Originally Posted by Valorius
There are no levels in PS geniuses. BTW- As far as i know, i never knew 'octopus' in PS. I doubt he ever played. Order of Daggers were DEFINITELY the badguys in PS though. It was a RPG, and we were merely acting our parts. We were hated because we crushed everyone who ever opposed us.
Not everyone wants to be a wooly white good guy afterall.
octopus did pay ps, I know his chars and who he was.
And that's not what I've heard from all the guys who played ps, if you couldn't get things in character you went out of character and started insulting, but of course you have to cover up on your own skin?
But no, PS doesn't have character levels but skill levels, you chose to level up what you want, may it be sword or dagger skills, but if you read octopus' reply again he said "what would be level 3 and 50 in regnum" to give an understanding to ps players and not nescesarily appointing any levels to the characters. However ps had become worse for what I foresaw that it would become a bunch of crap. Even with a lot of bugs which kills you they still implemented a system which would make you lose half your stats if you died >_>.
@Hell_bound: do you write art?