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12-01-2016, 05:21 PM
So how many Ancient Soul Breath's drop after kill? If it's one I might as well quit crafting now. Daen turned into the new Eve. If I only had melee character I would be mad. They died over and over lol.

I hope its more than one dropping after kill. Had 80+ from boss resets today. This was only early morning. I imagine there would be more if later in the day.

We are monitoring this. If the occurrences are lower than expected we will raise them. We're on the same team. We want this to be difficult, not frustrating. Step by step we will make it perfect. For now the only concern is with the Ancient Soul Breath and we're with our eyes on them.

If we make the mistake of making it too easy at the beginning we can risk ruining the whole feature.

12-01-2016, 07:37 PM
we get a lot of recipe now, what ar ewe going to do with all of it ? Oo

12-01-2016, 08:19 PM
We are monitoring this. If the occurrences are lower than expected we will raise them. We're on the same team. We want this to be difficult, not frustrating. Step by step we will make it perfect. For now the only concern is with the Ancient Soul Breath and we're with our eyes on them.

If we make the mistake of making it too easy at the beginning we can risk ruining the whole feature.

Alright, good plan.

Maybe in the future... Different Dragon weapon recipes added. Dragon shield? Maybe :p:

Don't know if its possible to make notification on who dropped at bosses. Hidden drops really annoy me. Would be cool if you could.

12-01-2016, 08:39 PM
Alright, good plan. WZ boss farm. Feelsgood. You say only the beginning. Different Dragon weapon recipes added in the future? Dragon shield? Maybe :p:

Don't know if its possible to make notification on who dropped at bosses. Hidden drops really annoy me. Would be cool if you could.

I think he meant if they made getting dragon breath too easy to get in the beginning and toned it down later it might already ruin the value. So rather start with a relatively low rate to see how it works out. Since it is most likely hard to predict with the varying population during boss kills.

12-01-2016, 08:49 PM
I think he meant if they made getting dragon breath too easy to get in the beginning and toned it down later it might already ruin the value. So rather start with a relatively low rate to see how it works out. Since it is most likely hard to predict with the varying population during boss kills.

Lol I know Skit. I'm just adding suggestions to further crafting ideas. Im always off topic. D; .. However it did seem like I was still talking about the souls. American English. :devil:

They don't want it abused. Crazy numbers like 50 souls dropping each Wz boss kill from the very start. Dragon weapons lose value.

Ah 1h sword is for knight only. Feelsbadman. Can't fuse for looks and Barbs stuck with 2h sword that we will never use. Make 2h GREAT AGAIN.

12-01-2016, 09:56 PM
A lot of recipe drops, I think this is great.

12-03-2016, 05:03 PM
A few suggestions :

-Make the "ding-ding" sound account based, so we will know even when being on another char on the same account that the crafting is complete. You can't expect us to stay on the same toon all time when crafting.

-Add a sound effect (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ODcC5z6Ca0) to "You got mail". A shorter effect (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyNs9rThYR0) is okay as well like the school bell, the doorbell, or the rooster :).
You shouldn't have to stare at the monitor endlessly while being in a bidding war.

-Make another window in craftmaster's menu and allow us to "Convert" one type of materials to another one. You would need more from the "lower level materials" of course to be able to create the higher level ones.

-Some other Item mall suggestions:
-Summon owl, so you can check your mails anywhere on the map
-Summon vendor, so you can sell and repair anywhere on the map
-Summon Craftmaster, so you can craft anywhere on the map.

12-03-2016, 10:29 PM
We are monitoring this. If the occurrences are lower than expected we will raise them. We're on the same team. We want this to be difficult, not frustrating. Step by step we will make it perfect. For now the only concern is with the Ancient Soul Breath and we're with our eyes on them.

If we make the mistake of making it too easy at the beginning we can risk ruining the whole feature.

Lol yeah I think that it should be increased now. 200+ at Eve kill just now. Died by range again. Rip melee players.

130 tracked not including our Ignis zerg at the very start. Near the end it was well over 230.

If only 10 souls or so are dropping. Im out. :crying1:

Also I think Daen pit needs another rework. Just make it flat. Players are getting stuck making fps drop even worse when there's legit 200+ players trying to kill daen. My fps doesn't get low often. I had to turn off shadows. Also the entrance areas need rework. Currently goat entrance is way too close to ignis giving gelfs the advantage of killing daen.