View Full Version : General discussion

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  1. Regarding Marksmen and SotW.
  2. Connection to Autopatch Server failing, please help!
  3. Lag has ruined Regnum.
  4. Please NGD! Gameplay has deteriorated over the last 3-4 months.
  5. Yet another rant on fatigue.
  6. How to get rich.
  7. Removing fatigue.
  8. Interview at RPG VAULT.
  9. For those of you without lag...
  10. Lost/stolen accounts.
  11. Capping gold to 30 million.
  12. A poll for Marksmen.
  13. The new ultra gay wall.
  14. Enchantments tree.
  15. NGD, is the clan rank page broken?
  16. Share Divine Intervention.
  17. SoTW, Knight style.
  18. Retaliation.
  19. SoTW vs Mindsquash = Epic fail
  20. Minus constitution spells.
  21. NGD's in-game announcements.
  22. Is drop issue addressed in next update?
  23. Arrow question for the masses
  24. Seriously... where are the 'international' people?
  25. The Update
  26. Regnum Online economy enhancement project
  27. Leveling impossible after update
  28. Community Manager official presentation
  29. Camouflage
  30. New Windwall animation
  31. Advice to those starting a new clan
  32. Could NGD please clarify...
  33. What's up with some of these quests?
  34. Can we get announcements?
  35. Road to invasions #1: Decisions about the Realm Chat
  36. When do you go to the WZ?
  37. More PwP in PvP
  38. Piggyback for conjurers and some questions about instant spells
  39. Road to invasions #2: Fighting against "camping"
  40. For the devlopers
  41. New English speaking international server!
  42. Knight issue
  43. My character is feeling exhausted!
  44. Slow backward running?
  45. Marksman vs Hunters
  46. Some items can not be sold in the new server
  47. Lack of Realm Chat
  48. A question for NGD
  49. Is Realm Chat removal reducing lag?
  50. A message for the whole Community
  51. Running in reverse petition
  52. Evasion/Block/Resists (again)
  53. About Movement Speed
  54. Sexist Reloaded
  55. I'm back!
  56. It has become clear to me
  57. English player consolidation on RA
  58. More information about kiting
  59. For those who need help levelling
  60. NGD: Fool me once...
  61. Account migration poll
  62. Wow, thanks...
  63. Russian, please add a category to the forum
  64. Revised: Account migration poll
  65. I tried Horus today...
  66. [Gameplay] Evade & Block abilty in PvM & PvP
  67. How do you feel about the new English server, Horus?
  68. How many people are operating Regnum Online?
  69. Please revert the economy system to where it was before
  70. Hunters and Camouflage changes?
  71. A question to ngd about abuse in game
  72. NGD, how about this?
  73. Community issue
  74. Getting "rich" in Ignis
  75. Русские объединяйтесь
  76. Quest problem
  77. Hunter's Head of the Pack, does it work?
  78. What did you do with all the Condemned Igneos?
  79. Escaping a fight using Stalker Suroundings
  80. Logging off and on "en-masse" at Trelleborg
  81. Area spells: They are a killer
  82. Dragon respawn time
  83. Dragon loot and realm imbalance
  84. Dump account
  85. So what is Evendim for?
  86. Regnum Online Wiki at Wikia
  87. Road to invasions #3: Realm Balance
  88. Death comes too fast
  89. Solving Tiscali ISP problem (for UK gamers)
  90. Hunter: Ninja vs Pet user, which is better?
  91. One site equal 10,000 players
  92. Regnum4Mac (Donations at Regnum-Online.de)
  93. Forum posters: A plea for reason
  94. Evasion issue
  95. Economy gripe
  96. Please start trading on Horus
  97. Disable South Cross
  98. Auras and the Dragons
  99. Ra is not only Spanish
  100. How often is Evendim being killed on Ra?
  101. Road to invasions #4: Character movability and Fort capturing
  102. /users: Why removed?
  103. Where has team-play gone?
  104. Thanks for the change to RP rewards
  105. New RP system
  106. Second Hotfix scheduled (0.9.37)
  107. Thank you for these last few updates NGD
  108. Balance
  109. Hunters in Regnum
  110. No realm difference for rings and amulets?
  111. About the way of thinking Regnum
  112. How retaliation works
  113. Transferring RA account to HORUS?
  114. NGD why is Amun down?
  115. Premium ads window to be removed
  116. Realm imbalance and player trends
  117. [Horus] Alsius uberclan
  118. Changes need to be made in Regnum
  119. R.I.P. Warlocks
  120. Realm PvP (Please read)
  121. Dear Regnum
  122. MMORPG.com Reader's Choice Awards
  123. Multimedia Spam Project to Help Horus
  124. Please, help
  125. Regnum Online Invasions Peek at RPG Vault/IGN
  126. My first day in invasions
  127. I need a staff member to delete this account
  128. R.I.P Archer
  129. Response to the Update
  130. Will Regnum ever upgrade graphics?
  131. Regnum Blog or News Feed?
  132. Archers have gone quiet
  133. Tactics please
  134. Warriors have risen?
  135. Make a search bar?
  136. Christmas Event > LAG ?
  137. Known bugs which should be fixed
  138. What are the differences between Marksmen and Hunters?
  139. A couple suggestions for Horus and the Invasion System
  140. horus- boss run
  141. Christmas Hat!!!
  142. Kill The Guards!
  143. [Ra] Ignis is now the less populated
  144. Level 50 weapons?
  145. Where are the MAPS ???
  146. Someone from NGD, help
  147. Trade market
  148. Recovery rate
  149. Alsius is extremely weak!
  150. Yes, another thread about Alsius' weakness
  151. Death Sentence: what?
  152. Jr. War Zone!
  153. Magnanite weapon: Bows
  154. Why do forts always seem to be in the original owners?
  155. Two Camps
  156. Statistics on Lucky Boxes
  157. Lucky Boxes: Happy or disappointed?
  158. "Foul play"
  159. Regnum more fun after Invasions?
  160. Someone reads this?
  161. Review from a new player
  162. It's not a Conjurer's job to keep you alive
  163. Fatigue is removed + Goat hats! (Not a joke - new changelog)
  164. Linux
  165. Mage resistance rates
  166. Alsius: better tactics in the Trelle/Algaros battles
  167. /reset_powers
  168. When are you going to adjust the bonuses to make it fair again?
  169. Request for assistance from The Cartographer...
  170. Alsius on the rise?
  171. Greetings
  172. To the NGD graphics team
  173. Question about a suggestion...
  174. 3rd parts
  175. Version 1.0.3 - Problems and Compliments
  176. Development Roadmap for the first stage of the year (from January to June, 2009)
  177. Benkku, Valkin and Preliator
  178. Regnum Online review
  179. List of completed Quests
  180. Heroic Presence doesn't affect the caster anymore?
  181. When will be the progress curve decreased?
  182. Posting a changelog
  183. Mumble: Positional Audio
  184. Knight a little imbalanced?
  185. Click! Click!
  186. NGD, about the Balance Forum.
  187. question about the realm gems
  188. For a newcomer
  189. magna weap
  190. Regnum,To Play Or Not To Play, THAT Is The Question!
  191. Play or not to play, that is the question!
  192. game crash
  193. Repair Costs?
  194. Few questions, mainly about conjuror, from a Ragnarok Online player
  195. Albalar (Muspell) goes 50 ^^
  196. Problems with the movement code (lag)
  197. Alsius and stuff!
  198. amun problem (srry for trade in spanish)
  199. fact or fiction?
  200. the update?
  201. The first 5 attribute points
  202. This is just ridiculous
  203. Regaining mana
  204. Unwanted players
  205. Magnanite - A major exploit ?
  206. Fast, medium or slow?
  207. Any way to add an option to update system?
  208. Update and MOB Behavior
  209. To the elves of Horus
  210. Question for the wiki. Confuse and Darkness
  211. Some questions from an old new guy (if that makes sense)
  212. Sunrise in Regnum Online.
  213. Do you dance on a corpse?
  214. Secret Alsius Forum [HORUS]
  215. english/multilingual speakers still on RA?
  216. Changelog (1.0.5)
  217. Defense vs Offense in Regnum Online.
  218. Characters selection - Setting the place on fire :)
  219. What is Thundermace?
  220. I'm baaaaaaaaaack...
  221. Kill Stealing
  222. To the warlocks in other Realms
  223. I'm back!
  224. Bug de las magnamitas o bugueros?
  225. New Website - Wordings for Ignis in the new website
  226. The New Update
  227. The New Update - NOT DOWNLOADING ISSUES
  228. Downloading/logging in/playing issues
  229. Last update status, official announcement.
  230. New up-to-date game installer
  231. Marriage anytime?
  232. The Current State of Hunters
  233. RO freezing completely in game
  234. a possible suggestion, tell me what you think.
  235. Healer RP/XP rewards
  236. problem horus
  237. Any News on Pet Update?
  238. Current Fort war dynamics, or the lack thereof
  239. Changelog: Version 1.0.5 Hotfix
  240. Archer's bow on website
  241. Play on a Mac?
  242. epic shields
  243. Water rune...
  244. -2 bonuses for mages: is it fair?
  245. Archers' Appearance!!!!!!!!
  246. This hacking needs to stop!!!
  247. Events?
  248. Green +xxx? what is that?
  249. Is this right? getting a lvl 20 bow from a lvl 11 quest?
  250. Where is Evendim?