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Old 03-23-2009, 07:57 PM   #1
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Default Thoughts

This is originally a quote from the Darkfall forums, concerning the game Darkfall.
I think, however, that some points are valid in this community too.
Just posting to see what y'all think.

Originally Posted by NewtonD
Epeen runs rampant in this game and its community. I'd like to point out a few things.

It's a game. Nothing about it is hardcore. We're sitting down when we play it. The mental requirements are not on the level of chess or go. The physical requirements are to stay awake and be able to move your hands. Ping pong is more demanding.

Someone please explain to me from where in this game you're getting the kind of pride that I keep seeing in these forums.

Some of you are so "hardcore" that one would think you had chased down a cheetah barefoot before beating it to death with your phallus and eating it in one go without chewing.

Don't get me wrong; I love video games. But let's not go confusing ourselves into thinking that they are in any way representative of a real world accomplishment. Feel proud about your loot, high score, or whatever, but stop acting like you accomplished something real. It's a virtual accomplishment in a virtual world. It's a game someone made for you to pass the time. Not a road to enlightenment or personal betterment.

Even tiny and mundane real world accomplishments outweigh virtual ones. I'm more proud that I cleaned my house last week than I am that my guild took a city. That's called "keeping it in perspective."

When virtual worlds mean more to you than reality, it's time for a priority check, people.
Yes, the Darkfall community is MUCH worse than Regnum's.
But it still fits in on some people.

Most important parts are in bold.
Original thread: http://forums.darkfallonline.com/sho....php?p=3111538

EDIT: Yes, I know thread name is a bit mis-leading.

Last edited by blight_lord; 03-23-2009 at 11:45 PM.
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:24 PM   #2
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idk i personally like keeping hate betweens realms it makes things more fun!
yet i don't actually mean to insult people but flame wars on the forums just make the war between realms more worth it!

and as you shouldn't mix virtual and real life accomplishments and you shouldn't play too much and as hardcore but i have lots of friends and real life yet i also have made tons of friends in online games
a friend is someone who you can talk too you don't have to see him/her (if not i don't know how blind people would cope)

Slayer Of Light 50(Barbarian)
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Old 03-23-2009, 11:35 PM   #3
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Hate between realms can be fun, yes, as long as it's "friendly hate".

Also, one of the main things here is that some people are getting WAY too cocky and boasty
because of something they've done in-game.
Some seem to see their doings in the WZ as some great achievement that means they're great IRL.

Nothing you do in the game is in any way greater than even the smallest thing you do IRL.
Never mistake your virtual achievements as real ones, and don't think of them equally.

Thanks for responding, at least someone did.

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Old 03-24-2009, 02:08 AM   #4
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Hmm, but what's the difference between a real accomplishment and a virtual accomplishment anyway? Anywhere you can tell the difference between the two is a case of greed and materialism because otherwise it's all in your head.

I think realm pride is just fine and dandy. Being tied to a particular realm makes the make more immersive, and at the end of the day you can still get on IRC or the forums and laugh with the jokers on the other realm (of course some people, not naming any names here, get on the central island during the christmas event and continue to war in words...).
If you can't detect sarcasm yourself, please pay attention when it's pointed out to you.
Arathael :: Wyrd Sceote :: Gwn M'gerSoul Taker, Imperial Guard of Ignis
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Old 03-24-2009, 11:36 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by fudje
Hmm, but what's the difference between a real accomplishment and a virtual accomplishment anyway? Anywhere you can tell the difference between the two is a case of greed and materialism because otherwise it's all in your head.

I think realm pride is just fine and dandy. Being tied to a particular realm makes the make more immersive, and at the end of the day you can still get on IRC or the forums and laugh with the jokers on the other realm (of course some people, not naming any names here, get on the central island during the christmas event and continue to war in words...).
A real accomplishment (in the real world) is well... REAL.
Something you've done in a virtual world is not in any way as good as that.
I'll re-quote.

We're sitting down when we play it. The mental requirements are not on the level of chess or go. The physical requirements are to stay awake and be able to move your hands. Ping pong is more demanding.


Feel proud about your loot, high score, or whatever, but stop acting like you accomplished something real. It's a virtual accomplishment in a virtual world. It's a game someone made for you to pass the time. Not a road to enlightenment or personal betterment.


When virtual worlds mean more to you than reality, it's time for a priority check, people.
Yes, realm pride is great. But NOT when it goes too far by taking it to such a level where people who have done nothing wrong get harassed for the sake of being syrtis. (I don't think this has happened)

Or, when you go on the forums and scream "We just owned a bunch of syrtis, I'm so great! You all suck."
(this is... more common)

Keep things in perspective. It's just a game, after all.
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Old 03-24-2009, 03:29 PM   #6
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I have thought over this a lot.
For one its roleplay, so u play the role of bitter enemies although you know they are just like you in real.
I dont like to get really personal (in a good or a bad way) with enemy players in IRC or Forums it just spoils the fun of the roleplaying and all the killing. During WWII every american thought of Germans as enemies and would have killed one if they had the chance (and vice versa). Well I find it more stupid than harmless roleplaying.
For the while you are logged in, just dont play but BE your character in all possible ways. It way more fun. But try to be mature and keep a level head as to where the limit of roleplaying is.

If you talk about doing something useful IRL vs doing something in game, i agree that the real world is priority 1 even though it is crappy . But hey, cleaning the house is not my kinda fun :P.

If you know how to balance between the real and virtual world then you are fine. If you get used to hiding in the virtual world not wanting to face the real world then you are in trouble. All is good if I can spend some less time on grinding

Btw, Who said there is no use in playing? Imagine what will happen if you let loose DB in the RL social life :P. I bet that kid has learnt a lot of things here than in his entire life and without doing much damage to others or himself. Besides where else will you get the opportunity to meet ppl from 100s of countries and learn to cope with them, make friends with them? I find the virtual world more exciting than the real world.

So dont expect me to cuddle with the greens and goats. I fight for my motherland. I dont mind being called 'hardcore'

PS: Red Powaa... FTW ! :P
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Old 03-24-2009, 04:04 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by veluchami
Imagine what will happen if you let loose DB in the RL social life :P. I bet that kid has learnt a lot of things here than in his entire life and without doing much damage to others or himself.
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Old 03-24-2009, 04:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by veluchami
I have thought over this a lot.
For one its roleplay, so u play the role of bitter enemies although you know they are just like you in real.
I dont like to get really personal (in a good or a bad way) with enemy players in IRC or Forums it just spoils the fun of the roleplaying and all the killing. During WWII every american thought of Germans as enemies and would have killed one if they had the chance (and vice versa). Well I find it more stupid than harmless roleplaying.
For the while you are logged in, just dont play but BE your character in all possible ways. It way more fun. But try to be mature and keep a level head as to where the limit of roleplaying is.

If you talk about doing something useful IRL vs doing something in game, i agree that the real world is priority 1 even though it is crappy . But hey, cleaning the house is not my kinda fun :P.

If you know how to balance between the real and virtual world then you are fine. If you get used to hiding in the virtual world not wanting to face the real world then you are in trouble. All is good if I can spend some less time on grinding

Btw, Who said there is no use in playing? Imagine what will happen if you let loose DB in the RL social life :P. I bet that kid has learnt a lot of things here than in his entire life and without doing much damage to others or himself. Besides where else will you get the opportunity to meet ppl from 100s of countries and learn to cope with them, make friends with them? I find the virtual world more exciting than the real world.

So dont expect me to cuddle with the greens and goats. I fight for my motherland. I dont mind being called 'hardcore'

PS: Red Powaa... FTW ! :P
No cuddling with furries and elves needed.
It seems you understood my point, and agree with me. Good. ^^

Hiding in a virtual world and treating it like it's the real world can be even dangerous.
I never said there was no use in playing.
It's great fun, but never think you've done something awesome,
and you're better than other people IRL for some thing you did in Regnum.
Example: You caught Imperia with 4 friends.
From then on, you brag about it on IRC and on the forums like you've won the world championship in <insert sport here>.

Also, roleplaying can be fun AS LONG as it's done with other roleplayers.
Some people joining this game might see us sitting in Ignis chat talking shit about syrtians
like they were the worst scum on earth.
What kind of impression does that make? :P
It creates a bad mood in the game.

Even worse: People treating others in-game like shit because they're not as good players, haven't got enough RP etc.
This is fairly common and it's just pure idiocy.

People need to chill out and just have fun.
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Old 03-24-2009, 04:37 PM   #9
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I actually am disagreeing with you here. My point is, Those ppl who brag in-game capturing Imperia with 4 players will brag about Cleaning their house better than their neighbour or having more money than him :P

So just get over it. As much as you cant talk sense into some one who brags a lot in real world, you cant do that in virtual world either.
Bragging is not good either in real world or the virtual world. There is no big difference between real world or the virtual world. I dont differentiate between a**-holes in real or virtual world except in virtual world they dont have to face the consequences, i mean physical consequences. The mental scars would be there either ways.

From my experience, your ingame personality reflects your real world personality.

EDIT: I sense a differing context and perspective in our posts. We might actually be arguing about different things It might be because not all ppl see it in Roleplaying sense. I dont even know where I am goin here... tbh
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Old 03-24-2009, 04:52 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by veluchami
I actually am disagreeing with you here. My point is, Those ppl who brag in-game capturing Imperia with 4 players will brag about Cleaning their house better than their neighbour or having more money than him :P

So just get over it. As much as you cant talk sense into some one who brags a lot in real world, you cant do that in virtual world either.
Bragging is not good either in real world or the virtual world. There is no big difference between real world or the virtual world. I dont differentiate between a**-holes in real or virtual world except in virtual world they dont have to face the consequences, i mean physical consequences. The mental scars would be there either ways.

From my experience, your ingame personality reflects your real world personality.

EDIT: I sense a differing context and perspective in our posts. We might actually be arguing about different things It might be because not all ppl see it in Roleplaying sense. I dont even know where I am goin here... tbh
Confusing thread is confusing.
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