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Old 01-04-2011, 02:16 AM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default In response to: Syrtis and Alsius best friends forever.

Hey RO community,
if you play Horus, you should know the past couple days that us Iggies have been trying to invade Syrtis over and over again. We keep failing, and when I ask why I'm getting a lot of responses like - "they teamed up again."
You failed because syrtis actually had people logged on. Its no accomplishment to invade with +50 people, as we showed a few nights ago with the 2x invasion. Goats did very little except get overrun. Its not much of an alliance because the elves can't actually help them as we're inside wall while goats cant come close without getting attacked by guards.

- and - "the goats allied the gelfs" -. I don't really care If Syrtis gets our gems or no that much, but what strikes me is this
Lol sure you don't care. Thats why you're on here complaning about an imaginary alliance.

1. The most prevalent reason this time isn't - "They zerged us." Which is kind of a relief, since we Zerg Alsius quite a lot too 0.o
2. From what I hear, Syrtis got all the gems TWICE, meaning they would have had to invade Alsius too the second time round. And Alsius has been helping Syrtis a lot this past week. I'm seeing Syrtis and Alsius not killing each other but attacking us only in fort battles, and Alsirians killing our guys off before they reach the Syrtis gate.
When we invaded, goats attacked us going in and out of gates. Its only logical for the nations who at that moment are significantly weaker to team up against the stronger nation.

There is a time of day (around 2-6 euro time am = 8pm-2 am north american eastern time) where syrtis and alsius only have a handful of people on each many of which are under 45 (iggies have a zerg five times that size all 45+ capable of holding herb for the entire night). As I said theres no alliance its just natural to attack the common enemy first. If we were to kill all the iggies we would surely turn on the goats and them on us. But we never do because at that time you often have more conjurors+knights then we have people, no exaggeration.
Anathir - 41 Warlock - Inquisition
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Old 01-04-2011, 02:44 AM   #2
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Old 01-04-2011, 02:45 AM   #3
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does anything on this forum have a point? theres no point of life if you want to reason it like that.
Anathir - 41 Warlock - Inquisition
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Old 01-04-2011, 02:47 AM   #4
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Old 01-04-2011, 02:54 AM   #5
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Old 01-04-2011, 03:03 AM   #6
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I have to agree with the above pencil image; doing point-counterpoint with this is totally pointless. Everyone zergs everyone, X teams up with Y, the dog ate our homework.... just so useless, the whole discussion. It gets repeated after nearly every invasion, and it's gotten us nowhere.

The original bff thread was closed, and rightly so.
o Q o (WM), Martok (WM), Wyatt Earp (53), T'Pol (52), P'Tak (57), Rotarrin (38)
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Old 01-04-2011, 11:58 AM   #7
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Nils_Dacke is an unknown quantity at this point

The situation on Horus when the other TS complained, was that Alsius had no gems at all, and Ignis had the most. Of course the imminent strategic goal for Alsius is then to prevent Ignis from openeing the portal, i.e. "team up" with Syrtis.

Since both enemy castles for Alsius are placed at the far other end of the map, there is no real ambition amongst alsirians@Horus to invade anything, so all we can do is try to preserve status quo. Both Ignis and Syrtis have occasionally used up their wish on giving Alsius -RLM, so the best for us is that nobody opens the portal and leave us alone.

Allthough there was a major rework of the map recently, nothing was done about the map assymetry regarding castle placement. My impression is that NGD put us here to be the punchbags and no more. Alsius are the underdogs on 4 of 5 servers, each with different player populations.

I suspect that a large portion if these zergs consists of multirealmers (who all ought to have all their accounts erased) hoarding with one realm at the time. We often see this when the superbosses are up: players showing up for the boss, then they mysteriously disappear and noone knows who got the drop. I don't think they hoard with Alsius very often except for the superbosses, because "it's such a long walk to efe/shana".
Apart from that, dispell magic on oneself should be abolished.
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Old 01-04-2011, 01:38 PM   #8
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I got to agree with Miraculix here. This thread started off at a low ebb and just declined from there. RvR could mean RLM vs RLM VS RLM or RLM+RLM vs RLM.

Who cares. Who cares who took what gem and stuck it where etc. etc. All it means is that Ignis got to get to the gems faster. If we cannot then we just take over the world another night.

As for realm imbalances and who is underdogs . Are you not all tired of going over the same things ad nauseum? Until the server is at capacity 24/7 there will always be some kind of variance. In my view , right now, Regnum Horus is the best balanced it has ever been over any 24 hour cycle, period. Collective aggression, self confidence and will is all that separates the realms in my view.

Every other situation mentioned in this thread so far has also been addressed by possible solutions which I presented last year. Multirealming has no solution except the most obvious. Increase the game content and benefits of staying so that the player does not have the need to move or finds it difficult to do so out of boredom etc.


BTW > Please close this thread too. It is going nowhere fast.
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Old 01-04-2011, 01:44 PM   #9
Join Date: Dec 2006
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This thread will be closed for obvious reasons as the last one before it. Topics like these don't help the community.

As a reminder to everyone else, please use the "Report Post" button so that the moderators can take action in topics that need it.


Last edited by Wyatt; 01-04-2011 at 01:59 PM.
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