View Full Version : General discussion

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  1. Whats Next and Whats Next For Characters
  2. this game crashes too much!!
  3. Syrtis lv 7 monsters?
  4. How do I become a barbarian?
  5. where's Hidden Beach
  6. Can I change my discipline?
  7. Tankabon in Tankabon Domain?
  8. Iii"mmm Baaaacck
  9. NGD (please respond)
  10. a map of other areas?
  11. Notice to all
  12. NG please fix problems
  13. Inventory Quest Items "!"
  14. Can it be done?
  15. More than one account & Subclasses
  16. Account already logedin, help!?
  17. ur hit list
  18. Balanced Teams?
  19. Hello all im starting to rejoin
  20. official apoligise
  21. tear apart vs lightning
  22. Glitched into the arena
  23. Owned again... and again.
  24. DANGER: Account Stealers
  25. Warlock Tips?
  26. warlock new spell darkness
  27. read now! ! ! ! (ngd stop banning me cant u take the facts)
  28. Lame or Tactics?
  29. Warzone Lag?
  30. Lame or Tactics? (discussion)
  31. Dwarves sinking into the earth
  32. Grave Stones Change Colors
  33. Hunters, what do you think??
  34. I know this is sad news, but I must get the word out...
  35. Any new updates coming soon?
  36. premium trade
  37. Wow Hunter Skill Morph!!!
  38. Please Read And Say Something
  39. Problems/Issues/bugs with the new update (official post)
  40. i just wanna say..
  41. Hmm skeleton archers lost their bows?
  42. Alsius Quests - any new ones?
  43. the new update is brilliant.
  44. A big thanks to the German Guardians!
  45. is this a test or a future event?
  46. New archer characters without initial weapon
  47. Ressurection.
  48. 2 Kill Rule
  49. Can you trade stuff with other realms?
  50. Regnum Character Concepts and Balance
  51. lag problem
  52. howto login in gamingo?
  53. boda en eferias
  54. simpson video
  55. Missing My Items Since March 2007
  56. Some questions
  57. small question
  58. the map
  59. Hunter's pet bug - NGD please read
  60. Onslaught
  61. Question on rankings and how they work
  62. An Alsius incident - setting the record straight
  63. Quests and Game Characters
  64. Syrtis at Aquantis Beach.....
  65. It's offical, I'm go'in 2 Whore myself out
  66. Tired of the alsius rudness
  67. Have you seen this man?
  68. A mistake,
  69. realm
  70. Premiums for germany
  71. sorry El Canu
  72. News on Experimental?
  73. So now there are 2 servers?
  74. Hunters are now Impossible to kill
  75. I Love This Game
  76. Moving on
  77. Regnum ingame Events?
  78. Assassination Squad [Hunters Only]
  79. Quitting Regnum
  80. Where are the servers actually located...
  81. Exit...
  82. Guardians of POWER!! Woot!
  83. Kings,and Queens?
  84. Factions Rivalries
  85. Are all the mage spells posted anywhere?
  86. Balance Team!!
  87. Looking for a Clan...
  88. Launcher login screen?
  89. What was the last update changes ?
  90. Update!!!! Wow Nice 9-21-2007
  91. What I have found wrong in Ignis
  92. New administrator roles
  93. New mage gear?
  94. The lag
  95. The Game Dosent Work
  96. NGD, where are the ghosts?
  97. Archer gears?
  98. How many Linux users are in Ignis ?
  99. Topics related to all aspects of regnum online
  100. Clan Founder transfer
  101. Looking for a clan in Ignis...
  102. Regnum Clan Registry?
  103. NGD has taken over your fort?
  104. War Skills (All classes)
  105. Q:about stats
  106. Things people hate....
  107. Uptime endurance
  108. What would you like to see done next?
  109. The top 30 champeons
  110. FYI Drowners
  111. Mizo's Gradu
  112. Disney Clan Graduations
  113. That that I adore, and that that I loathe..
  114. Server stability, good news!
  115. What would you do?
  116. Things you love...
  117. Where are the quests after Raeria?
  118. Problem In Mizo's Graduation
  119. The Mafia
  120. Cowboy we need you
  121. Grass too long
  122. Doing what is asked of us... then yelled at by admins..
  123. List of names of people banned from forums
  124. Graduation of Krankoloss
  125. Expecting something
  126. Items that push concentration?
  127. Rumor of lvl 60 in the future?
  128. Attn. THG's
  129. Pets
  130. Important Statistic
  131. Graduation of Nessa Telrunya
  132. Missing NPC
  133. Question about this game..
  134. Together we Stand!
  135. Where did you hear about Regnum Online?
  136. [Program] Item bonus calculator
  137. When spears and glolves start being selled???
  138. hello guys i may return to syrtis
  139. In search of a clan
  140. Drowning
  141. All spell animation and instant casting after update?
  142. Current problems with the server
  143. How do you get promoted?
  144. Pages on Threads
  145. Gate NPC Missing From Great Wall
  146. I am leaving the game untill further notice.
  147. What new quests have been added in the last update ?
  148. Pet updates
  149. Pet Peeves
  150. Roleplaying
  151. Where to train?
  152. I'm leaving the game too.. after Refe :(
  153. Update additions for those who do not know
  154. ngd ranking
  155. Longbow skill: Obfuscation
  156. New Ignis water quest problem
  157. wats up with the server?
  158. Two Handed mastery skill: Wirlwind
  159. Pet speed
  160. making sure
  161. the new quests in Syrtis
  162. A thanks and kudos
  163. Ra(International)
  164. User already logged in
  165. A day without regnum
  166. Thank you alter campers
  167. Game quiting
  168. Questions about fine steel arrows
  169. RA Dead Again
  170. Attn: Flame of Valhalla clan members
  171. I hate when this happens!
  172. Omg Lag!!
  173. Teleporter NPC
  174. Easy way to lvl up a hunter
  175. Easy way to make money with hunter(ignis)
  176. Arena Kills Disappear
  177. On a positive note
  178. Current problems with the international server (RA)
  179. Is downtime worse than lag ?
  180. Can you explain it to me ?
  181. Extra Slot On Equip Area
  182. New Xymerin Item
  183. Expiremental down now????
  184. How good and populated is the game?
  185. can u use char made on test server on the international server
  186. whats wrong with the servers?
  187. Poll - "Ro Vs. Ro"
  188. Current Problems with All Servers
  189. Runescape lol
  190. 19th October: PvP Event
  191. lvling up skills
  192. my second lvl 50!!!!!!!!!!
  193. Am i the only one stuck on the launcher ?
  194. How do you call Ignis ?
  195. Dual Wield
  196. watch out
  197. the ranking
  198. necesitariamos....
  199. Leaving regnum for a while..
  200. Enough is Enough
  201. um i got a problem
  202. Can sanctuary prevent someone from drowning ?
  203. Is this LAME?
  204. Questions about RP
  205. Any Alsiuns got lvl 48 bow?
  206. stooge stop being a noob!!!!!!!!!
  207. Reason for poll (R.O. vs R.O.)
  208. Clan leaders please teach your boys some manners
  209. To many conjurers
  210. lets all poke malich because he is not huggable enough.
  211. 601 users online !
  212. The Realm of NGD #2
  213. Superdaveninja's Graduation :D
  214. trading my eymerald bow
  215. Buying all Barbarian armours with bonuses
  216. Stun??
  217. ON EXP SERVER (Hunter changes)
  218. Tips to Fort wars (IGNIS)
  219. Again alsius attack save
  220. a question about all this "save camping".
  221. Just a question about pets??
  222. Alsius hunter searching for bow
  223. pictures in the forum
  224. Quests about...
  225. Ngd Is Regnum Still Beta?
  226. Client error
  227. Do you use Son of Wind?
  228. What is up with drops!!
  229. What would you do...?
  230. Sick of getting killed by pets in group fights
  231. Players with accounts in more than 1 Realm
  232. Making Ignis better at war
  233. Dispell and Reveal Hidden
  234. Chicken Pet
  235. Where to find clans?
  236. Boss Items too weak?
  237. Come on..
  238. is there ever be events in the future?
  239. Hello all
  240. Graduation of Stooge! -.-
  241. Arrow prices
  242. Do you have more than 1 Regnum Account?
  243. Mumble?
  244. What Would Constitute a Good Fort War/Hunt?
  245. Performance of the game
  246. Lets put all of this to rest....
  247. Awesome changes on EXP SERVER!
  248. Clan Inquisition Has Moved
  249. Awesome New Menu!
  250. Where is Jabeline gone?