- attack speed for weapons
- What does Regnum mean in Enlgish?
- Are Magna weapons worth the hassle?
- What to do to get XP/drops from bosses?
- Boss monsters
- Rocks
- English clans
- Does Mass Dispel cancel Camo?
- Help me please
- getting in the game.....
- Quick question reguarding dual wield
- New Hardware requirement?
- Ximerin On Amun
- Screen recorders
- A Question About SotW (Not a Rant, An Honest Question)
- dragon pass
- Mounts make you immune to normal NPC attacks?
- Alsius Quests...
- Why is there no paint for sheilds?
- i just have to ask this
- Premium mounts questions
- Knight/Conju Auras - what the best mix?
- Will it be Fixed?
- Platinum box strategies
- Armour Bonuses
- Escapist question
- Stats on Weapon Speed?
- Trade Characters?
- What is the best PvE Race/Class on Alsius?
- clan - changin owner
- Cast speed and how it relates to weapon speed?
- Camo Question
- Ignian Barbarian
- Confused about mage armor
- Where are team clothings ?
- New person, old questions.
- Knights (warriors), a few questions.
- about forceful dismount
- Question ;)
- Please Recommend a Realm and Class (Horus).
- Quest issue
- Alsius and war??
- event reward
- Barbarian training (skills)
- Knight Grinding Spec?
- clan ranks
- world listk
- How much hit chance i need for not beeing evaded?
- Some Question
- before i download
- Range Helms?
- Mount Speed?
- another proplem i had!
- German clan on Horus/Syrtis?
- Can i see the haircuts?
- dual swords
- pet names
- Hi
- Concetration and Critical Hits
- Why are mounts different prices
- Alsius has now about 15% xp Bonus, is that right?
- lvl 100?
- How's the Knight?
- Taunt on Hunter's Pet
- How is this game? Gameplay/Item Shop
- Gold on Anum
- German Clan on RA/Alsius
- Point System Change?
- item fuseing
- Screenshots Turning black
- Transferes
- Multiple accounts
- Transferes lost items
- Discipline and power points after lvl 50?
- Magnanite weapon stats
- peeps
- Change my location
- help
- Help
- 2 new players- questions!
- New skill points system
- Glitching GC?
- Does the 3 aura limit still exist?
- Conjurer skill setup
- Trainer 1.6.2 and 1.6.3
- Warlocks and Cast Speed
- Defensive classes
- Stats
- How do these skills work and effect each other?
- Retaliation
- How do the weapon trails work?
- Are Goblin Mobs and pets ranged?
- Some Questions about reveal
- screenshots
- RO class differences
- Liquor going to rot?
- The Mill
- Hit Chance/Concentration?
- New INQ Regnum Tools released for a public use!
- How long for a link in the community
- Armour Bonus
- New player, potential conjurer build.
- class differences
- can moloks still have tattoos?
- cant log in
- How to install Regnum on Linux/Videos/Beginners
- Any maps of npc locations/cities?
- Xim Users
- Fireworks show?
- Christmas Quest ?
- Server switch?
- Add-ons?
- Couple of questions...again
- Low LVL Hunter spells
- Sudden strike
- Which Conjurer spells at Vesper/Eve?
- Barb build
- hi
- Ask NGD - Archive
- Personal score?
- Attack speed
- "Protection" vs. "Resist Damage" vs. "Armor"
- Item stats (research)
- Levias and Ades
- The Dark Legion Map: Opened for public
- Mob Damage Types
- Best server for an english new player?
- First 5 attributes for a warrior?
- Confused about abilities as a leveling warrior
- Does mind push works like a toten, effecting every enemy in 10m area?
- Premium item: Change Horns
- How long to level to 50?
- Barbarians in War
- Armor Stats calculation
- Attributes for Warlock?
- guide hunter
- Xim Bonuses???
- How do you grind a conjurer these days?
- Server's
- Petitions & Rules for NGD???
- How to contact NGD Studios
- Where to grind from lvl 50 to 60
- Will I be able to get to level 60 just by grinding mobs?
- What is your knight setup after update?
- Warmaster Quests: Requirements?
- Armor for lvl 51-59
- My Charachter
- Unkows syrtis hunters in ranking page
- New Player (with simple questions)
- question about arrow in mastergrinder update
- erm missing accounts?
- Update Trainer for Windows v2.0.2
- Armor Enhancements
- Major Updates
- Realm Balance and class question
- Will Someone Please Explain to Me How a Conj Gets XP in a Group
- Will I be able to keep my allies alive?
- we just dont understand
- I don't know how to get started into playing the game.
- alienware event points
- gear cs bonus seems to be working fine
- Trainer - consulting community
- Worth My Time
- lucky boxes?
- Block Chance
- Update Trainer v2.0.3 Warmaster
- boosters
- Frozen Lake
- im looking for a clan lvl 10 hunter im nordos
- Cant log on game
- alienware quests
- Item fusion.
- Can you add a socket to WM weapons?
- Submitting a Ticket?
- Daen Rha, Evendim and Thorkul
- Regnum File Repository
- Arrows 54+
- @Improvements of the support system
- What's Ximerin Limit?
- Will Domain!!
- Raven
- Alienwarearena.com codes from programmers point of view
- Ranking Horus: even more unknown characters with high RP score...
- ximerin
- Golden Dragon Question
- Gem lock out or forced move?
- Hunter - 102
- Conjurer vs Warlock or Hunter 1v1 in wz
- N/A Server?
- +20% xim bonus
- SMS payment
- sign up?
- Prepaid cards?
- Experience Bonus Scrolls or Scroll of Mastery?
- about Development
- Boxes with new level cap
- Knight grinding
- About tickets
- About tickets
- Regnum Features and Rules
- Winner WM pictures mini contest
- Unicorn?
- Faster deleting process?
- changing realms
- Regnum facebook bugged?
- Moloks Tattoos
- Will we ever be able to trade magnetites again?
- Camera view
- Razer Naga Molton
- Transfering from RA to Horus
- English Speaking Clan in Ra
- power points
- Drops system....
- Tests Area[AS,DMG,GEMS,] etc....
- Ways to make grind funier
- question about discipline points
- Question for Alsius - Horus!
- Gem Pedestals
- Little guide on how to grind your characters
- weapons damage type
- Barbarians and Strength
- Offensive V Defensive/Support
- I (do not) love being purple.
- Erm bug or feature?
- Karma
- Change your Country
- Blackberry sms payment :)
- Both mouse buttons pressed movement problem.
- Attack speed hack?
- Fall Damage Details
- Forums for a clan
- I want to know why REALMS ONLINE Exists
- ximerin buy problem
- Computers!!!!
- Shield bonusses
- lvl 60 mobs
- A program to make my video better
- SOTW question
- NGD's Shop
- How long is the first In-Game ban?
- Good 'current' video recommendations per class - but warriors at level 40.
- The rules of RO?
- Question about Quest Kills
- Started fighting in the wz - Any tips/strategies for hunter?
- NGD has changed Thirst for blood?
- Warmasters is nearly one year old now!
- I noticed Surak closed a thread - because I didn't post in Mac thread..
- Weapon Range
- Barbs : Questions regarding Armor/Grinding/Spells etc.