another little bit about fatigue
NGD have modified fatigue so that the timer wont start as soon as you log in it only starts after 5 mobs but what if you dont want to train for 4 solid hours what if you want to train for 2 hours then hunt a bit then maybe 2 more after as far as i can tell the time will keep running so how about
the timer will pause 10 seconds after your last kill but will restart agian as soon as you atk a mob, sort of like xp scrolls
i might just be not seeing something or makeing a fool of myslef here as iv not tested this im just going on hotfix info
has this been implemented and if not do you think it should?
PS: can we have a time left counter somewere please? on char details for example also an RP count its very commanly asked for and it can be hard to keep track of your points without one thanks