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Old 02-17-2010, 09:20 AM   #1
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Question Mass dispel vs Steel skin

Hello everybody,

I'm currently thinking about a full support conju setup and I have bumped into a small problem. I need to make a choice between mass dispel and steel skin.

My first thought would be that mass dispel is a very good spell to have, because with all those Syrtian warlocks spamming WZ, we get a lot of terrors (one after the other) in some wars. So this spell could cancel one of those knockdowns which could change the tide in wars like that.

On the other hand, steel skin seems to be a good choice too. I think it will help you stay alive longer, which means you can do more heals and give more mana.

I would like to know what your thoughts are on this matter... should I go for mass dispel or steel skin and why?

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Old 02-17-2010, 11:52 AM   #2
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Mass Dispel is great to negate Sultar's Terror, Caltrops Arrow, and other nasty area effects. However, it has a long cooldown and timing the cast can be tricky. You could dispel the first Terror, only to be knocked again by the second in a chain. Or you could get caught in the Terror area, and you can't cast Mass Dispel if you're knocked down yourself. In contrast, auras like MP and GH can be precast if you sense the areas coming.

Steel Skin is great versus classes with no elemental attacks (and the crazy crazy fort guards that seem to like ganging up on conjurers even more lately). However, it only protects versus physical damage, so marksmen, warlocks, warjus, and anyone else with elemental damage weapons can bypass it. It also has a rather high mana cost that can mess up your rhythm for supporting.

Like you said, both are great spells, so I'd say it comes down to your personal playing style and environment. If your teammates suck at protecting conjurers, maybe it's good to invest more in self defense. If there's usually half a dozen pylons kicking around when you play, maybe it's good to be one of the rare folks with Mass Dispel.

It's trivial to reset powers, so you can always try both and see which fits you better. You could even try a setup with both at once, while sacrificing something else.
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Last edited by linearguild; 02-17-2010 at 12:12 PM. Reason: Typo fixes
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Old 02-17-2010, 01:01 PM   #3
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Mass dispel is potentially the more useful spell, if only one area has been cast... however, if the area in question is a knock, stun, dizzy, or anything else that would stop you casting, then you'd need some sorcery (I'd recommend mind blank), to give you a greater chance of being able to cast.... however, if we're talking enchantments against sorcery, how possible is it to have both? I don't know what else you've put points in, so you'll have to make the decision there yourself.

Also, as said above, if they're chained areas like sultar, then dispelling the first one is useless because every one after that will still hit.

On the other hand, steel skin I've found to be very useful, and since adding it into my setup, I find myself dying a lot less, as from experience in syrtis, people have no idea how to defend their conjurers, so if you want defence, it's a good idea to provide it yourself. However steel skin is great for attracting warriors to MS and remove it, so there's ups and downs on both sides.

Personally, I'd go with steel skin, because this opens up other sorcery spells (sanc <3) to level 5 too, although it's your choice in the end, and all depends on how you play the class.

On a side note, am I the only one who finds it ironic that the opening post talked about syrtian warlocks spamming, and then the first two responses are by people who have a warlock in syrtis?
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:14 PM   #4
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I use SS and Mind Blank both on 5 and since I am not lvl 50 on my conj I usually trade either a single dispell or mana comm.

I guess my lvl 50 build will have mana control, life and sorcery at 19 and then I will change with either having mass dispell or more mental for additional CC.

If you have Mind Blank on 5 you will resist quite a few knocks of sultar chains and then you should very fast try to dispell even a single target that can then maybe avoid an additional sultar (like e.g. a good marks that knows how to use burst of wind).

Anyhow currently I use MC and not dispell and I really miss it when i resist a roar, howl or knock or any other area cc to have others back in the fight immediately again.
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Old 02-17-2010, 02:38 PM   #5
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It depends on how much you can trust your allies. You can have a setup with both if your allies provide good cover.
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Old 02-17-2010, 03:39 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Mr_Egg View Post
Personally, I'd go with steel skin, because this opens up other sorcery spells (sanc <3) to level 5 too, although it's your choice in the end, and all depends on how you play the class.
Thanks for all the info I got so far. The above is something I was thinking about... a"sanc > 3" would be nice.
But as linearguild pointed out, I could try them both. Although I wouldn't do it at the same time.

The problem wouldn't exist if I didn't get mana communion, but I just think that spell is way to necessary to let go.

On a side note, am I the only one who finds it ironic that the opening post talked about syrtian warlocks spamming, and then the first two responses are by people who have a warlock in syrtis?
I meant Syrtians spam WZ by being there with too many to my likings... On the forum I treath everyone as human beings and as equals, but in the game I have a natural tendency to dislike elves more. Anyway, thanks for the info, it'll help with my decisions.
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Old 02-17-2010, 03:52 PM   #7
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Or you can forgo Mana Pylon. Look at what the other Conjurers in your realm has then play around with your setups. If there are lots of Pylons around, then you can probably drop it.
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Old 02-18-2010, 07:30 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by e30ernest View Post
Or you can forgo Mana Pylon. Look at what the other Conjurers in your realm has then play around with your setups. If there are lots of Pylons around, then you can probably drop it.
But then I'll loose a mana pool of level 5, isn't it better to have it on 5?
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Old 02-18-2010, 07:34 AM   #9
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That depends on your playing style. I've never used that passive past level 1. Total Mana Pool isn't that useful IMO since you'll always have a less than full pool anyway during a fight. Natural mana regeneration is faster with a higher mana pool yes, but you will be using it up so fast anyway the regen times won't matter much at all. What is better is concentrating on mana management and proper timing of spells to coincide with mana replenishment spells.

That's just my opinion. I am sure more players can give better insight.
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:41 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by e30ernest View Post
Total Mana Pool isn't that useful IMO since you'll always have a less than full pool anyway during a fight. Natural mana regeneration is faster with a higher mana pool yes, but you will be using it up so fast anyway the regen times won't matter much at all. What is better is concentrating on mana management and proper timing of spells to coincide with mana replenishment spells.
That's actually an interesting point of view that might let me reconsider my whole mana control tree. I don't really care about mana pylon anyway, so when I concentrate on mana managment, as you said, I might be able to get both mass dispell and steel skin without problems. I would loose 10% cast speed in arcane devotion though, since I usually keep that at lvl 5 too. But 40% will still be enough, I think.

EDIT: It's still not possible to get both mass dispell and steel skin. At least not without giving up eiter MC (don't want to do that), or mana pool. But giving up mana pool, would lower my spell levels from mana control to level 3. A bit to low to my likings. So I guess I'll have to make a choice anyway.
Proud to be a goat! / Orgulloso de ser una cabra!

Last edited by Rockwolf_; 02-18-2010 at 09:44 AM.
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