View Full Version : Stop calling for nerfs!

01-10-2010, 10:02 PM
Please people....

Before you start complaining about another class, try to find ways to make the game work in your favor with that you are given.

Since nerfing began we have all been playing Hangman Regnum, and the body is almost fully drawn.

Don't kill Regnum...... Instead develop your friend base online and find ways to work well as a group.

|- ._|_.

RVR not PVP...

Call for improvements to your class.....

01-11-2010, 03:27 AM
Looks like you drawn and quartered him, stitched him back together, and then hung him. Nice mental picture. To bad the forum strips some spaces from actual ascii pictures or else they would display right. Also I do not think the calls for changes call for the specific interpretations the developers institute on their own.

Point is when I called for an ability to institute a handicap that would make it harder for realms with large populations to take forts from realms with smaller populations. What did we get instead: upgradeable forts for everyone - forts that pay those with large populations and frustrate those with small populations. The only handicap they did implement was gate guards that spawn for realms with low population being invaded. So some of the ideas are sound it's just NGD's implementation is counter productive to the original recommendation or follow the recommendation to closely for an immediate, but not thought out impact of the second and third order of effects. There is the other side of the coin that some suggestions are just off, but this is something you must deal with with an open forum suggestion system.

On the flip side some of the nerfs come as a way for NGD to push buying premium and not from forum recommendations - just look at Chilko's post when he saw one of Enio's videos about strafing and grinding. Posts were already in the forum about how its too easy to shoot and strafe, but they didn't pay attention until they saw it and thought it was too easy (my interpretation is that it was too easy to grind without the use of premium). NGD is the final call in all the nerfing and how it is or is not implemented. Unless the forum is closed there will not be an end to the suggestions whether they are plausible or laughable.

The other part of just developing your friend base online is easier said then done. Many improvements in game polish, physics and function would need to be done prior to a lot of the North American gaming community to give Regnum more than a once over.

01-11-2010, 04:02 AM
I too am against all this nerfing. IMO the best solution is for NGD to look into the pre 1.0 balance situation and start all over from there. 0.9 was actually closer to balance, was a lot more fun and had much more fluid battles than what we have now.

01-11-2010, 09:15 AM
Please people....
Call for improvements to your class.....

Nerf hunters!

01-11-2010, 09:36 AM
Like the majority of our community I am against nerfings too. A couple of days ago I made a thread too on this subject, called "Don't ask for nerfings, ask for improvements". I am glad more people express their desire to stop the nerfing monster:ranting:

01-11-2010, 11:47 AM
some things need nerfs, other things needs improvements, the right action must be taken not just pick one and keep going with it

01-11-2010, 11:58 AM
NO-MORE-NERFS, enough is enough

01-11-2010, 02:40 PM
Nerf hunters!

Yes, the rest of the post proves it quite good.

You suggest every conju should have the same anti-confuse setup, reducing conjurers ability to heal and give other buffs, only due to ONE stupid spell?

Irrelevant. This doesn't depend on conjurer. People hardly give a f*** about mages falling behind. I could only name a few that do, warriors mostly.

Mhmm, and maybe you will be able to spot hunter under camo...

...assuming you have big bunch of luck, and hunter attacking you is total noob, yes, you can make it.

Yeah, and when it comes to REAL fight you will have all these, very useful, high lvl spells on CD, so you'll die from few normal hits. Support conjurer...

Yeah, sure, hunter surely will be dumb enough not to cast his buffs while you're on sanct.

I really have not enough patience point ATM, so i'll stop here, cause commenting whole your post would make me drown in an ocean of sarcasm.
Now, I can be flooded with red karmas again, but i have to say it. What you propose is to subordinate all gameplay to counter ONE spell, which is utter bullshit. I can only agree that confuse is dangerous in combos or with pet, but this is the point. Hunter can't have it.

Off topic. Stop quoting whole post when you add only one sentence.
Could admins, please, make a warning to DM for such behaviour?

Sweet child of mine.. I forgive you for your anger...

01-11-2010, 04:14 PM
barb nerfs..... NEVER AGAIN!!!

01-11-2010, 05:22 PM
Balance should work both ways, if something is way overpowered nerf it, if something needs improvement improve it. Its very hard to go all positive and very demoralising to go all negative.

01-11-2010, 05:37 PM
At this point, I think it's better to improve on certain skills and counters vs overpowered spells instead of nerfing the overpowered spells. Characters are pretty weak now and gameplay has become to static and repetitive to take more nerfs.

01-11-2010, 05:39 PM
some things need nerfs, other things needs improvements, the right action must be taken not just pick one and keep going with it

+1 to this. thats the way things should be done.

01-11-2010, 05:41 PM
At this point, I think it's better to improve on certain skills and counters vs overpowered spells instead of nerfing the overpowered spells. Characters are pretty weak now and gameplay has become to static and repetitive to take more nerfs.

Yes we have had a long string of nerfs and are overdue some improvements for a change, but I remember people singing to the skys at the changes to SC and Sotw, nerfs have their place but shouldent be seen as the easy way out, sure nerfing a spell can 'solve' the issue but overall it can damage gameplay, especially if they go to far (see Onsl/Ribs Breaker/Balestra) spells hit so hard they are used only be a few knights (RB and B ofc not Taxi) and even less barbs.

01-11-2010, 06:16 PM
Mob resists - nerf them!!

Now there's a nerf that is definately needed :)

01-11-2010, 06:57 PM
Please people....

Before you start complaining about another class, try to find ways to make the game work in your favor with that you are given.

Since nerfing began we have all been playing Hangman Regnum, and the body is almost fully drawn.

Don't kill Regnum...... Instead develop your friend base online and find ways to work well as a group.

RVR not PVP...

Call for improvements to your class.....

Over the last 2 years all we have read in forums is hunters begging for a change of balance (specially versus warriors). A class that was already overpowered got the nod from NGD and the result is a broken game. Shame.

So not only do hunters now have speed + range + sotw + camouflage + pet that does excessive damage, they even get all_of_the_above for next to nothing. Thats ridiculous (to put it nicely).

The disbalance needs to be corrected aggressively.

1. a successfull hit needs to prevent a hunter from going camo. If that can't be achieved - disable camo.
2. Taunting a pet needs to work as designed. If that can't be achieved - disable pet.
3. evasion needs to be reduced by at least 50% on a hunter. Resistance: same. The present levels are ridiculous
4. Warriors require much better armour than hunters, they have no range. As is, with a hunters passives, it has a better damage soaking ability than a warrior, even a knight. Ridiculous.
5. A pet can hit with criticals of 540 or more, not to mention that it receives all and any skill-benefits that a hunter spawns. Ridiculous.
6. sotw/hdv is way overpowered, speed + invulnerability with few skills to counter with. Also, it has a duration that is, well, ridiculous.

This is about balance - which is non-existant as we speak.

01-11-2010, 07:21 PM
And why did hunters get OP?

By nerfs for other classes yes...

01-11-2010, 08:56 PM
Sweet child of mine.. I forgive you for your anger...

NGD should add smiley "satire" so i can mark posts especially for you.