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Old 05-01-2013, 10:42 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
That's not bad, but a little weak imo.

I mean, from where will you have your main damage?

That setup is vast, yes however you are weak in attack and in support. Your only strong point is your defense.

I think I would make a few changes to this.
Of course, if you're desperate for WM 19.
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Last edited by Tamui; 05-01-2013 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 05-01-2013, 11:49 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Tamui View Post
You might be right, I don't have an opportunity to test these setups.. I don't know what dmg arcane missile does, and pricking ivy could be one way of increasing dmg, but the later has rather long cool-down to be used as a direct offensive spell.
Sultar's, mana burn and summons I would consider the main offence, and the mana drains I would use to keep the enemy relatively helpless.
The passive health is worth to invest into imho, especially since mages have quite a few discipline points. Passive cs is good as well
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Old 05-01-2013, 06:16 PM   #13
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It has been a while since I played warju, but one thing I know has not changed... warju wins fights by outlasting their enemy, not by outdamaging them. This is why they are OP in 1v1, but suck in fort fights.
Mana burn is the number 1 dmg spell for warjus. I would suggest skilling ivy and beetle at 5 because you need this extra time, and the little extra dmg you get matters. Put your lich/zarkit on 5 too. They actually do decent dmg if you are lvl 60. Arcane missile is a piddly little spell with not much dmg but it is better than a staff hit. I've always found it useful when there is nothing else to cast.

*** Put 1 point in Insightful. It causes devotion and mind blank to overlap so you have 3 sec after they would normally end to recast.

I can find no good way to make a decent warju build with that 700 hp we all want, but I wouldn't sacrifice the cs, so here it is:


Or, even better, hybrid the class and play with some friends. At least with this, you are useful outside of PvP. :-)
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Old 05-01-2013, 07:12 PM   #14
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My hybrid setup. I can kill warriors and most archers(that dont have boss jewelry and/or spam conf 5) in pvp, and I can instantly support my allies without needing to reset. Believe it or not I get more kills in a hybrid setup rather than a full warju build, dont ask why because I am confused by this logic too

This game is too easy
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:33 PM   #15
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Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:40 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?

Most of you recommend Steel Skin, is that a Warju-only recommendation as there is a thread about it saying its use is limited.
My setup is a hybrid setup, not full damage. It is for when you want to support allies and at the same time be able to protect yourself when you are alone.

Time master is useful for getting out of tricky situations, or stopping an enemy from getting away.

Not sure about mana burn, but im pretty sure the larger your opponent's total mana (not current mana) the more damage it will inflict.

Dispel and steel skin should be on any build as a high level conjurer, both at 5.
And regarding summons : you only need a lich, but if you have extra points you can get a lich and zark. Hope I helped.

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Old 05-01-2013, 08:42 PM   #17
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IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...

just try to pvp gondu while hes on his support setup...
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Old 05-01-2013, 08:45 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...

just try to pvp gondu while hes on his support setup...
Lol when im bored I sit at the syrtis CS and pvp random people in a mostly support setup, I end up killing most warriors and some archers but it usually takes the full amount of time a banner gives. Conj is an OP class.

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Old 05-01-2013, 09:10 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Krungle View Post
Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?
1)Just a matter of preferences some prefer summons, some don't. Although Grim, as he says, it's a support setup.
2)In some of your useless posts you said that you have had a hunter or marks. Have you used stun? Kind of the same principle. To break a chain, to buff yourself, to make your opponent unable to heal, dispel, retaliate DoTs.

3)It says in the description how much it gives damage. On 5 it gives around 35/50 damage. If the opponent has 0 mana, it will burn what it regenerates.

4)Very useful. And not only for yourself. No it won't cast if you are under darkness, dizzy, freeze, knocked or stunned. It's still very useful to oneself. However, you can dispel any kind of debuff your ally have except when he has darkness.

Originally Posted by Hollow-Ichigo View Post
IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...
Wow we have different meanings
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Old 05-02-2013, 04:46 AM   #20
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1) ok

2) On my Marks I dot first then freeze and freezing during RvR is a bad thing 90% of the time. On a 1v1 fight if someone is that close to me I am on my buttocks, I have no DoTs, freeze would just give time for the debuffs on my opponent to wear off. The only use I can see for it is running through an enemy wall gate. I still am confused on the use of Time Master.

3) Yes it says 35/50 in the description. 50 damage vs someone with 5k+ health doesn't even rate a hangnail or papercut.

4) So dispel magic is useful against movement speed debuffs on self and is mostly a support spell. Or am I missing something?
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