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  1. Happy Birthday brother Pendalf
  2. Birthday Girl
  3. Another Horus Story xD Apoc Style
  4. thanks about today fights
  5. You know you're addicted to Regnum when:
  6. To Upgrade or Not To Upgrade that is the question.....
  7. New addition to the world!
  8. Pics!
  9. Happy Birthday Torin Ironfist :D
  10. The Sweetness IRL (hear me clap!)
  11. Happy birth day smrda!
  12. Double rainbow all the way in Piz's town!
  13. Out clever the cleverbot
  14. [Alsius] selling hunter gear
  15. My dog passed away :(
  16. i am bored!
  17. Tribalwars
  18. Community Montage #1
  19. My Online Graphic Novel ^^
  20. Technical question about LFG comic
  21. Italian clan 2nd anniversary!
  22. Creative advertise interactive
  23. I love you guys
  24. Retrospective Trailer
  25. Congratulations to NGD for more interaction!
  26. I Love Van
  27. what the ...
  28. Which spoils of war to choose?
  29. Happy birthday Silent
  30. A few I love (Nickelback)
  31. [Horus ignis] WTB 45-50conju tunic 90+hp or 7 const
  32. Vendetta!
  33. Tv show memories
  34. Ok this is wierd
  35. Random regnum jokes :)
  36. Random Stories :D
  37. What books are you reading?
  38. Bing vs Google
  39. What kinda flame warrior are you?
  40. Retrospective Dualtage
  41. The last day!
  42. Stuck In Ubuntu Hell...
  43. The Ultimate Birthday!!!
  44. New Update: Dream Team
  45. dead man can talk! :D
  46. Why distro choice matters when it comes to game performance
  47. The robot giraffes
  48. Happy birthday Heru !
  49. Still Around...
  50. I am moving!!!
  51. 23/09/2010
  52. Questions about the current state of Regnum
  53. Anyone else did the same?
  54. Trolls are now even more OP since 1.6.3.
  55. Done with RO for now
  56. Updates, are they worth it?
  57. Last Person To Post here wins!!
  58. Last Person To Post here wins!
  59. Whats the worst horror movie you can find?
  60. Bug/Balance issue: X, Solution: Y, NGD implements: Z
  61. Costume for Lucca Comics&games 2010
  62. For the gelfs & the goats
  63. Support conju and XP
  64. Trading Magna Staff for Ingot or Magna Bow (Ignis Horus)
  65. Trading/Selling (Horus/Alsius)
  66. A Little story that floored me.
  67. Goodbye for now
  68. My [ Horus / Ignis ] items for sale
  69. All but gone.
  70. Need some help with a paper
  71. Trading 7%cs gem for 15dmg gem (Horus/Ignis)
  72. Leaving
  73. Ethereal Mantle animation
  74. happy bday kianoni!!!
  75. Happy Bday Dutch!
  76. selling/trading-alsius-horus
  77. Forums avatars
  78. happy bday rulez!!!
  79. Post-Apocalypse now!
  80. buying/alsius/horus
  81. Goat Hunting/Farming near Pozo
  82. You in SP
  83. im starting to give up with ignis
  84. Trading Magnanite Staff for ingots (Ignis/Horus)
  85. Now that's something new.
  86. Trollface The Game.
  87. Rofl
  88. The Regnum Sagas
  89. RO class differences
  90. Bad Customer Service
  91. The application
  92. Supermarket Heros
  93. Long lost Clan members/players...where are they?
  94. no halloween event?
  95. El dia de los muertos
  96. See ya for now.
  97. Marks Vid.
  98. good bye
  99. Something i noticed.
  100. Nice job Ignis 25 vs 60 syrtis
  101. Thanks for ban DKSven
  102. Best RickRoll I've ever seen
  103. The Sweetness abroad!
  104. Your thoughts when you get knocked?
  105. Latly Dky...
  106. Target cannot be attacked now
  107. I hate my OS moments (Operating System)
  108. Time to say Goodbye. A last hooray for the German Guardians
  109. Remember, remember ...
  110. Lets Discuss Bans, and Customer Service
  111. odd coincidences between TV series/films and real life events
  112. iPhone vs Android vs Blacberry
  113. Osaskoh's animation "Abisal sword"
  114. What You Want for Christmas from NGD
  115. Children?
  116. du hacker
  117. adding a new realm to the game ????
  118. Becoming a GM
  119. Why so many leaving treads?
  120. World Politics in 30 Seconds or so!
  121. America you need to hear this...Blast from the past.
  122. Congrats to you Ignis!
  123. Xim currency conversion
  124. Help with a 3D monitor.
  125. birthdays
  126. Trading Gem (Horus, Alsius)
  127. Ideas for a website...
  128. i think....
  129. why
  130. Another lost Soul
  131. Theres wayy to much hate towards NGD
  132. This made me giggle about trying to Balance MMOs
  133. Reason not to cheat at University.Wow
  134. Still Hope for USA.
  135. Its been awhile.
  136. It was nice playing with all of you
  137. move max to 58
  138. J-Pop Star (and 3-D Hologram) Hatsune Miku Sells Out Stadiums
  139. had enough
  140. This is going way to far.
  141. I'm taking a break till next update
  142. Me too!
  143. I have the leave Regnum for a while
  144. Another one
  145. Not quitting
  147. Its not me playing!
  148. Who Wins In PvP
  149. Happy Birthday / ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Twinkle
  150. Going to the store
  151. Gamer Pics
  152. Regnum blog?
  153. ]Panoramix[ better?
  154. IMPORTANT: MMO Site Readers Choice Voting
  155. To My fellow Americans
  156. Thinking of opening my clan
  157. I can help with....FOR FREE.
  158. Regnum Vids
  159. Tim Burton's Cadavre Exquis technique
  160. Double alsius grad
  161. RO Marketsites - join now
  162. A small army!
  163. The "awesome fantasy rpg" thread
  164. How's winter?
  165. I need your help :)
  166. Hottest female race
  167. Do You Enjoy Playing?
  168. well it is that time of year
  169. If Only We Could Complain and Finger Point More...
  170. The Regnum community is desperate for something new!
  171. If you could change three things...
  172. Cloud based mobile Gaming
  173. Happy Birthday Dark Barbarian :D
  174. Office 2010 Trailer
  175. O M G. A BBC Presenter really screws up
  176. New mounts
  177. 4 years playing regnum
  178. A little bit of harmony
  179. What alignment are you?
  180. NGD be honest....
  181. The Sweetness returns (soon)
  182. Item Trading Post
  183. Here is something to ponder.
  184. Greatest player in Ignis.
  185. Watch this film, guys.
  186. Fringe News
  187. Happy Bday Panoramix!!!!111
  188. DB's Daily RO Blog
  189. Time I will never get back.
  190. Who's the best ever then?
  191. I just noticed this.
  192. Post your Epic weapon stats!!!!
  193. Colloquial fun
  194. How come NGD people.....
  195. New ngd interview (in spanish) and... what the hell?
  196. Just for fun...
  197. Busy Busy Busy
  198. Got my laptop working
  199. Open source and theology
  200. Im looking for someone... help
  201. Beware of the dog
  202. What do you think best RvR is?
  203. Hi everyone !
  204. Selling mag hammer
  205. Happy Birthday Triss!
  206. Which music player do you use?
  207. Christmas wish list 2010
  208. Omg, the world is gonna end
  209. Does the NGD-staff play Regnum?
  210. Later fkrs, cya around maybe..
  211. Merry xmas RO!
  212. Whats all this about christmas?
  213. Looking 4: Magic/Epic Barb Slashing Weap. (Med/Slow), lvl 47+::Items Offered Inside::
  214. Happy birthday Bloodraven!
  215. Happy Birthday Znurre
  216. Happy Birthday Mattdoesrock!
  217. Who reads Multiplex (webcomic)?
  218. Never seen someone being that scared of a video game xD
  219. Selling Items: Ra / Syrtis
  220. Happy New Year!
  221. I am leaving this game.
  222. News just in
  223. Feliz Año Nuevo Ngd
  224. Syrtis and Alsius = Best Friends Forever?
  225. Hey all
  226. Regnum plushies?
  227. In response to: Syrtis and Alsius best friends forever.
  228. Epic Mario Kart Love Song
  229. Response to: In response to Syrtis and Alsius best friends forever
  230. Looking for players
  231. One of those WTF threads
  232. Gone for a few months
  233. animals dying
  234. Inkster, Lucinda, Lubaya
  235. Happy B-Day Aasiora :)
  236. Alot of you are wondering what is happening with the mass animal deaths...
  237. Happy Birthday Abundy!!!
  238. Loving memory of Lisa
  239. pedobear invades poland
  240. UM Failure's
  241. Flood (Australia & Germany)
  242. Today i saw new monsters!!!!
  243. english
  244. The emotion of leading an invasion once again
  245. Beat this hunter setup.
  246. Comet coming!
  247. Don't commit suicide! Get help!
  248. My first Zbrush work :D
  249. Regnum LAN Europe
  250. Quiting