View Full Version : NGD: Don't sweat the small stuff.

11-10-2007, 02:32 AM
Well, not that bugs on a production system is small, but there's been so many update-broken-bash threads, I figured I'd give you all a leg up, and offer some compliments and praises.

Considering you're a team of 8 people catering to the needs of hundreds (thousands?) of users, bugs can be expected. And I can 100% sympathize with your situation. I work at a university lab as a tech, but on the side I help out our internal ITS department. We may have less than 100 users, but our IT team consists of two official people, one of which is an elderly chinese man, and the other is an ex-military motorcyclist (read: biker) and then me giving a hand on the sidelines when I have time for it. We just recently acquired a blade system, which will be used by our bio-informatics department and their clients, however we will be setting up and maintaining it, and we will very soon be getting a SAN, and a new tape-backup system. Networking is definitely no cakewalk. Especially when one guy is windows oriented, and the other is pure linux. (admittedly I kinda waffle, since I use windows for games and audio production at home, but I also use linux)

I know full well how easily problems can crop up, and that oftentimes the singular base problem can disguise itself as multiple smaller problems. We found that out while setting up a new courier/postfix e-mail server on RHEL5. And, quite frankly, updates are a b*ch. (especially if our admin forgot to backup one of the config files D'OH!)

I think most people around here deep down know that you're all doing your best, and that, given the small size of your team, and the problems QA-ing everything, some rocky roads can be expected sometimes. As for beta, or not-beta, if you ask me, that's just nitpicking and labeling. Who cares? The point is, the game, despite occasinal problems, exists, is playable, and enjoyable. And given the relatively short time it takes these guys fix problems, you just know they have to be busting their cajones getting things done.

In a nutshell: Kudos to NGD, and hats off to you guys for keeping this going relatively smoothly, especially given your limited resources and personnel. I've seen other teams try to do the same thing you guys do (even slightly larger teams) and ultimately they either fail miserably, crash and burn, nosedive off a cliff, or just disappear into the mists of time. :P What makes NGD stand out, is that they are succeeding where many have tried and failed. So, best wishes to you guys. Good luck, and good bug-hunting to you all.

11-10-2007, 02:47 AM
wow, i didn't realise you guys only had 8 people, i thought you were a much larger organisation.

in light of that little shocker, i have to say, bravo guys. you have produced an excellent game, and although i am the first to stand up and shout about bugs, i would also stand up and say well done.

8 guys.... i am amazed, you guys must put serious work into this. vaylos has it right, you guys deserve a big "well done".

11-10-2007, 03:02 AM
I quite agree :)

11-10-2007, 03:50 AM
the ngd team is by far doing a great job.

and im quite sure if more people would by xerimin and start getting some money in the teams bank accounts they have lots of upgrades that they would do if they had the funding and other ways to make the game play a little smoother

so show your support and spend some money people

and to all the syrtis kids DONT STEAL YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARD:fury:

11-10-2007, 04:26 AM
the ngd team is by far doing a great job.

and im quite sure if more people would by xerimin and start getting some money in the teams bank accounts they have lots of upgrades that they would do if they had the funding and other ways to make the game play a little smoother

so show your support and spend some money people

and to all the syrtis kids DONT STEAL YOUR PARENTS CREDIT CARD:fury:
lol wtf who wants to spend any money to product like this?
not me.

11-10-2007, 04:31 AM
NGD, words of wisdom from my grandfather.....

"Don't sweat the petty stuff....and don't pet the sweaty stuff"

Words to live by....

11-10-2007, 04:39 AM
ngd is doing a great job as soon as you can get the server working for a month without you needing to fix anything have yourself a nice little holiday. i wish i could buy ximeria but i dont have a credit card :ohill: i'm sure if ngd keeps making this game so great it'll become very very popular
ps when is the server coming back on?

11-10-2007, 09:45 AM
lol wtf who wants to spend any money to product like this?
not me.
Who wants to play this game then? No money = no game.

11-10-2007, 10:28 AM
Yes, NGD is the best game team i ve ever met in all Online games I played. So far they made excellent game, they listen users and suggestions, they are not rude with users, but polite, and afterall, yes team has only 8 ppl and still all works almost perfect! Must say, excellent job guys. :thumb_up:

but pls that notification mail, fix it lol :p

11-10-2007, 10:42 AM
Agreed! Great job on the game. It's not perfect, but I don't see how you guys can do better than the awesome job you already have been doing. :)

11-10-2007, 06:27 PM
thanks for sharing your life story, Vaylos :thumb_up:

11-10-2007, 09:44 PM
lol wtf who wants to spend any money to product like this?
not me.

i hate people like u

8 team members brought us this game, and with very little funding
that is freakin awsome:metal:

so if u are so unhappy about the job the ngd team has done, and is doing then by all means go play another game

11-11-2007, 07:19 AM
Lol, sorry bout that twix. But at least it seems to have generated the responses I wanted :biggrin: I just wanted to throw in some background to say that I could kinda sympathize with these guys since I kinda know what they're goign through is all. Figured a little background would help.

Now...if you want my WHOLE life's story..... -goes looking through his papers-

11-11-2007, 10:38 AM
Lol, sorry bout that twix. But at least it seems to have generated the responses I wanted :biggrin: I just wanted to throw in some background to say that I could kinda sympathize with these guys since I kinda know what they're goign through is all. Figured a little background would help.

Now...if you want my WHOLE life's story..... -goes looking through his papers-

hehehe its ok ;)

i work in the IT area, too. So i know how it feels when something goes wrong on production systems.
While you are right with your initial posting and its cool to support NGD, your story was just a tiny bit too detailed :p

11-11-2007, 03:32 PM
like the others, very good job ngd, i know this games given you all sleepless nights on occasion, keep up the great work