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Old 05-20-2009, 07:23 PM   #1
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Default Future Regnum: Hopes and Dreams

I was just wondering what everyone thinks Regnum will be like in 'X' years. Tell what could or should happen. Or just give some crazy ideas you'd love so much you couldn't get over it (no matter how ridiculous the wish )

I'll start with something I was thinking of today... a 4th realm (mwuhaha)

T'would be a cultist realm, the races would be "Reborn, Acolyte, and Harbinger"
It would be like Ignis but darker and forests like Syrtis (dead forests that is)
Lol I have no idea where it would go though.

Someone else go!
This is a lie.
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:04 PM   #2
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what are you smoking??? XD

very good idea, but i think NGD is not thinking on adding a new realm.

PS: Suggestions
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:21 PM   #3
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Default - ra -

Actually... I don't have too positive thoughts about the future of Regnum...
I am not alone with noticing that the game becomes calmer and calmer.
During 10.00 - 16.00 GMT + 2, there are ~500 users online in total on all servers, and this is also clearly visible inside the game.

Noone dares do any attempt to capture a fort if it cannot lead to an invasion, or if they are superior in numbers, except for the Trelle/Alga ping - pong.
That's really more or less the only action in WZ nowadays.

Me and a few others went hunting in Syrtis today, around 16.00, and we tracked 2 archers at Syrtis central save.

I think, maybe people do not quit playing... it's more like if they are online less.
I have actually started grinding my warlock lately, because there is nothing else to do.

This morning we tried to capture Samal with a small group of people.
We managed to capture it and hold it for a while, thanks to an iron door.
When we later lost it, Ignis did nothing but stand at the fort waiting for us to come back...

There is no will for anyone to do anything.
Wars are all about area spamming.
There are no good small fights because people are not active in the WZ when there is no chance for invasions, or their forts/castles are not captured.
People grind instead.
They grind inside the realm.

The WZ is more or less dead now anytime before 17.00 GMT + 2
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:30 PM   #4
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Default -Horus-

2021 A.D. circa Blizzard Dynasty

The last of the Runescapers who survived the fall of Jagex have now migrated into the realm of Syrtis in the world of Horus.
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:43 PM   #5
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The title says "hopes and dreams" ...not "cruel reality and nightmares"
Way to be optimistic
This is a lie.
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Old 05-20-2009, 08:50 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Renegade90 View Post
The title says "hopes and dreams" ...not "cruel reality and nightmares"
Way to be optimistic
But that is my dream

Don't you see where they go?
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Old 05-20-2009, 10:07 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by -Edge- View Post
But that is my dream

Don't you see where they go?
luckily for us, in reality all new tards on horus go on horus tard gathering spot, ignis
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Old 05-21-2009, 06:14 AM   #8
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meh my hopes for RO are


Larger more Dynamic Forts

Some Dungeons or some kind of Terror Island

Some kind of Crafting Farming stuff (pass time on the wz deadtimes)

POH ( Player Owned Houses)

Attackable(Capture) Wz Cities
Slayer Of Light 50(Barbarian)
R.I.P Slayer Of Light
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Old 05-21-2009, 06:39 AM   #9
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As a Barb, I think we are fine as we are set with our attacks, but I think a few tweaks can be made:

1. Remove Crash in the Slashing Tree and replace it with something I'd call "Artery Slash"

Similar to Serpent's Bite or a Daggerfang's Rake, it would cause a "bleeding" damage over a preset time. I Suggest removing Crash because it's not a practical skill and no barb I know (on any realm) uses it with more than a passing interest. Any conjurer's direct heal (non-aura type) would cease (cancel) the bleeding or shorten it accordingly.

Artery Slash (Slashing):
Level 1: Attack Damage 20% +10% every second for 6 seconds (Mana: 90)
Level 2: Attack Damage 25% + 12% every second for 8 seconds (Mana: 110)
Level 3: Attack Damage 30% + 15% every second for 10 seconds (Mana: 130)
Level 4: Attack Damage 35% + 18% every second for 12 seconds (Mana: 160)
Level 5: Attack Damage 40% + 20% every second for 15 seconds (Mana: 180)

2. Remove Intimidating Threat in the Warcries Tree and replace it with something I'd call "Parry"

I think barbs deserve a slightly better defense since they do wield big two-handed weapons and should be able to use them to at least parry some attacks (including ranged). While this wouldn't even come close to comparing to a knight's ability to block or an archers ability to resist/evade, I think a small chance to block for a barb is appropriate since we die so quickly. I suggest removing intimidating threat because it's basically unused by most barbs.

Parry (Warcries):
Level 1: +10 points to chance-to-block
Level 2: +16 points to chance-to-block
Level 3: +24 points to chance-to-block
Level 4: +36 points to chance-to-block
Level 5: +40 points to chance-to-block

3. Shorten the casting time on all Barb/Knight weapon 360 degree area attacks (Typhoon/Lightning Strike/Thunder Strike) from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. With lag factored in, sometimes it takes up to 5 seconds for it to trigger. And with these areas now nerfed from 10m radius down to 6m, I think it would be fair to shorten the casting time as well and maybe even shorten the cooldown times from 180 seconds to 120.

4. Put Lightning Strike and Typhoon back to how they were (spear 100% dmg + knock down and Typhoon 100% dmg + 400dmg at level 5).

5. Remove Destabilize from Two-Hand Mastery and replace it with something I'd call "Zealous Soul"

It would passively add a small resistance to fire/ice/lightning (magic) damage and a slight resistance to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze.

Zealous Soul:
Level 1: +5% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +5% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 2: +7% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +7% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 3: +10% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +10% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 4: +12% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +12% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 5: +15% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +15% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze

That's just my ideas though. Obviously I don't work for NGD. But I think of these things while playing. Take them for what they are: Simply Ideas.
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Old 05-21-2009, 11:18 PM   #10
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Crafting :O
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