View Full Version : Please NGD, hear what I have to say
04-23-2007, 06:39 PM
So, I'm back once again to complain about the unbalance occurred after the last "big" update.
You might call it balance, but it's pure unbalance.
I thought “close combat” classes were to be better than “ranged combat” classes in close combat, but now I see I've been wrong all the time, at least until the last “big” update.
I've tried to just calm down, trying to live with the fact that this “unbalance” most surely will be here to stay but it's impossible.
How can it be fair that a hunter can kill a barbarian in close combat?
Don't you think that's a bit strange?
Nowadays, I use to level at the Alsius beach but that have turned into a real pain.
Syrtis is running there all the time, making it impossible to train.
Now, coward Syrtis players isn't what we are gonna talk about so I'll start right away with my story.
“Me, cowboy and The Nezzer was at the beach.
Cowboy went up in the forest near the shop because he wanted to kill cyclopes.
I stayed at the beach, killing Aquantis Elites.
Suddenly a hunter appears, he is rated easy to me.
He have got a pet by his side, and he is running right against me!
At this time I had about the half amount of my life because I were not prepared for a PvP, I were griding making no harm at all.
Okay, so the hunter started to attack me along with his pet.
I used my strongest attacks on him but he was too fast for me.
Before I had even hit him he had cast a dizzy spell on me making it impossible for me to make more than 500-600 damage.
So there I was, useless. I tried in the last to kill him but no chance.
He started to run around so i couldn't hit him while his pet attacked me.
I tried to attack his pet and then he ambushed me and killed me.”
Cowboy and The Nezzer didn't reach there in time, all this happened so fast.
I guess he had been standing there for a while, watching me leveling and then started attack med when I had about 1500hp left.
Then, dear NGD, tell me.
Wouldn't I, a barbarian, the master on 1vs1 battles be able to kill him?
You doesn't seem to think so.
He might have about 2000hp, and I wasn't able to kill him, even if one hit of mine takes 500-600 normal, 900 using a spell! But guess what, how do you think I should be able to use any spell when the casting time is so slow that anyone can have the time to dizzy cast me before I can even make one hit?
Well... I had indeed half hp, so my dead wasn't very serious (If I had got full HP, I had gone crazy!)
But then my friend cowboy came down to kill him.
Cowboy had full HP, but indeed died, and he was a knight one level over me (46)!
The hunter was surely “very easy” to him.
How do you explain this?
Do you think this is balance?
You seem to.
This was not the only of these kind of situations.
I've been killed numereus times by warlocks, conjurers and all kind of ranged combat players.
The mages cast like 20 spells on me each hit, including dizzy, slow, drainings and such.
I have no chance.
I feel so useless right now.
I agree I can do lots of damage, but the only situations right now when PvP are even possible is when I have my dear friend The Nezzer (Conjurer) by my side.
Then it's easy to be barbarian, I agree, in that case I can crush any enemies, cause then the enemies are attacking The Nezzer first so I have the time to deal lots of damage to them and Trip them.
Without my friends at my side, I can even barely deal with any 1vs1 situation.
This is horrible, cause I remember times when Regnum was still fun to play.
I know this is a great game, and the PvP in this game is hard beaten.
But you have to agree that the PvP is the soul of this game, and how funny do you think it is to be useless in PvP? I feel like a mage without its staff, useless and I know that many of my friends (and surely enemies) feel the same even if they wont bother to post on the forums.
There is even mages that agree to what I say:
No you're aren't whining. This is completely true, and Barbarians were made almost completely useless in this new update. I went into warzone with my level 30 mage and killed an impossible barbarian, which almost made me laugh, he got 1 hit in, unfortunately leaving me with 100hp, so I ivyied him, ran back some drained his hp and gave it to myself and fireballed him. Wasn't really much of a challenge, Especially when he should've completely killed me.
Some archers and mages might complain about the warriors advantages over them, and maybe they were right, once, but not anymore.
Can you even name one advantage to be a warrior right now when we are even useless in what we are meant to be good at – close combat?
I've tried being a mage, and yes it's lots harder than being a barbarian.
Especially to level up, but in the warzone... no, not anymore!
Stop complaining, you can try being a barbarian yourself if you want.
How funny do you think it is to have a “very slow” weapon and use spells?
You can point and laugh at us, you have at least got “fast” or “medium”, maybe “slow” weapons.
But you also have a general higher weapon speed.
I don't think you can even imagine how it feel to be a warrior right now.
Please NGD, I beg on my knees.
Please indeed answer to my post and tell me if there are gonna be some change.
If nothing are gonna change regarding this, well... Then I don't know if this game is worth playing anymore, at least not as warrior.
Great, you'll gain a lots of archers and mages.
I don't want to tell you how to do your job or complain about your hard work (because you really are doing a great job, working hard for this great game).
I just want to make you aware that many players out there have got a pure hell right now playing this game and that we want a solution, or at least a reply telling us you are aware of this.
04-23-2007, 07:10 PM
Yes, I've seen you die many times, in front of my eyes.
Before this update you slayed archers as shit.
Now I need to heal you all the time, and the price to me is : Death, because I need to heal you so much that I can't protect my self.
Shouldn't barbarians dominate the Regnum world ?
At least kill Warlocks, hunters (who is the most fucking dominate chars) and conjurors.
If I'm lucky I maybe can kill Znurre and I'm a level 33 Conjuror, this is mad :s
04-23-2007, 07:28 PM
This is so true, so true.
I hope they fix it.
04-23-2007, 07:29 PM
u are so damn right!
but they just downed the server for an update, so maybe its all solved.
anyway, before the update the balance was WAY better.
I cant stress it often enough.
that slow casting is unfair and breaks the fun.
I (as a knight) feel as if i had to fight with both hands tied to the back.
I wrote it in other threads and write it here again:
that punishment for warriors need to change!
znurre is absolutly right
04-23-2007, 07:36 PM
Hm... since the last update I had the feeling that archers are useless in solo PvE.... I did not much PvP because i am afraid of the huge warrior damage...
You didnt tell us what warrior class you are... But I guess its Barbarian cause many babarian complain about the very slow weapons.... Are there no weapons with slow or medium speed and a bit less damage? could be usefull to use them.
I the warzone I experienced that you should never walk alone..... always in a group because of the thing you reported.... Low life and then comes the enemy and kills you.
Im level 33 Hunter now, i got a bit more then 2000 life points.... I cant imagine to kill a Warrior -.-"
But if its that extremly like you reported something has to be changed.
I think I can believe in what you said... One of my clan members stopped playing his high lvl barbarian because its unplayable because of the low speed....
But In my opinion one thing is not fair:
In many thread players are complaining about Syrtis players camping at altars etc..... Might be true.... but Syrtis is not the only realm doing this....
I dont think that it is good for the community that there are so much complaints about this.... On the other hand it should be self-evident that NO player camps or kills unchallenging enemies in PvP
Best Regards and have a nice day.
04-23-2007, 07:41 PM
Hm... since the last update I had the feeling that archers are useless in solo PvE.... I did not much PvP because i am afraid of the huge warrior damage...
You didnt tell us what warrior class you are... But I guess its Barbarian cause many babarian complain about the very slow weapons.... Are there no weapons with slow or medium speed and a bit less damage? could be usefull to use them.
I the warzone I experienced that you should never walk alone..... always in a group because of the thing you reported.... Low life and then comes the enemy and kills you.
Im level 33 Hunter now, i got a bit more then 2000 life points.... I cant imagine to kill a Warrior -.-"
But if its that extremly like you reported something has to be changed.
I think I can believe in what you said... One of my clan members stopped playing his high lvl barbarian because its unplayable because of the low speed....
But In my opinion one thing is not fair:
In many thread players are complaining about Syrtis players camping at altars etc..... Might be true.... but Syrtis is not the only realm doing this....
I dont think that it is good for the community that there are so much complaints about this.... On the other hand it should be self-evident that NO player camps or kills unchallenging enemies in PvP
Best Regards and have a nice day.
No, you are right.
Syrtis, aswell as Alsius and Ignis are doing these things.
We cannot blam a specific realm.
Regarding the speed, I'm using a "slow" weapon, and that's even faster than many of those blunt weapons that the majority of the barbaians are using.
Even with that axe, everything is damn slow.
This is because of the low general attack speed of the warriors.
No matter what speed of your weapon you have, warriors have 1.5 in attack speed and archers/mages 3.
This makes everything very slow, as I bet you can imagine.
But maybe things are solved now.
My friend tells me that the newly update made everything better, but I have to try it myself (something i wont be able to to in 5 days).
Can someone other confirm this?
04-23-2007, 07:41 PM
If a mage misses one spell to slow or stun a warrior.. the warior will win...
you need to adapt.. and use new weapons that attack faster... learn how to combo attack... I played a warrior just fine.. and killed 2 mages... at the same time.. and also 1 mage 1 archer.. it all depends on your skill and what SKILLS you train in..:nunchaku:
Moreover.. if a mage misses one of his skills.. he has to wait 60 - 180 seconds before he can use that skill again.. your cooldowns are like 20 seconds.. and you have instant attacks. There are many ways that you can overcome in battle besides trying to rush in and kill everyone...
04-23-2007, 07:54 PM
No, you are right.
Syrtis, aswell as Alsius and Ignis are doing these things.
We cannot blam a specific realm.
Regarding the speed, I'm using a "slow" weapon, and that's even faster than many of those blunt weapons that the majority of the barbaians are using.
Even with that axe, everything is damn slow.
This is because of the low general attack speed of the warriors.
No matter what speed of your weapon you have, warriors have 1.5 in attack speed and archers/mages 3.
This makes everything very slow, as I bet you can imagine.
But maybe things are solved now.
My friend tells me that the newly update made everything better, but I have to try it myself (something i wont be able to to in 5 days).
Can someone other confirm this?
yes, I can imagine.... I try to use fast bows as often as possible... The difference is very big.
04-23-2007, 08:49 PM
If a mage misses one spell to slow or stun a warrior.. the warior will win...
you need to adapt.. and use new weapons that attack faster... learn how to combo attack... I played a warrior just fine.. and killed 2 mages... at the same time.. and also 1 mage 1 archer.. it all depends on your skill and what SKILLS you train in..:nunchaku:
Moreover.. if a mage misses one of his skills.. he has to wait 60 - 180 seconds before he can use that skill again.. your cooldowns are like 20 seconds.. and you have instant attacks. There are many ways that you can overcome in battle besides trying to rush in and kill everyone...
I don't think you read trough all my long post.
if yu had done, you would have seen that i citated another mage with the same thoughts as me.
The scenario you describe where a warrior can kill 2 mages fits too well on the time before this update. I can't belive that you have tried the barbarian since the last update because you can't do combos anymore with the new update.
Before the update, such a thing to kill 2 mages wer no problem at all.
Especially not if the mages were weak and low leveled.
You could first hit the weakest, and just before the hit use charge.
This would result in a normal hit and directly after a charge hit.
This way you could have cause more than 1500damage in less than 2 seconds.
This would be enough to kill an low leveled mage.
If that's not enough you could make a "Thirst for blood" and then cause 900damage more.
Impressive, 2400 damage in 4 seconds, not bad at all.
But that were those times.
04-23-2007, 09:21 PM
no .. i read it all.. After the update.. you are slower if you use a heavy weapon yes.. but warriors can still own multiple opponents.... you need to train more..
04-23-2007, 11:33 PM
well.. wait a moment... actually it was better for you before.. and better for me.. (as a mage) I think it is fair that you can hit faster in close range... For several reasons..
1) you have to survive the arrows and magic missles for at least 10 seconds to even get to the mage...
2) you have higher strength and should be able to handle a heavy weapon with speed...
still though... when i fight warriors 1vs1.... if i make 1 mistake... i can die to a lvl 30 warrior.... :nunchaku:
04-24-2007, 12:05 AM
Seems to me that many Barbarians are adapting to the new speed system and are using faster weapons. I was training in Warzone and a Very Hard barbarian came running at me. I Figured oh well, I'll just lightning and fireball him, so I did so, and he still had pleanty of life left to knock me down, and do 900+ HP hits, and I was dead before the knockdown even wore off. Now I still think the barbarians could use more speed, but with so many adapting to the new system, it makes me wonder if it is required.
04-24-2007, 03:03 AM
unlie dmon he use to useing fast weapons my staff was a powerful slow one i cant even use it cuz it cast so slowi dont know why that cuz the up date faver more a archer who weapons are faster then anyone at anylvl
04-24-2007, 06:44 AM
unlie dmon he use to useing fast weapons my staff was a powerful slow one i cant even use it cuz it cast so slowi dont know why that cuz the up date faver more a archer who weapons are faster then anyone at anylvl
that hurt my brain.
I think the update has definitely hindered the warriors. I had a couple of alsius warriors chasing me tonight, and I found that they had a harder time getting me knocked down. Which used to be pretty cheap, so I'm not complaining :superpusso:
But, like twiistedkaos said, many warriors are adapting. I see a lot of warriors still doing much damage. But I still can't speak for them since I am not a warrior.
04-24-2007, 07:16 AM
Seems to me that many Barbarians are adapting to the new speed system and are using faster weapons. I was training in Warzone and a Very Hard barbarian came running at me. I Figured oh well, I'll just lightning and fireball him, so I did so, and he still had pleanty of life left to knock me down, and do 900+ HP hits, and I was dead before the knockdown even wore off. Now I still think the barbarians could use more speed, but with so many adapting to the new system, it makes me wonder if it is required.
I've adapted it.
Right now I'm using a slow axe.
But.. the fastest two handed weapon right now have got medium speed, and that's still very slow.
Well.. i could always use a one handed fast weapon, but what's then the point of being a barbarian?
04-24-2007, 08:35 AM
just put it like this if u wanna do fast damage u need a fast weapon now thats the bottom line
04-24-2007, 08:42 AM
just put it like this if u wanna do fast damage u need a fast weapon now thats the bottom line
It's not about doing fast damage.
All I'm telling you is that the warriors right now is pathetic bad.
I didn't say I had a way solving it, did I?
Did I say I wanted higher weapon speed?
No I didn't. I complained about how damn slow the barbarians are now, and it's not in proportition of what damage they do.
Now I do like 500-600 damage in 3-4 seconds with a normal attack while another class can do lots more damage in the same time, because of their general higher weapon speed.
That's not fair, because the warriors (specialy the barbaian) are meant to deal lots of damage in close combat.
And if I, and many of my friends get pwned in close combat by ranged combat classes that is even ranked easy, don't you think there is something wrong then?
If you don't... then you shouldn't bother to post here in this thread, cause then you don't care about the overall game balance just about to get yourself as mage as many advantages posible.
I aint trying to get myself more advangages, just trying to make people see how unfair this is. It's completely wierd, the game balance right now!
But as I said, something seemed to be done in yesterdays update to fix this balance problem but noone have confirmed it yet. Can anyone confirm it?
04-24-2007, 08:48 AM
i understand ur problem cuz that update hit us mages in a bad way but i know warriors got it worst since they have slow and med weapons like barbs making there spells slowere then mine in a way is kinda unfair cuz is not really a fight if u cant cast fast i hope that update was just for testing they fix it
04-24-2007, 08:53 AM
i understand ur problem cuz that update hit us mages in a bad way but i know warriors got it worst since they have slow and med weapons like barbs making there spells slowere then mine in a way is kinda unfair cuz is not really a fight if u cant cast fast i hope that update was just for testing they fix it
Yes. thank you :)
04-24-2007, 09:55 AM
it's becomming whining now znurre, if you were wounded this hunter used a better strategy than you to kill you. Because of strategy you lost.
The only thing wrong now with warriors is the weaponspeed compared to the spell speed, or maybe not at all since of the high amount of dmg/hp you have without using spells. You are still strong, you're just whining too much to see it. One knockdown and you're able to kill in 1v1. And maybe that's still too much, I don't know.
It all depends on strategy, always. Although warlocks needs some working on since their key to damage is big groups and big damage in short time, I don't see that with my current warlock. Too little mana :|.
Also taht hunter might have been using that high damage bug, as I don't recall seing anything about it being fixed
This is a lot of random thoughts pulled out of my mind.
04-24-2007, 05:48 PM
it's becomming whining now znurre, if you were wounded this hunter used a better strategy than you to kill you. Because of strategy you lost.
The only thing wrong now with warriors is the weaponspeed compared to the spell speed, or maybe not at all since of the high amount of dmg/hp you have without using spells. You are still strong, you're just whining too much to see it. One knockdown and you're able to kill in 1v1. And maybe that's still too much, I don't know.
sure its a bit whining involved.
But mages whine all the time (they STILL do) and they get gifted for that from the devs.
and sure a warrior can take out a group of low lvls. I killed a group of 4 on my own after the update.
thats not the point.
Its about fighting equal opponents. Equally skilled (*grrrrrr* @ demon) and equal lvl. good old 1on1.
Can a warrior win against a warrior - yes
can a warrior win against a mage - hard
can a warrior win against an archer - no -> they simply cast their running stuff faster than i can cast my counter spells (dizzy or knock).
no chance there ... and they have way more speed overall
mages are doable cause they dont have a speed spell (they have slowness spells already which are powerful)
if they would be able to run faster, they would be invulnerable too
in war it looks a bit better cause skills and classes are more mixed.
that slow spellcasting for warriors still sucks a lot. its ok to bound it to weapon speed, no question. The instant casting how it was before was stupid.
but no more extra slowness for warriors!
faster weapons dont really help there. I tried it and i use 2 kinds of weapons now.
But thats not the solution, it only lowers the pain
04-24-2007, 06:40 PM
I don't want to spoil your Party here.
Weeping that u have no Power anymore. But in my Eyes that here is also not fair
Before this update you slayed archers as shit.
maybe u did and u had a lot of Fun. And its only your fun and it not very realistic.
U bee defeated when u was hurt. ok thats the way. Ask Night twix how many time he beat me (mostly from the Back when i Fight somebody else)
So u bleading on your hole body and then came this guy and his pet shoting you and run quicker then u.------------------------------ Come on man
Mabey u could slayer us like shit .. but now it is time to change your tactic.
04-24-2007, 06:49 PM
I don't want to spoil your Party here.
Weeping that u have no Power anymore. But in my Eyes that here is also not fair
maybe u did and u had a lot of Fun. And its only your fun and it not very realistic.
U bee defeated when u was hurt. ok thats the way. Ask Night twix how many time he beat me (mostly from the Back when i Fight somebody else)
So u bleading on your hole body and then came this guy and his pet shoting you and run quicker then u.------------------------------ Come on man
Mabey u could slayer us like shit .. but now it is time to change your tactic.
Sorry, but also you haven't read trough my post.
I also said cowboy, with full HP also died.
What about that then?
Do you think that is normal that 2 warriors die after each other?
Then it can't be my tactics.
Then it's something that are very wrong.
And also a big thank to NightTwix.
He is absolutly right.
We are deadly enemies in the WZ, but we agree with each other in the forums ;)
04-25-2007, 07:03 AM
Sorry, but also you haven't read trough my post.
I also said cowboy, with full HP also died.
What about that then?
Do you think that is normal that 2 warriors die after each other?
Then it can't be my tactics.
Then it's something that are very wrong.
And also a big thank to NightTwix.
He is absolutly right.
We are deadly enemies in the WZ, but we agree with each other in the forums ;)
maybe it actually is, I haven't thought about this
04-25-2007, 08:54 AM
I also said cowboy, with full HP also died.
U tell me nothing about the Hunter was he hurt -- How much time did he have before the sec. Attack did he c Cowboy coming ???
U c !! Its not all about U and your mighty Power--- no there is a lot about timing and tactic.
and if that is all on Information about that Situation then I have to tell u again
yes one slow Knight is not a Problem as long i can move he's gona lose it.
It will take some Time but if i don't make a mistake he going to die
and by the Way .............. I wrote it befor
04-25-2007, 09:12 AM
U tell me nothing about the Hunter was he hurt -- How much time did he have before the sec. Attack did he c Cowboy coming ???
U c !! Its not all about U and your mighty Power--- no there is a lot about timing and tactic.
and if that is all on Information about that Situation then I have to tell u again
yes one slow Knight is not a Problem as long i can move he's gona lose it.
It will take some Time but if i don't make a mistake he going to die
and by the Way .............. I wrote it befor
Cowboy came like 5 seconds after I had died.
He also had support by Nezzer, a conjuror.
I had made the hunter loose like 1/4 of his life already.
Cowboy managed to kill his werewolf and then cowboy also died.
04-25-2007, 09:14 AM
Cowboy came like 5 seconds after I had died.
He also had support by Nezzer, a conjuror.
I had made the hunter loose like 1/4 of his life already.
Cowboy managed to kill his werewolf and then cowboy also died.
maybe he used that bug if it still haven't been fixed?
04-25-2007, 09:27 AM
maybe he used that bug if it still haven't been fixed?
Yes, it was the same day as many other used it.
It can have been.
But that is just one example of such situations.
Many times when I've been fighting against level 50 warlocks (I'm 45), they dizzy me, slow me and everything before i can even trip or faint them, because: they are faster than me.
Maybe they should add something that makes mages and archers attack speed go down in close combat, and go up in ranged.
Cause that's how it gonna be, isn't it?
Warriors: Sucks in ranged, best in close
Mages/Archers: Sucks in close, best in range.
And then I think it should be like that.
Cause right now it is:
Warriors: Sucks in ranged, best in close (maybe?)
Mages/Archers: Best in close, best in range
And this have to be fixed.
This wasn't a problem before, because then warriors could easily kill in close combat. Now it is a problem.
04-25-2007, 09:51 AM
I completely disagree with your post znurre, a mages speciality is his spells, he casts them fast.
warriors hit with their weapons. Here's what you want to do
until you find a combination of skills suiting you
04-25-2007, 10:18 AM
I completely disagree with your post znurre, a mages speciality is his spells, he casts them fast.
warriors hit with their weapons. Here's what you want to do
until you find a combination of skills suiting you
I have already tried to find a nice combination, but it doesnt matter.
Mages and archer should be good in ranged, not close.
Adn even if they should be able to attack in close combat, they shouldn't be better in it than warriors
04-25-2007, 10:24 AM
I have to say the game is not that unbalanced as you make it sound.
Although i get the frustration of not getting close to enemy or have to spend 15 seconds killing a pet before you even can try to kill the mage / hunter.
And if you get close you better hope your spell isn’t resisted.
Znurre since you use swords so you have limited abilities compared to hammers, you considered to switch?
You don’t really have any spell to make them dizzy other than 'howl' which is slow 2 sec cast + weapon delay (that’s ridiculous btw). 50% dizzy chance aren’t very appealing to me on the 2h ability.
You can't pin them either, and the disable limb don't deal any damage wich you cant afford to use with a slow weapon. So i guess you rely compleatly on your trip / feint knock down which now are resisted alot since a few updates back.
I hope they will at least make the instant spells work properly.
The intention must have been that they should be instant right?
04-25-2007, 10:30 AM
I have to say the game is not that unbalanced as you make it sound.
Although i get the frustration of not getting close to enemy or have to spend 15 seconds killing a pet before you even can try to kill the mage / hunter.
And if you get close you better hope your spell isn’t resisted.
Znurre since you use swords so you have limited abilities compared to hammers, you considered to switch?
You don’t really have any spell to make them dizzy other than 'howl' which is slow 2 sec cast + weapon delay (that’s ridiculous btw). 50% dizzy chance aren’t very appealing to me on the 2h ability.
You can't pin them either, and the disable limb don't deal any damage wich you cant afford to use with a slow weapon. So i guess you rely compleatly on your trip / feint knock down which now are resisted alot since a few updates back.
I hope they will at least make the instant spells work properly.
The intention must have been that they should be instant right?
yes you are right.
I'm using Axe, slahing.
For many reasons.
First of all, I don't want tu use blunt as everyone else.
Second, i like many of the passive skills slahing have.
Third, almost all blunts are so damn slow, much slower than slashing.
And, howl always work
No 50% chance, but its slow to cast.
04-25-2007, 11:09 AM
I have already tried to find a nice combination, but it doesnt matter.
Mages and archer should be good in ranged, not close.
Adn even if they should be able to attack in close combat, they shouldn't be better in it than warriors
no matter what mages and archers will never engage in close combat because they always use ranged attacks :P
04-25-2007, 11:18 AM
yeah forgot that guardian mace has not been available for you.
lvl46 might get you the slow 2h guardian mace right?
I like that you want stand out a bit but is it worth it?
dex and blunt resist is nice i know but it might be worth sacrificing
for str, piercing resist, jaw breaker and rib breaker which both are better than any slashing spell available.
Anyone know if a barbarian can reveal hidden hunters, maybe an area effect or something?
04-25-2007, 11:56 AM
yeah forgot that guardian mace has not been available for you.
lvl46 might get you the slow 2h guardian mace right?
I like that you want stand out a bit but is it worth it?
dex and blunt resist is nice i know but it might be worth sacrificing
for str, piercing resist, jaw breaker and rib breaker which both are better than any slashing spell available.
Anyone know if a barbarian can reveal hidden hunters, maybe an area effect or something?
I'll try that mace out, whn I have the time.
I cannot play until friday
Anyone know if a barbarian can reveal hidden hunters, maybe an area effect or something?
You can't reveal a hidden Hunter but area effect will damage a hidden hunter.
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