- Bad attitude
- Making Gold after quests
- Wikipedia Article is messed up again
- Where are all the mobs?
- Current top 10 inscriptions by country
- Looking for new members
- Buying from item mall..
- Gameplay Questions
- some ideas for RO
- Dutch Clan | Nederlandstalige Clan
- conjurer spells
- Regnum Points?
- Linux Version in English?
- small question to ngd
- Is it possible?
- You have played Regnum Online too much when...
- Stone Temple
- how to find a clan?
- marksman or conjuor
- hi,lvl 15 or over syrtis characters read (clan)
- How do you feel about todays update?
- New Quest's
- xfire and regnum
- next pvp thats right its back 6-22-2007
- clan-join spamming(help me get out!)
- Is this true ?
- Mario of Persia & Icarus Zelta -> lvl 50!
- what was ngd thinking...
- Freedom Slayers is recruiting new members (Syrtis)
- polish/english clan, Syrtis
- Ignis Quests
- Doubts, doubts & doubts
- Sup Guys
- To NG Studio
- New ONLY English speaking clan created
- admin plz answer
- The Cheating Has To Stop.
- Things that sucks about Regnum Online
- This game sucks!!
- Triliance of Ignean Renaissance
- How long is an ingame day
- Guard i cant find him
- Looking for clan
- Whats With This Spell
- i have just about had it
- goodbye for now
- Syrtis Save Point
- Babel (no, not the movie)
- Idiot Hall of Shame
- ximeria items not a tradeable item?
- taking time out
- Pets/Summons?
- Where are all players???
- I need help realy bad
- What pets to use and where to find them?
- ring and amulets in Syrtis
- Syrtis players
- conjuerer sux now
- class change request
- Mav' is on her way back !
- English Ignis Players
- hello!!
- Blacksmith Barb Armor
- Alsius Dragon Slaying Time!!
- Graduation gone bad..Ignis I Hate You
- About the forts
- Protection
- Alsius: French Clan / Clan Francophone
- Ignis: French Clan / Clan francophone
- Ignis - cann't complete quest - were is Grisa ?
- IGNIS - Please read this
- Alsius Quest Bugged..Again
- Enough With Bad Attitude !!!!
- English Players...
- I'm sorry alius guys, I swear lol
- Ignis English clan !
- Hello to all/ Hola a todos!!
- The days of peace have come to an end...
- Spell points
- I'm back my friends
- Cong's summons - who is the best ?
- Is the server down ? -11 July 2007-
- warlock summoning
- you know what this game needs...
- For the Admins: Can I use images on Wikipedia?
- guess who back
- syrtis quest shadow quest?
- No quests in Melekiti Port ?
- Happy to be here.One question though.
- Ignis underated
- Alsius stay away from our gate
- ignis telepoter
- hi everyone
- hi everyone
- Xfire support
- Is there an end ?
- Need help for creating french clan on Aslius...
- Alsius quest
- lvl 9 quest help
- Realm Points
- Is it possible to use other realms save points ?
- Fair Play?
- leveling skills
- Pets passive spells for hunters
- Twisted Elements Clan Recruit
- Lag
- noobs?
- Alsius Quests @ Lvl 31
- The monotony of levelling up...
- Organization of War
- What are we called?
- 7-25-07 will be the day
- Hunter Questions for Hunters (Maybe more useful Hunters from Syrtis)
- What is the use of Realm Points?
- lvl 26 quests?
- Quest Discussion
- Promotion
- Warrior To Knight or Barbarian?!?
- Italian Translation
- quest help! alsius
- 7 Guards quest :-)
- it took forever but it happen!
- something has been buging me for the last couple of weeks
- Alsius Hunter Needs Taming Advice
- 3 Alsius Players Need a English Clan...
- forming Mature English clan, Syrtis
- Discipline/Power points
- Alsius - vilcor's summon
- Sub Class duells
- fast V medium V slow casts staff
- my char page
- Training Partners~!
- Question on Quests
- bored..
- lallalala bye for 2 weeks
- Did your character lose 1 strenth?
- afk leveling
- Opening Regnum's source code
- WTF is this place?
- E X I L E and clan...
- Gunfar
- Um
- Staffs after Master lvl 46 in Syrtis
- recording programs
- huge lag problem!
- Events section?
- pictures of THE CULPRIT (dramatic music)
- i believe this new patch hurt the game
- hunter or marksman?
- Campers
- hey you syrtis fags
- everyone i talk to says this new patch sux
- No loot from legends?
- Why hello there =o!
- IGNIS: Leveling partner(s) LVL 45
- sorry from the Shadows of death
- Maybe the new 10% rule isn't so bad...
- Difference between...
- Realm pnt VS Regnum pnt?
- now syrtis and ignis fight against alsius together?
- warstatus is gone from regum open page
- thank you ngd
- Help fining missing quests in Alsius
- people log out inside forts
- Why and How did I get Realm/Regnum points for killing someone in tha arena?
- How to Ignore a user on the forum
- Graduation of Na
- Regnum WZ ethics 101
- starting to worry
- What are the material differences and mob resistance to damage ?
- What video software
- ngs were are ya?
- Too good to be true?
- glitches and war
- NGD Doing More Good Than Bad
- What Would You Like Added To Regnum Online The Most
- Apologies To the Alsius Near The Save and Alsius Gate
- Weekly PVP
- Fragile Skeletons?
- Running In The War Zone
- Leveling
- Linux Compatability
- Alsius Level 40 Quests
- The Rare Elf Items!!!
- Beta Testing
- Need advice on playing a knight
- Sanctuary - clarification please!
- Weekly PvP (Official Shedule)
- Apologies to Hulus and Goni
- Barb Tips
- Cool new fansite in English
- Conj's Zarkit VS Hunters Pets !
- unofficial regnum wiki
- Head of the pack skill
- Server disconnections
- hi i hav left this game bye
- The Official Syrtis Website
- Regnum offline...
- Legends Poll
- Regnum IS ONLINE!!!
- gate camping, save camping definition
- Pets Lvl 40+
- Music
- War Zone Code Of Laws
- Current client instability
- To Kelthar Stone-Cold
- New version with potential fix for random crashes
- Alsius' Vilcor's Summons Quest
- Another DAoC?
- RP
- way to go ngd
- Knight's Shield Glitch and Attack points glitch
- Why do you like Regnum ?
- Everyone take a deep breath...Some thoughts...Reactions...
- Weapons
- quests
- no comment
- How To Defend Pinos/Pines Fort.
- Played with my Conjurer for the first time today and oh my......
- Equipment questions, missing and unusable (Syrtis)
- Daven
- PvP event
- Organised PvP fort battles
- An unfair thing in War Zone
- German language available for the international version?
- Do elves have faces?
- Hello English Speakers
- HTML code
- Sry
- Barbarians faster than Hunters
- 2 weps???
- Knights class is done
- Yeaaa..
- New religion (Regnumism)
- Polish Regnum Site
- Logout issue with Internet Explorer and other browsers solved!
- NDG sorry to say this for the millionth time
- Hi ngd
- Sissies who run to daddy...
- Syrtis: Who Doesn't want to die in a War Zone.
- Hit point regeneration items!
- Hunters using short bows??
- Cold damage weapons (not staves)
- New to Regnum
- Knights class is done X2
- Thanks to the Rojos in Pozo
- Tareas de mantenimiento
- Connection to autopatch server failed.
- Need english speaking clan in Sytris
- What is a good class for a beginer?