Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso
Where can you take that "Main quest"?
Is there a level limit for it?
Just because I can't find it with a lv 37 char
PS: Nice changes 
Because you probably have finished it already. I checked few first quests in initiation zone, the 'main quest' is composed of the quests that already existed, there is no new one. Only experience reward seems to have been modified (which was not noticeable change for the quests I tried, but it could be for the higher level ones). I do understand that making new quests from scratch would take much more time, than identifying some as 'main quest' and changing the exp, but I was really hoping in that. The problem is not only that you had to do many low rewarding quests (and after level 15, realm task letter delivery was superior to questing), but the problem is also that the quests are almost all the same: Go somewhere, speak to someone, kill something, interact with something, drop something and go back. When you get such a quest 10 times in a row, it gets boring.