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Old 11-30-2007, 01:00 PM   #6
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Default Ghost Handbooks

~ Volume I: Company Principles ~

We are a group of individuals quite unlike any other to roam the sands of Ignis. We do not seek to acquire countless faceless members, or flaunt our tales of success. We do not prize any of our members unfairly above others, holding them so high in esteem as to discourage those who would follow in their footsteps. We do not hoard our wealth and resources in such a way that it merely gathers dust instead of serving a useful purpose.

We value each member of our group in the light of what they might become in time. A fellow member you save from the clutches of death on one occasion may well save your skin sometime in the future, so mutual respect should be upheld regardless of title or experience. You are not here to exceed the abilities of your fellow members, you are here to grow with them.

~ Volume II: Initiation of Guests ~

To enter the company as a full member, or Shadow, guests must make a good impression on a number of company members, thereby gaining the various member's approval. Approvals and disapprovals are cast by members privately. When enough recommendations have been collected the guest will be approached by a member and informed whether they are to become a Shadow or not. A guest needs five approvals, and no more than three disapprovals to be welcomed fully into the company.

There are various ways a guest can attempt to gain a member's approval; by showing notable talent, style or courage whilst in combat, offering gifts of rare or high quality equipment as a donation to the company, or even just by having an appealing personality or displaying marked intelligence. It is completely up to the discretion of the member in question as to what is required for their approval.

~ Volume III: Titles of Distinction ~

Once a guest has become a Shadow, and then continued to show their worth within the company, various further titles can be attained as a reward for the members dedication and achievements. When a member has been granted such a title, they join the privileged, sometimes referred to as the title holders. The privileged and the founder meet to vote upon decisions and changes that effect the company as a whole.

~ Revenants ~

The first title of distinction a Shadow can be awarded is Revenant, only six company members can hold the title of Revenant at any one time. Revenant's are granted full access to all equipment and knowledge the company has to offer. This title is only awarded when all current title holders and the founder are in agreement about the Shadow who has been nominated, these discussions are carried out in private.

~ Striking Specter, Arcane Apparition, War Wraith and Sage Incorporeal ~

Once a Shadow has been awarded the title of Revenant, they are in a position to be considered for one of these unique titles. The Striking Specter, Arcane Apparition and War Wraith represent the most revered archer, mage and warrior in the company respectively. The Sage Incorporeal has the responsibility of acting as counselor and diplomat, having shown noted ability to resolve disagreements and work effectively with parties outside the company. The bearers of these titles are respected by the rest of the company as masters of their chosen paths. They are only awarded to a Revenant when the founder and any current Striking Specter, Arcane Apparition, War Wraith or Sage Incorporeal are in agreement.

(page torn out)

~ Volume IV: Role of The Privileged ~

Any decisions that effect the company as a whole, including granting titles of distinction to Shadows, or making changes to the ghost handbooks, need to be agreed on unanimously by the founder and all current title holders. These matters are discussed in private and then announced to the other company members when the privileged are in total agreement.

If for any reason a member of the privileged needs to spend some time out of contact with the company, they should inform the other title holders so their vote can be temporarily put to sleep. This means that decisions can still be made by the remaining title holders, until such point the absent member returns, and their vote can be awakened once more.
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

Drunk harlot and master duelist...

Last edited by trash; 11-30-2007 at 01:31 PM.
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:04 PM   #7
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Uh... Just being nitpicky, shouldn't it be Vol. IV, not IIII?

Really neat handbook btw.
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 11-30-2007, 01:16 PM   #8
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You stopped watching TV, but you play a computer ?
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:31 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by amade
Uh... Just being nitpicky, shouldn't it be Vol. IV, not IIII?

Really neat handbook btw.
Shit, your not wrong...

Trix blushes and goes to edit
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

Drunk harlot and master duelist...
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
You stopped watching TV, but you play a computer ?
A computer requires a high level of user interaction and response, a TV involves your brain melting and dribbling out your mouth.

Sorry to sound harsh, I go psycho when ever I spend more than a minute in a room with one...

Long ago I did have cable, after a couple of years I realised I knew the plot lines to every episode of Star Trek TNG... then I realised all the plot lines were identical... then I realised I didn't even like Star Trek in the first place. That's a good example of why I think it's such an evil thing, it's like a drug habit without the high...
Trix "Wraith Brigand" of The Company of Ghosts

Drunk harlot and master duelist...
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