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Old 01-02-2013, 03:58 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Default Coming back from 2 years ago.

Hello everybody,

I'm now downloading the game, like the title say the last time i have played this game was 2 years ago.

however, what i remembered is the zone where there are huge wars.
Teamplay is needed and the right classes.

now my questions:
- What side must i choose, red blue, green. (don't know the names anymore.)
- What classes does that side need.

some info on the last question. I don't know what i like more. i played the last 2 years only FPS's and no mmorpg. So a fresh start


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Old 01-02-2013, 04:16 PM   #2
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You're begging to be trolled...

Anyway, populations change. Currently the most underpopulated is Syrtis (green) who really need more conjus. If you decide to choose another realm, I'd say they are probably lacking in archers, since most of the new blood that wants to play an archer is generally the legolas type who would choose wood elves.

And for the obligatory trolling part: Ignis needs more barbs, Alsius needs more knights and Syrtis desperately needs marksmen
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Old 01-02-2013, 04:24 PM   #3
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I suggest, that you choose the realm that suits you the most, same with class. You might want to search the forums a bit for more information, but here's the basic:

Red - Ignis - dark elfs, desert. currently I'd say has medium population, lacks players in european morning times.
Blue - Alsius - dwarfs, cliffs, snow. Currently has quite a large population, especially loads of knights .
Green - syrtis - wood elfs, green areas, trees. Although this is usually the overpopulated realm, currently they are underpopulated.

Imho, conjurers are needed everywhere

Furthermore, there are three classes - mage, warrior and archer, and each has two subclasses (mage - conjurer (healer) and warlock, warrior - barbarian (heaps of damage) and knight (loads of defense), archer - marksman (range and damage) and hunter (assasin class)).

For beginning, I'd say a marksman or barbarian are the easiest class. Mages die fast, knights are tough to level, and hunters require wast knowledge of the game.

I'd suggest you check information on regnum.wikia.com, you will learn more things there

Good Luck, and cya in game
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Old 01-02-2013, 04:29 PM   #4
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You're begging to be trolled...

Anyway, populations change. Currently the most underpopulated is Syrtis (green) who really need more conjus. If you decide to choose another realm, I'd say they are probably lacking in archers, since most of the new blood that wants to play an archer is generally the legolas type who would choose wood elves.

And for the obligatory trolling part: Ignis needs more barbs, Alsius needs more knights and Syrtis desperately needs marksmen
Thanks for your help ill look for a marksman.

I suggest, that you choose the realm that suits you the most, same with class. You might want to search the forums a bit for more information, but here's the basic:

Red - Ignis - dark elfs, desert. currently I'd say has medium population, lacks players in european morning times.
Blue - Alsius - dwarfs, cliffs, snow. Currently has quite a large population, especially loads of knights .
Green - syrtis - wood elfs, green areas, trees. Although this is usually the overpopulated realm, currently they are underpopulated.

Imho, conjurers are needed everywhere

Furthermore, there are three classes - mage, warrior and archer, and each has two subclasses (mage - conjurer (healer) and warlock, warrior - barbarian (heaps of damage) and knight (loads of defense), archer - marksman (range and damage) and hunter (assasin class)).

For beginning, I'd say a marksman or barbarian are the easiest class. Mages die fast, knights are tough to level, and hunters require wast knowledge of the game.

I'd suggest you check information on regnum.wikia.com, you will learn more things there

Good Luck, and cya in game
Thanks, like i said above, ill look for marksman info. and ill defenitely check your link there.
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Old 01-02-2013, 04:36 PM   #5
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Dubble post :P

Ill go for barbarian because it can wield spears , now only the realms where im stuck at.

Marksman, yea... not really my class.
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Old 01-02-2013, 04:46 PM   #6
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Hello, and welcome back.
Now I tried to post here before, but somehow my wall of text disappeared
Anyway Kharbon, explained pretty fine.
I say go with your preferences. Every realm changes, every realm has its ups and downs.
As far classes. There is a nice guide how to grind explains each class and such.
Now I have a Marksman myself and it was very easy to grind...BUT, there has been a nerf to a spell called 'Recharged Arrows', some say it became very hard as it is the first source of damage. Whether it's still easy or not, I don't know what to tell you. Again, go with your likings.

If you fancy yourself with a shiny armour and a shield and like tanking, go do a Knight. Knights have the highest defence in the game, they're the tankers but famed as the slowest class to level up.

If you fancy yourself wielding a big axe or dual swords and making crazy damage, go do a Barbarian. They have the biggest attack damage in game, currently slightly overpowered in my opinion. Their major disadvantage (in my experience) is that mana drains pretty quickly. They can have a solid defence at times.

If you fancy yourself a ranged class, we have the remaining 2/3. Starting with archers;
If you like having a pet, go in camouflage, surprising enemies; Hunter is your class. They're famed to be underpowered,but depending on the situation( and some of the gear), a hunter can be the most powerful class. Just a matter of situation.

If you like long range, some high hits and in the same good defence, Marksman is the other class. They're famed to be overpowered but well sometimes depends on gear or situation.

Now if you don't like hitting with arrows or bashing with swords, we have two types of mages. Starting with Warlock;

They have elements. I'm sure many people attracts them to this. Fire, Lightning, Ice are the elements of the game. There are "Wind" spells but does blunt damage. I won't go through that. On the other hand, they have a Necromancy tree, so if you're into dark magics, Warlock might suit you just fine. At war they lack defense, and their vital defence is their range.

Last and not least the Conjurer.
If you like supporting, this might be your class. This class, heals, buffs, and resurrect the dead. They can have a very formidable defence versus melee. As they have a weak offense, they can also summon creatures to fight on their side.

I hope I helped, if you got a question don't hesitate to ask.
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Old 01-02-2013, 07:46 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by JMLigthart View Post
Dubble post :P

Ill go for barbarian because it can wield spears , now only the realms where im stuck at.

Marksman, yea... not really my class.
Better not to try and level a marksman at the moment. NGD made our bread and butter skill, Recharged Arrows, take your own health as you hit. Grinding a marksman is now impossible, since your options are:
a) Suicide by RA
b) Let the mob kill you instead

So try another class first, yeah :P
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Old 01-02-2013, 08:23 PM   #8
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I'm not sure it's fair to say Syrtis is underpopulated. We all know big updates bring out masses of old players who have quit, and disrupt the normal population balance for some time after. Just because the update shifted the population xp bonus to Syrtis and Alsius appears to have a fairly massive zerg, does not mean that Syrtis is underpopulated or Alsius is overpopulated. I guarantee things will settle back to the norm with time.

TL;DR - Don't join Syrtis, they're not and never will be underpop.
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Old 01-02-2013, 09:22 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post

TL;DR - Don't join Syrtis, they're not and never will be underpop.
Neither will Ignis or Alsius be!!!!
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Old 01-02-2013, 09:36 PM   #10
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Firstly, dont listen to anyone who tells u what realm to join.. join whichever u want.

You are right there is a warzone but what people are saying is that sometimes one realm has more people than another.

The rest you can understand quite quickly by asking the GMs who are online most of the time or just posting other questions on the forum.
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