View Full Version : General discussion

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  1. Bad attitude
  2. Making Gold after quests
  3. Wikipedia Article is messed up again
  4. Where are all the mobs?
  5. Current top 10 inscriptions by country
  6. Looking for new members
  7. Buying from item mall..
  8. Gameplay Questions
  9. some ideas for RO
  10. Dutch Clan | Nederlandstalige Clan
  11. conjurer spells
  12. Regnum Points?
  13. Linux Version in English?
  14. small question to ngd
  15. Is it possible?
  16. You have played Regnum Online too much when...
  17. Stone Temple
  18. how to find a clan?
  19. marksman or conjuor
  20. hi,lvl 15 or over syrtis characters read (clan)
  21. How do you feel about todays update?
  22. New Quest's
  23. xfire and regnum
  24. next pvp thats right its back 6-22-2007
  25. clan-join spamming(help me get out!)
  26. Is this true ?
  27. Mario of Persia & Icarus Zelta -> lvl 50!
  28. what was ngd thinking...
  29. Freedom Slayers is recruiting new members (Syrtis)
  30. polish/english clan, Syrtis
  31. Ignis Quests
  32. Doubts, doubts & doubts
  33. Sup Guys
  34. To NG Studio
  35. New ONLY English speaking clan created
  36. admin plz answer
  37. The Cheating Has To Stop.
  38. Things that sucks about Regnum Online
  39. This game sucks!!
  40. Triliance of Ignean Renaissance
  41. How long is an ingame day
  42. Guard i cant find him
  43. Looking for clan
  44. Whats With This Spell
  45. i have just about had it
  46. goodbye for now
  47. Syrtis Save Point
  48. Babel (no, not the movie)
  49. Idiot Hall of Shame
  50. ximeria items not a tradeable item?
  51. taking time out
  52. Pets/Summons?
  53. Where are all players???
  54. I need help realy bad
  55. What pets to use and where to find them?
  56. ring and amulets in Syrtis
  57. Syrtis players
  58. conjuerer sux now
  59. class change request
  60. Mav' is on her way back !
  61. English Ignis Players
  62. hello!!
  63. Blacksmith Barb Armor
  64. Alsius Dragon Slaying Time!!
  65. Graduation gone bad..Ignis I Hate You
  66. About the forts
  67. Protection
  68. Alsius: French Clan / Clan Francophone
  69. Ignis: French Clan / Clan francophone
  70. Ignis - cann't complete quest - were is Grisa ?
  71. IGNIS - Please read this
  72. Alsius Quest Bugged..Again
  73. Enough With Bad Attitude !!!!
  74. English Players...
  75. I'm sorry alius guys, I swear lol
  76. Ignis English clan !
  77. Hello to all/ Hola a todos!!
  78. The days of peace have come to an end...
  79. Spell points
  80. I'm back my friends
  81. Cong's summons - who is the best ?
  82. Is the server down ? -11 July 2007-
  83. warlock summoning
  84. you know what this game needs...
  85. For the Admins: Can I use images on Wikipedia?
  86. guess who back
  87. syrtis quest shadow quest?
  88. No quests in Melekiti Port ?
  89. Happy to be here.One question though.
  90. Ignis underated
  91. Alsius stay away from our gate
  92. ignis telepoter
  93. hi everyone
  94. hi everyone
  95. Xfire support
  96. Is there an end ?
  97. Need help for creating french clan on Aslius...
  98. Alsius quest
  99. lvl 9 quest help
  100. Realm Points
  101. Is it possible to use other realms save points ?
  102. Fair Play?
  103. leveling skills
  104. Pets passive spells for hunters
  105. Twisted Elements Clan Recruit
  106. Lag
  107. noobs?
  108. Alsius Quests @ Lvl 31
  109. The monotony of levelling up...
  110. Organization of War
  111. What are we called?
  112. 7-25-07 will be the day
  113. Hunter Questions for Hunters (Maybe more useful Hunters from Syrtis)
  114. What is the use of Realm Points?
  115. lvl 26 quests?
  116. Quest Discussion
  117. Promotion
  118. Warrior To Knight or Barbarian?!?
  119. Italian Translation
  120. quest help! alsius
  121. 7 Guards quest :-)
  122. it took forever but it happen!
  123. something has been buging me for the last couple of weeks
  124. Alsius Hunter Needs Taming Advice
  125. 3 Alsius Players Need a English Clan...
  126. forming Mature English clan, Syrtis
  127. Discipline/Power points
  128. Alsius - vilcor's summon
  129. Sub Class duells
  130. fast V medium V slow casts staff
  131. my char page
  132. Training Partners~!
  133. Question on Quests
  134. bored..
  135. lallalala bye for 2 weeks
  136. Did your character lose 1 strenth?
  137. afk leveling
  138. Opening Regnum's source code
  139. WTF is this place?
  140. E X I L E and clan...
  141. Gunfar
  142. Um
  143. Staffs after Master lvl 46 in Syrtis
  144. recording programs
  145. huge lag problem!
  146. Events section?
  147. pictures of THE CULPRIT (dramatic music)
  148. i believe this new patch hurt the game
  149. hunter or marksman?
  150. Campers
  151. hey you syrtis fags
  152. everyone i talk to says this new patch sux
  153. No loot from legends?
  154. Why hello there =o!
  155. IGNIS: Leveling partner(s) LVL 45
  156. sorry from the Shadows of death
  157. Maybe the new 10% rule isn't so bad...
  158. Difference between...
  159. Realm pnt VS Regnum pnt?
  160. now syrtis and ignis fight against alsius together?
  161. warstatus is gone from regum open page
  162. thank you ngd
  163. Help fining missing quests in Alsius
  164. people log out inside forts
  165. Why and How did I get Realm/Regnum points for killing someone in tha arena?
  166. How to Ignore a user on the forum
  167. Graduation of Na
  168. Regnum WZ ethics 101
  169. starting to worry
  170. What are the material differences and mob resistance to damage ?
  171. What video software
  172. ngs were are ya?
  173. Too good to be true?
  174. glitches and war
  175. NGD Doing More Good Than Bad
  176. What Would You Like Added To Regnum Online The Most
  177. Apologies To the Alsius Near The Save and Alsius Gate
  178. Weekly PVP
  179. Fragile Skeletons?
  180. Running In The War Zone
  181. Leveling
  182. Linux Compatability
  183. Alsius Level 40 Quests
  184. The Rare Elf Items!!!
  185. Beta Testing
  186. Need advice on playing a knight
  187. Sanctuary - clarification please!
  188. Weekly PvP (Official Shedule)
  189. Apologies to Hulus and Goni
  190. Barb Tips
  191. Cool new fansite in English
  192. Conj's Zarkit VS Hunters Pets !
  193. unofficial regnum wiki
  194. Head of the pack skill
  195. Server disconnections
  196. hi i hav left this game bye
  197. The Official Syrtis Website
  198. Regnum offline...
  199. Legends Poll
  200. Regnum IS ONLINE!!!
  201. gate camping, save camping definition
  202. Pets Lvl 40+
  203. Music
  204. War Zone Code Of Laws
  205. Current client instability
  206. To Kelthar Stone-Cold
  207. New version with potential fix for random crashes
  208. Alsius' Vilcor's Summons Quest
  209. Another DAoC?
  210. RP
  211. way to go ngd
  212. Knight's Shield Glitch and Attack points glitch
  213. Why do you like Regnum ?
  214. Everyone take a deep breath...Some thoughts...Reactions...
  215. Weapons
  216. quests
  217. no comment
  218. How To Defend Pinos/Pines Fort.
  219. Played with my Conjurer for the first time today and oh my......
  220. Equipment questions, missing and unusable (Syrtis)
  221. Daven
  222. PvP event
  223. Organised PvP fort battles
  224. An unfair thing in War Zone
  225. German language available for the international version?
  226. Do elves have faces?
  227. Hello English Speakers
  228. HTML code
  229. Sry
  230. Barbarians faster than Hunters
  231. 2 weps???
  232. Knights class is done
  233. Yeaaa..
  234. New religion (Regnumism)
  235. Polish Regnum Site
  236. Logout issue with Internet Explorer and other browsers solved!
  237. NDG sorry to say this for the millionth time
  238. Hi ngd
  239. Sissies who run to daddy...
  240. Syrtis: Who Doesn't want to die in a War Zone.
  241. Hit point regeneration items!
  242. Hunters using short bows??
  243. Cold damage weapons (not staves)
  244. New to Regnum
  245. Knights class is done X2
  246. Thanks to the Rojos in Pozo
  247. Tareas de mantenimiento
  248. Connection to autopatch server failed.
  249. Need english speaking clan in Sytris
  250. What is a good class for a beginer?