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Old 04-17-2008, 11:25 PM   #11
CumeriTarenes's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 702
CumeriTarenes is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ljwolfe
Hunters get the out of jail free cards, including speed and camo.
and a pet, that fights when you are knocked...that fights when you cast spells...that runs trough trees, fort walls and stones. And tracking skills of course.

As I said in another thread, every class has a lot of unique abilities. But marksmen only a very few...actually they can be replaced by other classes very good in most cases.

For this, hunters don't have to complain about imbalance against them at all. Same as marksmen.

Problem with archers is the shared evasion tree. It has to be redesinged completely my opinion. Archers don't need a nerf, they need a change. Evasion should not be that important for a ranged class. What makes them keeping alive should be range, not the evasion tree which allows archer to fight melee.

To the marks armor:

Well, you did 1 dmg at her. This is in fact a knight/conju buff or aura.

And to ethereal arrow which ignores armor: This is one of the few things a marksman has that can hardly be replaced by other classes at all (throat cutter/thirst for blood and soulkeeper/vamp are limited in usage). Don't take it from them. It is unique...and for this it has to be powerful. A conju can heal...he can almost heal as fast as many classes can do damage. But does this makes them overpowered? A hunter can walk around invisible 3/4 all the time with only 10% speed reduction. Does it makes them overpowered?

Unique abilities have to be powerful. If they are not they are not needed in a group because other classes can replace it easily.
dwarfen sniper pts Cumeri Tarenes and Hunti

Last edited by CumeriTarenes; 04-17-2008 at 11:56 PM.
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