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Old 01-08-2008, 09:35 PM   #1
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Default So tired

Ok, I am so tired of knights which thinks they are barbarians with armor.
Knights are supposed to take damage, not hide in the frontline.

My newyear wish for knights in Alsius:
Play your role, rush into the enemies forces with all your protection activated and thus allow your mates to something useful, instead of standing behind Archers, Conjuers and Warlocks.

You stand there and shout for "terror", but how do you think a warlock can cast terror if he gets it aborted with meteor all the time ?

And, when a warlock gets a terror in, then you are still standing there.
Ofcourse, if you played your role you would go first and cover all your mates so they could use their areas. Now tell me, how many knights in Alsius do this ?

Also, some knights think they are doing a favor by standing far in front of everyone else, but instead of protecting your are making your allies easier targets for terror, by the extra range you provide the enemy.

It's usually me (a barb) who go first and thus allowing others to do useful things.
I don't always do the right things, but I really try to stunn and dizzy people to help my allies, which would instead be a job for a knight.

I am so tired of playing knight and I really hope for a change.
A suggestion for the knights. Look at Aurons, Heglin and some other knigts.

Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:42 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Znurre
Ok, I am so tired of knights which thinks they are barbarians with armor.
Knights are supposed to take damage, not hide in the frontline.

My newyear wish for knights in Alsius:
Play your role, rush into the enemies forces with all your protection activated and thus allow your mates to something useful, instead of standing behind Archers, Conjuers and Warlocks.

You stand there and shout for "terror", but how do you think a warlock can cast terror if he gets it aborted with meteor all the time ?

And, when a warlock gets a terror in, then you are still standing there.
Ofcourse, if you played your role you would go first and cover all your mates so they could use their areas. Now tell me, how many knights in Alsius do this ?

Also, some knights think they are doing a favor by standing far in front of everyone else, but instead of protecting your are making your allies easier targets for terror, by the extra range you provide the enemy.

It's usually me (a barb) who go first and thus allowing others to do useful things.
I don't always do the right things, but I really try to stunn and dizzy people to help my allies, which would instead be a job for a knight.

I am so tired of playing knight and I really hope for a change.
A suggestion for the knights. Look at Aurons, Heglin and some other knigts.

I would argue with that.
But yes, knights are not playing their role at all.
Some changes in the gameplay should be done, but on the other hand, cant learn every1 that had "bad" influence on the start. I had mine from Night Twix, and I think im doing my job quite well, and I try to point out young knights bad behaviors. But hey, we cant controll them all can we?
The Melbourne Shuffler!
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Old 01-08-2008, 09:54 PM   #3
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I am not even playing... maybe I should get back... I love taking damage for my buddies!

Kailer will return, and so many other good Alsius Knights that are away for a while!
<Krishna> <Krieger><Avalancha de Disney >
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:04 PM   #4
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i know im the only syrtis her but hey that kind of crap happens in our realm to and as a conju the only ally speels i been using lately have been vital surrender because i keep on getting jumped while the knights are siting inside the fort sreaming heal so i made my own knight but he is still a noob. AND its about time ppl tell other classes to do their job besidaes conjus danm it i never had a proective spell cast on me by a knight and my noob knight has a buch of shield ally/ and some dome to protect ppl that are realy good and usefull but those idiots only train weapon instead of vanguard and shield
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:46 PM   #5
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I know what Znurre means, and I often see him doing desperate suicide rushes, just to get an advantage for the team. He really does have my respect for that and it would be nice if you listened to him
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:48 PM   #6
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Hmmm, not sure how to respond here... <takes a deep breath>

Not all knights are configured for personal protection nor as damage dealers. Some are specifically setup to buff others with area protections. For those, their role is to stay near the front lines to provide this protection and when the terrors are ready and the timing is right to rush the lines. The problem is there is no way to force anyone to target a specific person or class of people first. Also, knights are one of the slowest classes on the field so it is nearly impossible for us to lead a charge as we snail crawl to the enemy. IMO, knights are simply gimped barbs. Barbs have almost as many HPs as a knight, both around 42-4500. Their mana levels are about the same. The difference is a barb does 4x the damage (yes, you can configure a knight to do about 1/2 the damage as a barb but that's not the point here). If knights are to be the walking punching bags in regnum, then give us twice the HPs of ANY other class, make our repairs bills less (often over 150k per repair), and give is a way to force damage upon ourselves instead of our mates.
__________________________________________________ ___

Now, GIGO, if the knights are sitting inside the fort screaming for heals then is it possible that they have been doing thier job and absorbing tons of damage? Why else are they needing heals? You may also be suprised how many times you've had protection spells from a knight. to my knowledge, the only one that shows I cast on someone else is ethereal mantle. The rest are areas with no indication to the receipient (shield wall, heroic precense, magic barrier, and deflect projectiles are a few that come to mind). My bet is you are getting the benefit but just don't see it in the logs. Of course some of these are broken and don't seem to perform as advertised.
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Old 01-08-2008, 10:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Arkenion
I know what Znurre means, and I often see him doing desperate suicide rushes, just to get an advantage for the team. He really does have my respect for that and it would be nice if you listened to him
desperate rushes?lol thats free rp bu znurre i dont get what u want...u want knights that cast auras soap dmg and rush with aoo or what?
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Old 01-08-2008, 11:26 PM   #8
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Znurre is asking only to return to the times when alsius had a really cool teamplay if I understood correctly.

I saw very often Znurre running against us trying to motivate the others, and I can say ignis knights are doing their job quite well.
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Old 01-09-2008, 12:13 AM   #9
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so what should knights do instead?
stand in the backrow with the thumbs in their ass?

There are long periods in a fort war where all the other subclasses have fun by shooting each other at range.
Its just boooooooooooring to do nothing and watch others have fun.

sure, some can play their role. others switch class or stop playing at all.
Its good to see that knights are still played.
I would never complain against anyones playingstyle (maybe except the rp/xp-leecher Icarus ^^) cause knights are on the lower end of the foodchain. rp wise and fun wise
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Old 01-09-2008, 01:55 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Znurre
Ok, I am so tired of knights which thinks they are barbarians with armor.
Knights are supposed to take damage, not hide in the frontline.

My newyear wish for knights in Alsius:
Play your role, rush into the enemies forces with all your protection activated and thus allow your mates to something useful, instead of standing behind Archers, Conjuers and Warlocks.

You stand there and shout for "terror", but how do you think a warlock can cast terror if he gets it aborted with meteor all the time ?

And, when a warlock gets a terror in, then you are still standing there.
Ofcourse, if you played your role you would go first and cover all your mates so they could use their areas. Now tell me, how many knights in Alsius do this ?

Also, some knights think they are doing a favor by standing far in front of everyone else, but instead of protecting your are making your allies easier targets for terror, by the extra range you provide the enemy.

It's usually me (a barb) who go first and thus allowing others to do useful things.
I don't always do the right things, but I really try to stunn and dizzy people to help my allies, which would instead be a job for a knight.

I am so tired of playing knight and I really hope for a change.
A suggestion for the knights. Look at Aurons, Heglin and some other knigts.

I agree with your observations in general, but personally i think Alsius knights are the best of the 3 realms. Syrtis does have some good ones, and so does ignis, but Alsius has the most.

Originally Posted by ByteMe
The problem is there is no way to force anyone to target a specific person or class of people first.
I find that 'screaming' "KILL THE CONJURORS FIRST!" usually works, with at least some of my team mates. And of course some others make a big frigging deal out of me "Screaming" or "barking out orders", often wanting to engage in debate over the issue DURING battle, thus totally spamming up our comms channels. LOL, i so feel your pain Byte.


Originally Posted by misaccc
desperate rushes?lol thats free rp bu znurre i dont get what u want...u want knights that cast auras soap dmg and rush with aoo or what?
I wouldnt exactly call a dozen charging Knights "Free RP". I'd call it a tidal wave of steel. It's because of those charges that i've made Lvl 5 Caltrips arrow a part of my repitoire of spells. I got sick of my realm mates and i getting over run by the shiney iron clad tanks.
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