- Whats Next and Whats Next For Characters
- this game crashes too much!!
- Syrtis lv 7 monsters?
- How do I become a barbarian?
- where's Hidden Beach
- Can I change my discipline?
- Tankabon in Tankabon Domain?
- Iii"mmm Baaaacck
- NGD (please respond)
- a map of other areas?
- Notice to all
- NG please fix problems
- Inventory Quest Items "!"
- Can it be done?
- More than one account & Subclasses
- Account already logedin, help!?
- ur hit list
- Balanced Teams?
- Hello all im starting to rejoin
- official apoligise
- tear apart vs lightning
- Glitched into the arena
- Owned again... and again.
- DANGER: Account Stealers
- Warlock Tips?
- warlock new spell darkness
- read now! ! ! ! (ngd stop banning me cant u take the facts)
- Lame or Tactics?
- Warzone Lag?
- Lame or Tactics? (discussion)
- Dwarves sinking into the earth
- Grave Stones Change Colors
- Hunters, what do you think??
- I know this is sad news, but I must get the word out...
- Any new updates coming soon?
- premium trade
- Wow Hunter Skill Morph!!!
- Please Read And Say Something
- Problems/Issues/bugs with the new update (official post)
- i just wanna say..
- Hmm skeleton archers lost their bows?
- Alsius Quests - any new ones?
- the new update is brilliant.
- A big thanks to the German Guardians!
- is this a test or a future event?
- New archer characters without initial weapon
- Ressurection.
- 2 Kill Rule
- Can you trade stuff with other realms?
- Regnum Character Concepts and Balance
- lag problem
- howto login in gamingo?
- boda en eferias
- simpson video
- Missing My Items Since March 2007
- Some questions
- small question
- the map
- Hunter's pet bug - NGD please read
- Onslaught
- Question on rankings and how they work
- An Alsius incident - setting the record straight
- Quests and Game Characters
- Syrtis at Aquantis Beach.....
- It's offical, I'm go'in 2 Whore myself out
- Tired of the alsius rudness
- Have you seen this man?
- A mistake,
- realm
- Premiums for germany
- sorry El Canu
- News on Experimental?
- So now there are 2 servers?
- Hunters are now Impossible to kill
- I Love This Game
- Moving on
- Regnum ingame Events?
- Assassination Squad [Hunters Only]
- Quitting Regnum
- Where are the servers actually located...
- Exit...
- Guardians of POWER!! Woot!
- Kings,and Queens?
- Factions Rivalries
- Are all the mage spells posted anywhere?
- Balance Team!!
- Looking for a Clan...
- Launcher login screen?
- What was the last update changes ?
- Update!!!! Wow Nice 9-21-2007
- What I have found wrong in Ignis
- New administrator roles
- New mage gear?
- The lag
- The Game Dosent Work
- NGD, where are the ghosts?
- Archer gears?
- How many Linux users are in Ignis ?
- Topics related to all aspects of regnum online
- Clan Founder transfer
- Looking for a clan in Ignis...
- Regnum Clan Registry?
- NGD has taken over your fort?
- War Skills (All classes)
- Q:about stats
- Things people hate....
- Uptime endurance
- What would you like to see done next?
- The top 30 champeons
- FYI Drowners
- Mizo's Gradu
- Disney Clan Graduations
- That that I adore, and that that I loathe..
- Server stability, good news!
- What would you do?
- Things you love...
- Where are the quests after Raeria?
- Problem In Mizo's Graduation
- The Mafia
- Cowboy we need you
- Grass too long
- Doing what is asked of us... then yelled at by admins..
- List of names of people banned from forums
- Graduation of Krankoloss
- Expecting something
- Items that push concentration?
- Rumor of lvl 60 in the future?
- Attn. THG's
- Pets
- Important Statistic
- Graduation of Nessa Telrunya
- Missing NPC
- Question about this game..
- Together we Stand!
- Where did you hear about Regnum Online?
- [Program] Item bonus calculator
- When spears and glolves start being selled???
- hello guys i may return to syrtis
- In search of a clan
- Drowning
- All spell animation and instant casting after update?
- Current problems with the server
- How do you get promoted?
- Pages on Threads
- Gate NPC Missing From Great Wall
- I am leaving the game untill further notice.
- What new quests have been added in the last update ?
- Pet updates
- Pet Peeves
- Roleplaying
- Where to train?
- I'm leaving the game too.. after Refe :(
- Update additions for those who do not know
- ngd ranking
- Longbow skill: Obfuscation
- New Ignis water quest problem
- wats up with the server?
- Two Handed mastery skill: Wirlwind
- Pet speed
- making sure
- the new quests in Syrtis
- A thanks and kudos
- Ra(International)
- User already logged in
- A day without regnum
- Thank you alter campers
- Game quiting
- Questions about fine steel arrows
- RA Dead Again
- Attn: Flame of Valhalla clan members
- I hate when this happens!
- Omg Lag!!
- Teleporter NPC
- Easy way to lvl up a hunter
- Easy way to make money with hunter(ignis)
- Arena Kills Disappear
- On a positive note
- Current problems with the international server (RA)
- Is downtime worse than lag ?
- Can you explain it to me ?
- Extra Slot On Equip Area
- New Xymerin Item
- Expiremental down now????
- How good and populated is the game?
- can u use char made on test server on the international server
- whats wrong with the servers?
- Poll - "Ro Vs. Ro"
- Current Problems with All Servers
- Runescape lol
- 19th October: PvP Event
- lvling up skills
- my second lvl 50!!!!!!!!!!
- Am i the only one stuck on the launcher ?
- How do you call Ignis ?
- Dual Wield
- watch out
- the ranking
- necesitariamos....
- Leaving regnum for a while..
- Enough is Enough
- um i got a problem
- Can sanctuary prevent someone from drowning ?
- Is this LAME?
- Questions about RP
- Any Alsiuns got lvl 48 bow?
- stooge stop being a noob!!!!!!!!!
- Reason for poll (R.O. vs R.O.)
- Clan leaders please teach your boys some manners
- To many conjurers
- lets all poke malich because he is not huggable enough.
- 601 users online !
- The Realm of NGD #2
- Superdaveninja's Graduation :D
- trading my eymerald bow
- Buying all Barbarian armours with bonuses
- Stun??
- ON EXP SERVER (Hunter changes)
- Tips to Fort wars (IGNIS)
- Again alsius attack save
- a question about all this "save camping".
- Just a question about pets??
- Alsius hunter searching for bow
- pictures in the forum
- Quests about...
- Ngd Is Regnum Still Beta?
- Client error
- Do you use Son of Wind?
- What is up with drops!!
- What would you do...?
- Sick of getting killed by pets in group fights
- Players with accounts in more than 1 Realm
- Making Ignis better at war
- Dispell and Reveal Hidden
- Chicken Pet
- Where to find clans?
- Boss Items too weak?
- Come on..
- is there ever be events in the future?
- Hello all
- Graduation of Stooge! -.-
- Arrow prices
- Do you have more than 1 Regnum Account?
- Mumble?
- What Would Constitute a Good Fort War/Hunt?
- Performance of the game
- Lets put all of this to rest....
- Awesome changes on EXP SERVER!
- Clan Inquisition Has Moved
- Awesome New Menu!
- Where is Jabeline gone?