Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock
Then... Give it to them? Hunters are uber enough, and Marks aren't so bad. Unlike Knights.
Spoken truely like someone who does not play a Knight.
Shield bash is extremely hard to use (bugged?) as it takes forever to start casting - far longer than any other; not including its cast time.
Just making spells up now are we?
And no, that "combo" it not deadly. This is a knight we're talking about.
You have successfully derailed my topic by adding knight factor that did not exist.. This poll was not intended for knights so your points are not valid here. I have always advocated to improve knights since the dawn of Night Twix, and will continue to hope that knights are improved in the future. But please, consider the question at hand and not a thought that cannot be answered by this poll.
All the knight skills should be instant cast that are within weapon range. Backslam = backbreaker to me its all the same...
I had a change of heart... if hunters had a true dizzy skill they would be unstoppable.... no attack skills or run away skills....
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